The Edalji Case. Reply received from the Home Office

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Edalji Case. Reply received from the Home Office is an article published in the Daily Mail on 19 january 1907, including a part of an interview with Arthur Conan Doyle about the Edalji case.

The Edalji Case

Daily Mail (19 january 1907, p. 9)

Reply Received From The Home Office.

Department Not To Be Hurried.

The Home Office yesterday sent a reply to Mr. Yelverton in connection with the Edalji case, and in the course of the day Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mr. Edalji, and Mr. Yelverton met to consider it. Afterwards Mr. Yelverton issued the following statement:—

"A consultation was held yesterday afternoon at the chambers of Mr. Yelverton, at which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Yelverton and Mr. Edalji were present, and at which a letter which had been received by Mr. Yelverton in the course of the day from the Home Office and was of a favourable character was considered.

"Our case has been fully stated, and we have every reason to believe that it is receiving sympathetic consideration. We have no desire to hustle or force the hands of the Home Office, but, of course, we cannot allow Mr. Edalji's case to be indefinitely delayed, and therefore, after a reasonable but necessarily short time, we propose to appeal to the public and ask their assistance in organising public meetings and using such other means as may be requisite to fully ventilate the very serious national questions which are involved."

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle interviewed by a "Daily Mail" representative after the consultation, said, "We do not wish to hurry the Home Office. The reply which has been sent indicates that they are considering the matter, but they say they are not taking other people's statements. We shall give them till Tuesday or Wednesday, and if nothing happens then we shall appeal to the public for funds to carry on he matter."

Mr. Yelverton in explaining what was being done, said that he was in charge of legal side of the case and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in charge of "the analytical and critical side."