Еще Раз о Шерлоке Холмсе

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Sherlock Holmes
(Sergei Yursky)
Dr. Watson
(Mikhail Danilov)

Еще Раз о Шерлоке Холмсе (Once again about Sherlock Holmes) is a Soviet TV movie directed by David Karasik, performed on 19 june 1974, starring Sergei Yursky as Sherlock Holmes and Mikhail Danilov as Dr. Watson.

According to various TV programs, this TV play is either an adaptation from Conan Doyle's novel The Valley of Fear [1] or his short story The Adventure of the Final Problem [2].

Holmes and Watson danced and sang the following song (translated from Russian) :

The clock struck on Big Ben
Twelve times, twelve times
Now it's time for a crime
Deaf darkness midnight hour
But all is quiet in London
Thank you, Mr. Holmes!
Criminals from the den
Be careful not to stick your nose!


  • Sherlock Holmes : Sergei Yursky (Сергей Юрский)
  • Dr. John H. Watson : Mikhail Danilov (Михаил Данилов)
  • Moriarty : someone famous (?)
  • Other actors : Gennady Bogachev (Геннадий Богачев), Sergey Boyarsky (Сергей Боярский), Lyudmila Zhukova (Людмила Жукова), Tatiana Samarina (атьяна Самарина), Maya Tupikova (Майя Тупикова), Anatoly Garichev (Анатолий Гаричев), Nelly Babicheva (Нелли Бабичева), Victor Grozovsky (Виктор Грозовский), Mikhail Devyatkin (Михаил Девяткин), Valery Kuzin (Валерий Кузин), Nikolay Karamyshev (Николай Карамышев), Ernst Romanov (Эрнст Романов), ...

  • Director : David Karasik (Давид Карасик)
  • Playwright : Ilya Olshvanger (Илья Ольшвангер)
  • Music : Stanislav Pozhlakov (Станислав Пожлаков)
  • Song lyrics : Kim Ryzhov (Ким Рыжов)
  • Artists : N. Subbotin (Н. Субботин), V. Tereshin (В. Терешин)
  • Lead operator : V. Bocharov (В. Бочаров)
  • Editor : L. Kononov (Л. Кононова)


  1. Leningrad TV program
  2. Moscow TV program

  • Acknowledgment: Alexander Orlov.