Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (The War Illustrated 28 july 1917)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is an article published in The War Illustrated on 28 july 1917.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The War Illustrated
(28 july 1917, p. 518)

I do not suppose there is any eminent English man of letters who may be compared with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as an expositor and historian of modern military affairs. Apart entirely, and curiously distinct from his world-wide reputation in the realm of creative fiction, Sir Arthur has won universal recognition for the soundness of his judgment and the wisdom of his opinions in military matters. His work both as critic and historian in the Boer War so established popular confidence in his views that none of his contemporaries who have played eminent parts with the pen in the present great conflict have outrivalled him in popular acceptance. The ingenious creator of Sherlock Holmes is in his personality, the very embodiment of the British qualities of sobriety, endurance, and determination, and all these are reflected in the most interesting article which I shall publish next week; and to which I can confidently recommend my readers to look forward with interest.