Tania Henzell

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
(Redirected from Tania Humphrey)
Tania (née Humphrey) Henzell
(© Photo: Tania Henzell)
Sherlock Holmes Tartan

Tania (née Humphrey) Henzell (born 27 april 1966) is the great-granddaughter of Geoffrey Bromet (the husband of Lena Annette Jean Conan Doyle, 5th child of Arthur Conan Doyle), so he is the step-great-great-granddaughter of Arthur Conan Doyle.

Tania Henzell is the designer and producer of the Sherlock Holmes Tartan.

Position from Arthur Conan Doyle (© Photos Bromet's branch: Tania Henzell).