The Green Ray

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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The Green Ray is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Occult Review in october 1922.

The Green Ray

The Occult Review (october 1922, p. 243-244)

To the Editor of the Occult Review.

Dear Sir, — I have twice seen the Green Ray, once in the Mediterranean and once in the Atlantic. One needs a perfectly clear sunset without a trace of haze. Then just as the upper rim vanishes — or possibly a second later — there rises what is more like a puff of green smoke than anything else I can describe. I presume that it is an effect of refraction from the light shining through the curve of water, but I have never heard any scientific explanation.

As to the noise heard by the Irish ladies, I should guess that it was a meteorite flying low but slantwise to the earth's surface. That would, I think, produce the ever-increasing roar, and also enough atmospheric disturbance to bend the branches.

Yours faithfully,