Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Greets the Readers of Light

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Greets the Readers of "Light" is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in Light on 9 april 1921.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Greets the Readers of Light

Light (9 april 1921, p. 232)

To all my friends and fellow-workers in the old country I send affectionate greetings, with a heart full of gratitude to the Power which has sustained me and my little company in our mission to the Antipodes.

I shall tell the story of our travels, and of all that befell us, in another place. For the moment, I will only say that our long tour to deliver the Great Message to our kinsfolk overseas was full of delightful surprises and many rich rewards. Scores of thousands heard gladly all that I could say to them concerning Spiritual truth, and I am confident that the seed sown will show hereafter an abundant harvest. Everywhere I was conscious of the help and guidance of our fellow-workers in the Unseen. Sometimes it was impossible to resist the conclusion that a greater Plan had taken in our own little plans, for the obstacles foreseen melted away mysteriously when the time came; friends, until then unknown, came on the scene at critical junctures and smoothed the way. In short, the whole tour was a success beyond our extreme hopes. It was a strenuous as well as a prosperous pilgrimage, but the strength was always given.

After my three addresses at the Queen's Hall this month, I contemplate a good rest, in preparation, I hope, for further work when I am ready to undertake it.

And now a few words to my fellow-labourers in the good cause at home.

I am astonished and delighted to have such a fine record of things done in the last six months. You have indeed kept the flag flying. It was inspiring when we were far away, and had our own difficulties to contend with, to read the splendid news which every mail brought us.

Of the advance made by LIGHT I need not speak. It speaks for itself, and you all know and appreciate what has been done there. Viewing the situation generally, I see a tremendous advance, plainly visible on the surface but far greater below it. The signs are evident in innumerable directions. None the less we are even yet only at the beginning of things. There is more work to do, but my faith is that it will be done and done worthily, and that in the future we shall look back with joy and thankfulness to our own part in it. For the message we have to deliver — the message of the Spirit — is the only one that will serve the world to-day, and only by heeding it will humanity emerge safely from the terrible ordeals through which it is now passing. It is in want of that vision for lack of which the people perish. We who have that vision must needs tell it forth.

My fraternal regards to you all.

April 2nd, 1921.