The Hotel Fire at San Francisco

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Hotel Fire at San Francisco is an article published in The St. James's Gazette on 25 november 1898.

The manuscript was for the play Sherlock Holmes (1899).

The Hotel Fire at San Francisco

The St. James's Gazette (25 november 1898, p. 9)


Among the losses of valuables at the fire in the Baldwin Hotel Theatre at San Francisco (says the correspondent of the "Daily Mail") was Mr. William Gillette's dramatization of Dr. Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes," the five acts of which were complete. There is no duplicate. Mr. Frohman, the manager, last night sent by special train from New York new costumes and scenery for "The Secret Service," which will be used in Monday's production at another theatre. Mr. Frohman's loss by fire is probably one hundred thousand dollars in manuscripts, scenery, and costumes.