Conan Doyle on stage

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

List of performed stage (plays or musicals) adaptations of Arthur Conan Doyle works. Most of these are about Sherlock Holmes or parodies. Click on titles to see more detailed informations (casts, photos, plot summaries...). The performer column lists the main character (Sherlock Holmes, Professor Challenger, Arthur Conan Doyle, etc).

For a complete list of plays written by Arthur Conan Doyle, click here (some have never been produced on stage).

Conan Doyle as an actor (1903)

Title ACD Performer Country
22.10.1903 Merely Mary Ann Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as Rev. Samuel Smedge UK

Conan Doyle as a character (1971-2024)

Title ACD Performer Country
21.09.2024 A Summons in the Night Scott Ramsay UK
25.10.2023 L'Heure des assassins
Time of Murderers
Ludovic Laroche FR
17.08.2022 The Real Sherlock Holmes Jeff Dingle CA
04.11.2020 Les Voyageurs du crime
The Travelers of Crime
Ludovic Laroche FR
16.08.2020 Conan Doyle's Edwardian Gothic Jonathan Goodwin UK
01.11.2019 Video available Sherlock Holmes in the Missing Script Luqman Shuaib MY
11.06.2019 Mysterious Circumstances Austin Durant USA
12.04.2019 Video available Ether: The Strange Afterlife of Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Owen Hayden USA
21.10.2017 A Houdini Seance John Johnson USA
02.02.2017 Le Cercle de Whitechapel Ludovic Laroche FR
12.08.2016 Arthur Conan Doyle, Man of Mystery Jim Witcomb UK
11.02.2016 Elementary, My Dear Fellow Tim O'Brien USA
20.01.2016 The Man Who Murdered Sherlock Holmes Michael Aaron Lindner USA
12.08.2015 The Game's Afoot: An Encounter with Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle David Stuart Davies UK
05.08.2015 Impossible Phill Jupitus UK
04.06.2015 Twilight of the Gods Peter Lange USA
??.02.2015 Spontaneous Sherlock Sam Irving, Will Naameh UK
20.06.2014 Flim Flam: Houdini and the Hereafter Peter Van Norden USA
27.02.2014 Nothing on Earth (Can Hold Houdini) Spencer Aste USA
26.10.2012 Twilight of the Gods Greg Krosnes USA
06.08.2010 Twilight of the Gods Joshua Martin USA
19.03.2010 Arthur & George Adrian Lukis UK
10.09.2009 Fake Francis Guinan USA
14.08.2006 The Curious Case of Conan Doyle Jim Witcomb UK
20.10.1998 Tainted Blood Mark Merkell USA
31.03.1995 Sherlock Holmes and the Lure of the Reichenbach Jack Wood UK
09.11.1991 An Evening with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Mark McPherson UK
18.06.1988 The Adventure of the Missing Biographer Michael Mitchell UK
06.04.1971 Conan Doyle Investigates Alan David UK

Non-Sherlock Holmes stories (1893-2022)

Title Performer Country
06.11.2024 Selecting a Ghost Edward Bennett as Silas D'Odds UK
21.07.2022 The Poison Belt Sara Lessore as Prof. Challenger UK
16.08.2020 Conan Doyle's Edwardian Gothic Jonathan Goodwin as Arthur Conan Doyle UK
18.07.2020 The Extraordinary Escapades of Professor Challenger Jonathan Goodwin as Prof. Challenger UK
02.01.2018 Затерянный Mир
The Lost World
Denis Ignatov as Prof. Challenger RU
07.07.2017 The Lost World Nick Taylor as Prof. Challenger UK
27.06.2015 Waterloo R. H. Thomson as Gregory Brewster CA
10.04.2015 The Lost World Jim Behr as Prof. Challenger USA
13.02.2015 The Lost World No Challenger USA
28.11.2014 Затерянный Mир
The Lost World
Andrei Bazhin as Prof. Challenger RU
30.10.2013 The Lost World Dominic Goodwin as Prof. Challenger UK
04.10.2013 The New Catacomb Chairman Barnes as Dr. Julius Burger USA
03.04.2009 The Lost World Unknown UK
07.02.2003 The Lost World Richard Dax as Prof. Challenger UK
15.11.2000 The Lost World Patrick Selden as Prof. Challenger UK
06.08.1998 Waterloo Tony Van Bridge as Gregory Brewster CA
12.07.1998 The Lost World Armin Shimerman as Prof. Challenger USA
06.04.1965 Rodney Stone Peter King UK
27.03.1934 A Pot of Caviare Unknown UK
27.06.1933 A Straggler of Fifteen Graham Roberts as Gregory Brewster UK
08.01.1930 A Pot of Caviare Unknown UK
14.02.1931 Confessions (A Duet) Philip Mitchell & Mollie Mathieson as the Crosses UK
ca. 03.1928 Confessions (A Duet) Recitation by Miss Sybil Ruskin Monaco
13.05.1925 A Duet Unknown UK
09.07.1917 Brigadier Gerard Officers UK
06.08.1915 Waterloo Leslie C. Gray as Gregory Brewster UK
03.05.1915 Waterloo Unknown UK
25.11.1914 A Story of Waterloo R. Glave Saunders as Gregory Brewster UK
1914 Dawn The end suggested by How It Happened USA
12.09.1913 A Pot of Caviare Percy H. Vernon as Prof. Mercer UK
31.05.1913 The Fires of Fate (Castle Square in Boston) Mr. Carleton as Col. Cyril Egerton USA
07.11.1912 La Maison de Temperley
The House of Temperley
Jean Angelo as Charles Temperley FR
1912 Роковой Ужин (Fatal Dinner)
A Pot of Caviare
Unknown RU
20.09.1910 A Pot of Caviare An actor from the Arthur Hardy's company UK
19.09.1910 A Question of Diplomacy F. Percival Stevens as Sir Charles UK
01.08.1910 The Fires of Fate Lewis Fielder as Col. Cyril Egerton UK
11.06.1910 The Fires of Fate ? South Africa
19.04.1910 A Pot of Caviare Murray Carson as Prof. Mercer UK
31.01.1910 The Fires of Fate Stephen T. Ewart as Col. Cyril Egerton UK
1910 The Lift never performed UK
28.12.1909 The House of Temperley Ben Webster as Charles Temperley UK
06.12.1909 The Fires of Fate Hamilton Revelle as Col. Cyril Egerton USA
13.10.1909 The Fires of Fate Morris Harvey as Col. Cyril Egerton UK
15.06.1909 The Fires of Fate Lewis Waller, Ben Webster as Col. Cyril Egerton UK
13.11.1908 A Pot of Caviare A. G. Somers as Prof. Mercer UK
28.09.1907 Brigadier Gerard Edmund Waller as Brigadier Gerard UK
01.10.1906 Brigadier Gerard Kyrle Bellew as Capt. Gerard USA
03.03.1906 Brigadier Gerard Lewis Waller as Brigadier Gerard UK
29.03.1905 A Duet Harry Richardson & Caroline Reid as the Crosses UK
20.03.1905 The Black Mask Henry C. Cooper, Albert Gayon as Henri Lenoir UK
09.11.1903 The Adventures of Gerard James O'Neill as Brigadier Gerard USA
27.10.1902 The Duet Edmund Maurice & Annie Hughes as the Crosses UK
31.07.1899 The Black Mask Frank Marriott Watson as Henri Lenoir UK
10.04.1899 Halves James Welch as Dr. Dawson UK
21.09.1894 A Story of Waterloo Henry Irving as Gregory Brewster UK
03.06.1893 Foreign Policy Janet Achurch as Lady Clara UK
13.05.1893 Jane Annie; or, the Good Conduct Prize Dorothy Vane as Jane Annie UK

Sherlock Holmes stories (1893-2025)

Title S.H. Perfomer(s) Country
25.04.2025 Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Last Laugh Matt Orrillard UK
09.04.2025 Sherlock Holmes Christophe Anglade FR
15.03.2025 Sherlock Holmes et le signe des quatre
Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four
Pascal Erdinger FR
??.05.2025 憂国のモリアーティ
Moriarty the Patriot  
Ryō Hirano JP
10.04.2025 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act   Nigel Miles-Thomas UK
29.11.2024 A Sherlock Carol Ben Caplan UK
22.11.2024 A Sherlock Carol Christopher Ryan USA
20.11.2024 A Sherlock Carol   L. Peter Callender USA
07.11.2024 Sherlock Holmes, il Musical   Neri Marcorè IT
25.10.2024 Sherlock Holmes : Les Hommes qui dansent
Sherlock Holmes : The Dancing Men
Pascal Maillard FR
03.10.2024 Sherlock Holmes versus Dracula   Jonathan Goodwin UK
20.09.2024 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act   Nigel Miles-Thomas UK
28.08.2024 Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four   Edward Hawkins UK
25.07.2024 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Adam Crook UK
25.07.2024 Sherlock and Cinders   ? UK
29.06.2024 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Andy Fox-Hutchings UK
27.06.2024 Sherlock and Watson: A Murder in the Garden ? UK
22.06.2024 Sherlock's Excellent Adventure   ? UK
15.06.2024 Sherlock and the Case of the Horrible Thing   ? UK
08.05.2024 Le Signe des quatre
The Sign of the Four
Christophe Delort FR
26.04.2024 Sherlock Holmes & the Star of Arabia     ? USA
27.03.2024 Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear   Bobby Bradley UK
17.02.2024 Sherlock Holmes et la mystérieuse association des hommes roux
Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Association of the Red-Headed Men
Antoine Brin FR
20.11.2023 The Hound of the Baskervilles Charlie Tripp DE
19.10.2023 Qui veut la peau de Sherlock Holmes ?
Who want to kill Sherlock Holmes?
Titouan Bodin FR
13.09.2023 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Ryan Salter UK
01.09.2023 Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Lipstick, Ketchup and Blood   Ben Stock UK
24.08.2023 Sherlock Holmes : La Veuve damnée
Sherlock Holmes : The Cursed Widow  
Didier Disero CH
05.07.2023 Sherlock Holmes et l'affaire du Pont de Thor
Sherlock Holmes and the case of Thor Bridge
Bernard Menez FR
18.05.2023 Sherlock Holmes: The Curious Case of the Cow in the Spotlight ? UK
24.03.2023 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Kelly Pekar USA
21.03.2023 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act   Nigel Miles-Thomas UK
12.03.2023 La Chienne des Baskerville
The Doggess/Bitch of the Baskervilles
Henri Costa FR
08.03.2023 Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson - Apt. 2B Melinda Parrett USA
16.02.2023 Sherlock Holmes and The Thalassic Room (Gillette's version) Carys Hrebenar UK
20.01.2023 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Rosie Calkin USA
14.01.2023 Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson - Apt. 2B Ashley Song USA
24.11.2022 Élémentaire, mon cher !    
Elementary, My Dear!
? FR
18.11.2022 A Sherlock Carol Ben Caplan UK
09.11.2022 Sherlock Holmes : L'Aventure Musicale
Sherlock Holmes: The Musical Adventure
Bastien Monier FR
06.10.2022 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays   Chris Seymour UK
01.10.2022 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Brian Mackey USA
14.09.2022 Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear Luke Barton UK
15.07.2022 Sherlock and Cinders   ? UK
15.04.2022 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Ghost Machine Mark Colson USA
02.04.2022 Sherlock Holmes and the Sons of Anubis Rory C. Cook UK
11.03.2022 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery John Dawson CA
08.03.2022 Sherlock Holmes: The Speckled Band Bob Nicholson UK
01.03.2022 The Return of Sherlock Holmes   Nigel Miles-Thomas UK
15.01.2022 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles   ? USA
08.01.2022 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Evan Donnellan USA
06.12.2021 A Study on Sherlock   ? USA
03.12.2021 Sherlock Holmes et l'aventure du diamant bleu
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Blue Diamond
Christophe Delort FR
11.11.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
17.11.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
29.10.2021 Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle   ? USA
23.10.2021 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays Paul Pedersen USA
15.10.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
15.10.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
30.09.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
03.09.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
24.09.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
18.09.2021 Élémentaire, mon cher !
Elementary, my dear!
? FR
07.09.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? UK
11.09.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   ? USA
04.08.2021 Sherlock Holmes and the Raven's Curse Christopher Patrick Mullen USA
30.07.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Richard Ede UK
16.07.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
09.07.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? UK
08.07.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
08.07.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
02.07.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Tommy Foster USA
19.04.2021 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Maestro   ? USA
15.04.2021 Sherlock Holmes & the Star of Arabia ? USA
29.03.2021 The Mystery of the Valkyrie ? USA
12.03.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Mark Murphy USA
10.02.2021 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   ? USA
28.11.2020 Audio available Sherlock Holmes in The Black Dahlia Paul Zarraga MY
06.11.2020 Sherlock Holmes in Finding Sherlock ? MY
31.10.2020 Audio available Sherlock Holmes in The Umbrella Man Paul Zarraga MY
16.09.2020 Audio available Sherlock Holmes in Lincoln's Gun Paul Zarraga MY
29.07.2020 The Hound of the Baskervilles     Rosalind Lailey UK
25.07.2020 Audio available Sherlock Holmes in Wolves in Exile Paul Zarraga MY
01.07.2020 Sherlock Holmes     Edward Ferrow UK
17.04.2020 Sherlock Holmes and the Sinister Trio (cancelled)   USA
15.04.2020 Audio available Sherlock Holmes in Ripper Street Paul Zarraga MY
04.04.2020 Sherlock Holmes și Jack Spintecătorul
Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper
Șerban Gomoi RO
27.03.2020 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes   Joshua Bogoniewski USA
13.03.2020 Sherlock Holmes and Hark! How the Bells!   ? USA
12.03.2020 Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of the Four   Ben Abbott USA
07.03.2020 Der Hund von Baskerville
The Hound of the Baskervilles  
Christian Celler DE
06.03.2020 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily   Tim Wheeling USA
06.03.2020 Sherlock's Secret Life Tom Rosante UK
29.02.2020 Sherlock Holmes and the Death on Thor Bridge   Patrick Magee AU
31.01.2020 An Evening with Sherlock Holmes     Travis Daigle USA
22.01.2020 Sherlock Holmes: Le Chien des Baskerville
Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Louis Buisset FR
21.01.2020 셜록홈즈
Sherlock Holmes  
Jeon Seong-Jae KR
08.01.2020 Sherlock Holmes, au nom de la reine !
Sherlock Holmes, in the name of the Queen!
Guillaume Geoffroy FR
29.11.2019 Le Bal des Momies
Mummys' Ball
Philippe Drecq BE
23.11.2019 Sherlock Holmes, de l'ombre à la lumière     Christophe Gorlier FR
13.11.2019 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Brendan Purcell UK
02.11.2019 Sir Doyle's Disaster Spencer Loeffler USA
01.11.2019 Video available Sherlock Holmes in the Missing Script Bryan Tiang MY
30.10.2019 The Hound of the Baskervilles Jake Collyer UK
24.10.2019 Sherlock Holmes - Provisoirement décédé
Sherlock Holmes: Temporarily deceased
Alain Beaufort FR
24.10.2019 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Matthew Conlon USA
12.10.2019 Sherlock Holmes et le masque de Chiang Mai
Sherlock Holmes and the Chiang Mai's mask
Jean-Michel Frémont FR
11.10.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily   ? USA
09.10.2019 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Christof Gleie DK
19.09.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Fallen Soufflé Mark Colson USA
02.09.2019 The Hound of the Baskervilles Oliver Hayes UK
05.08.2019 A Sherlock Holmes Mystery: The Baker Street Irregulars and the Case of the Stolen Portrait   ? UK
01.08.2019 Watson: The Last Great Tale of the Legendary Sherlock Holmes Dean Madsen USA
25.07.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily   Chris Handley USA
16.07.2019 Sherlock et le chien des Baskerville  
Sherlock and the Hound of the Baskervilles
Arnaud Stephan FR
08.07.2019 Sherlock Holmes in A Scandal in Bohemia! Elizabeth Appleby UK
05.07.2019 Le Secret de Sherlock Holmes
The Secret of Sherlock Holmes
Xavier Bazin FR
04.07.2019 An Evening with Sherlock Holmes Mark Fitzpatrick AU
27.06.2019 The Hound of the Baskervilles Dan Domingues USA
27.06.2019 Le Suicide de Sherlock Holmes  
The Suicide of Sherlock Holmes
? FR
20.06.2019 The Silver Blaze Jason Steele USA
14.06.2019 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily     Jay Vilhauer USA
13.06.2019 The Speckled Band David Wahlen USA
11.06.2019 Mysterious Circumstances Alan Tudyk USA
24.05.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the 1st Baker Street Irregular Rob Ashton USA
16.05.2019 The Trial of Sherlock Holmes ? UK
04.05.2019 The Game is Afoot! An Improvised Sherlock Holmes Mystery Patric Magee AU
03.05.2019 Sherlock's Veiled Secret   Noah Steurer USA
27.04.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the Ripper Murders   John Willis-Richards AU
27.04.2019 Life After Sherlock Chris Mortimer UK
20.04.2019 The Hound of the Baskervilles Mary Musker UK
06.04.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the Vampyres of London Joe Wilson UK
05.04.2019 Sherlock Holmes: A Scandal in Bohemia Charlotte Mafham PK
08.03.2019 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily ? USA
25.02.2019 Video available Sherlock Holmes: The Final Reckoning Michael Daviot UK
22.02.2019 Šerloks Holmss: misis Hadsones sapņi
Sherlock Holmes: Mrs. Hudson's Dreams
Olga Nikulina LV
22.02.2019 Sherlock Holmes: Det Vita Hjärtat
Sherlock Holmes: The White Heart
Maria Sundbom SE
22.02.2019 Neue Fälle für Sherlock Holmes
New Cases for Sherlock Holmes
Frank Metzger DE
21.02.2019 The Final Problem Jason Steele USA
15.02.2019 Video available Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Impaled Whaler Richard Lavin USA
08.02.2019 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure Peter Harrold USA
29.01.2019 Pas d'hortensias pour Miss Grolich
No Hydrangeas for Miss Grolich
Philippe Drecq BE
26.01.2019 Desk Job James Scannell UK
21.01.2019 Sherlock Holmes - Next Generation: Das Musical Ethan Freeman, Gerhard Karzel DE
18.01.2019 Holmes & Watson Undisclosed USA
29.11.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles David Nixon UK
20.11.2018 La Muerte de Sherlock Holmes Vicenç Miralles ES
09.11.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Zack Gold USA
08.11.2018 If Sherlock Holmes Were A Woman Morgan Foster as Shirley Holmes USA
05.11.2018 Mrs Hudson's Radio Show Orlando Wells UK
04.11.2018 Sherlock Holmes Takes the Case D. J. Copland USA
03.11.2018 Video available Sherlock Holmes in The Show Must Go On Raul Dylan Hogarth MY
02.11.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol Nathan Schmidt CA
01.11.2018 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays D'Arcy Irvine CA
26.10.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Doom of Devilsmoor Matt Valles USA
25.10.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Carl Walker USA
20.10.2018 Sherlock's Last Case Rufus Collins USA
19.10.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Jeb Hoag USA
19.10.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Masters of Crime Rich Hutchinson USA
18.10.2018 The Improvised Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Justin Carns USA
18.10.2018 Legenda Jménem Holmes
A Legend Named Holmes
Vojtěch Dyk CZ
18.10.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles Casey Nash USA
17.10.2018 Holmes & Watson   Undisclosed USA
12.10.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Iain Wright AU
10.10.2018 The Game's Afoot Brian Harwell USA
06.10.2018 Sherlock Holmes Comes to Tombstone Andrew Groleau USA
05.10.2018 Élémentaire, mon cher ! Ulysse Moffen FR
04.10.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Jonathan Manchester USA
03.10.2018 The Return of Sherlock Holmes John Johnston USA
25.09.2018 Holmes and Watson Undisclosed USA
22.09.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club Tim Thorn USA
20.09.2018 The Second Stain Jason Steele USA
14.09.2018 Sherlock Holmes y el destripador
Sherlock Holmes and the Ripper
Arnau Puig ES
13.09.2018 Murder and Matchmaking Jack Harman as Sherlock Darcy NZ
10.09.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles Stuart Wishart UK
10.09.2018 Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four Luke Barton UK
07.09.2018 Mr. Mallard's Magical Menagerie & The Mystery of the Black Swan Chris Ranney USA
31.08.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Jerry Lloyd USA
18.08.2018 The Empty Glass: Sherlock Holmes Comes to Dover Chris Hall USA
03.08.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Conundrum of Conan Doyle Andrew Cameron UK
02.08.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Brian J. Gill USA
01.08.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles Damien Atkins CA
31.07.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Graham Martin UK
19.07.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Alex Rudd USA
04.07.2018 Video available Sherlock: Die Braut Des Grauens
Sherlock: The Abominable Bride
Leonid Daberto DE
23.06.2018 Baskerville Hubertus Brandt DE
22.06.2018 Holmes and Watson Undisclosed USA
22.06.2018 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure Yannick Trapman-O'Brien USA
22.06.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Frank Jagodnik USA
19.06.2018 Sherlock Holmes et le Mystère de Blackwood
Sherlock Holmes and the Blackwood's Mystery
? FR
15.06.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery McKenna Kelly-Eiding USA
14.06.2018 A Sign of Four Jason Steele USA
12.06.2018 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jamie Kwasnik UK
09.06.2018 Sherlock Holmes und der Tod des Bayernkönigs  
Sherlock Holmes and the Death of the Bavarian King
Julian Manuel DE
08.06.2018 My Dear Watson Malcolm Boniface USA
06.06.2018 Video available Sherlock Holmes: The Missing Memoir Caleb Nott USA
02.06.2018 Sherlock Holmes Anders Gustavsson SE
23.05.2018 The Revenge of Sherlock Holmes Tony Carpenter UK
12.05.2018 Sheerluck Holmes Michael Thiemann AU
12.05.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the American Problem Braden Griffiths USA
04.05.2018 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Adriano Cabral as Watson USA
04.05.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Bent Blade Ashley Deleona USA
02.05.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Douglas Cuff CA
28.04.2018 A Study in Sherlock: The Bitter Nemesis   ? USA
25.04.2018 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Curtain Robert Powell UK
13.04.2018 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Michael Abendshein as Watson USA
07.04.2018 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Tony McCuiston USA
07.04.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band Chris Butel AU
03.04.2018 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes Tristan Le Foll FR
29.03.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Elusive Ear Mark Colson USA
09.03.2018 The Enchanted Bookshop   Owen Biggs USA
08.03.2018 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
07.03.2018 Sherlock Holmes et la vengeance fantôme
Sherlock Holmes and the Ghostly Revenge
Patrick Seminor FR
06.03.2018 Шерлок женился!
Sherlock got married!
Vladislav Kulev UA
02.03.2018 The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes Brad Loffswold USA
02.03.2018 Oscar Dove: Letters to Sherlock Julie Talty USA
28.02.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Alex Moggridge USA
24.02.2018 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes     Shalitha Senevirathne LK
23.02.2018 Sherlock     ? NL
22.02.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles: The Hit Farce   ? UK
22.02.2018 A Scandal in Bohemia Jason Steele USA
22.02.2018 The Red Headed League Jason Steele USA
22.02.2018 The Boscombe Valley Mystery Jason Steele USA
19.02.2018 The Return of Sherlock Holmes   Dave Reid UK
11.02.2018 Sherlock Holmes albo Tajemnica Panny Tulli Sylwester Kuper PL
09.02.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery David Leyshon CA
09.02.2018 Sherlock Holmes and the American Problem David Mayer USA
01.02.2018 The Hound of the Baskervilles James Tucker UK
27.01.2018 The Death of Sherlock Holmes Michael Slusser USA
19.01.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Tyler Grezaffi USA
19.01.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Jeremy Stallings USA
18.01.2018 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
18.01.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Layne Roate USA
18.01.2018 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays Ian Rubinstein USA
18.01.2018 Sherlock: A Three-Fold Theatrical Mystery Asad Raza Khan AE
11.01.2018 Spontaneous Sherlock Sam Irving, Will Naameh UK
06.01.2018 Sherlock Holmes: The Game's Afoot!   Michael Slusser USA
05.01.2018 Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
02.01.2018 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Ian Merrill Peakes USA
2018 The Abominable Bride   M. Ilyas Reyhan ID
2018 Sherlock Holmes - Der Meisterdetektiv
Sherlock Holmes - The Master Detective
Fabian Gohr DE
21.12.2017 Holmes for the Holidays Iain Morris USA
15.12.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Hooded Lance Julian Harries UK
13.12.2017 彼女が最期に憂いたこと
What she grieved at last
Mikihiro Kamiya JP
09.12.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Jay Taylor UK
01.12.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Jeremy Stallings USA
01.12.2017 Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars Christopher M. Bohan USA
25.11.2017 Sherlock Holmes Riccardo Giacomini IT
24.11.2017 Шерлок Холмс и пляшущие человечки
Sherlock Holmes and the dancers
Gennady Verkhoglyad RU
23.11.2017 Sherlock Bungalow and the Diabolical Treasure Ben Martineau UK
17.11.2017 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
17.11.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Andrew Jenks UK
17.11.2017 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Martin Thompson USA
16.11.2017 The Murder of Sherlock Holmes Shen Lei CN
10.11.2017 Sherlock Holmes und der Duft der Intrige
Sherlock Holmes and the Fragrance of Intrigue
Floyd Dörr DE
09.11.2017 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
03.11.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of The Scarlet Buttcheek Nasty Canasta USA
01.11.2017 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays Jimmy Pardinas USA
01.11.2017 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays   Craig Macdonald USA
27.10.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Griffin Cole USA
22.10.2017 Шер-Лок и Дюймовочка
Sher-Lok and Thumbelina
Artem Bordovsky (Sher) & Alexander Berg (Lok) RU
20.10.2017 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays     Bill Paxson USA
19.10.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery ? USA
18.10.2017 Les Faux British
The Fake Britishs
Michel Crémadès & Jean-Marie Lecoq FR
14.10.2017 Seaside Skulduggery Roy Tyzack UK
05.10.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Stephen Frankenfield USA
28.09.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the American Problem Justin Tyler Lewis USA
28.09.2017 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Dave Smith NZ
27.09.2017 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Joe Metcalfe as Watson USA
22.09.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Eric Simpson USA
19.09.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Crimson Cobbles Alasdair Buchan UK
14.09.2017 A Study in Scarlet Jason Steele USA
13.09.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Chris Boydell UK
18.08.2017 Sherlock, El Misterio del Guante Rojo
Sherlock, The Mystery of the Red Glove
Nicolás Pérez Costa AR
08.09.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Brad Loffswold USA
08.09.2017 Sherlock Holmes Jay Shaffstall USA
08.09.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Michael Coale USA
08.09.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Kris Hambrick USA
08.09.2017 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Eric Martin Reid as Watson USA
04.09.2017 A Requiem for Sherlock Holmes Ian Blackwell Rogers USA
31.08.2017 The Return to Baker Street Dan Bray CA
30.08.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Jonathan Frost UK
26.08.2017 The Crucifer of Blood Alex Faber AU
25.08.2017 A Scandal in the Weimar Jennifer Piper AU
24.08.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Gordon Moore USA
18.08.2017 Sherlock Holmes: The Loss at Whitechapel Jim Ringel USA
16.08.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Joshua Waters AU
12.08.2017 Spontaneous Sherlock Sam Irving, Will Nameeh UK
11.08.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery     Jeffery Hensel USA
10.08.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club Larry Barrott USA
10.08.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Bill Nixon USA
05.08.2017 Sherlock's Last Case Sam Steele USA
03.08.2017 Adventures of the Improvised Sherlock Holmes Various actors UK
03.08.2017 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Brady Morales Woolery as Watson USA
02.08.2017 The Accidental Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jasmine Atkins-Smart UK
29.07.2017 Sherlock Holmes: Der Hund Der Baskervilles Klaus Heydenbluth DE
26.07.2017 Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet Amy Whitrod Brown UK
26.07.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Stephen Sparks CA
25.07.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery J. Richey Nash USA
22.07.2017 Sherlock: Das Musical     Johannes Braun DE
13.07.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Liz Wisan USA
12.07.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Hugh Thompson CA
11.07.2017 My Dear Watson John DiDonna USA
08.07.2017 Sherlock Holmes et le mystère de la vallée de Boscombe
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Boscombe Mystery
Youen Chene FR
03.07.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles: A Riotous Comedy! Christopher Brown & Michael Justice UK
30.06.2017 Sherlock Holmes in The Seven Wooden Figurines Mike Henderson UK
29.06.2017 The Clowns of the Baskervilles Kristie Fontaine UK
28.06.2017 Video available Sherlock the Third Jason Olaszek & Zachary Hotchkiss as Arthur Holmes USA
26.06.2017 Pas de vacances pour Sherlock Holmes
No holidays for Sherlock Holmes
25.06.2017 Hound of the Baskervilles David Danzig UK
24.06.2017 Sherlock Holmes et le secret de la sphère d'Heaume
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret of the Heaume Sphere
no SH FR
22.06.2017 Sherlock Holmes og Dronningens Kronjuveler
Sherlock Holmes and the Crown Jewels of the Queen
Niels Grønne DK
02.06.2017 Holmes, Sherlock and The Consulting Detective Richard Large, Paul Romero, Chairman Barnes USA
25.05.2017 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
25.05.2017 Holmes & Watson, by Royal Appointment Glenn McGivern UK
16.05.2017 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Jason Wallace as Watson USA
12.05.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Max Hutchinson DE
06.05.2017 The Case of the Well-Staged Murder   Ellis Hall USA
30.04.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Jack Vaughan UK
28.04.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Denis Lambert USA
28.04.2017 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Landon Lipscomb USA
27.04.2017 Улыбка Шерлока Холмса
The Smile of Sherlock Holmes
Victor Degtyaryev RU
22.04.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Rafael Untalan USA
19.04.2017 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Wesley J. Colford as Watson CA
15.04.2017 Holmes and Watson Undisclosed USA
12.04.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Baffled Butlers Parker Smith USA
08.04.2017 The Accidental Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jasmine Atkins-Smart UK
07.04.2017 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence H. Adam Harris as Watson USA
06.04.2017 An Evening in Baker Street: The Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes John Johnson USA
06.04.2017 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily William "Alex" Larson USA
02.04.2017 Sherlock Holmes - Der Meisterdetektiv
Sherlock Holmes - The Master Detective
Nikolaus Frei DE
19.03.2017 Video available Holmes Marek Gajewski PL
13.03.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Maple Mystery Antonio DeCoppi CA
07.03.2017 Video available Sherlock Holmes Victor Jeandidier FR
11.02.2017 The Hound of the Baskervilles Jeffrey Binder USA
10.02.2017 Sherlock Holmes and the Sapphire Night Meghan Magner USA
27.01.2017 The Final Toast Brad Loffswold USA
26.01.2017 Jupiter (ಜೂಪಿಟರ್) Silver Blaze Venkatesh Bharadwaj IN
25.01.2017 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Randy Messersmith USA
21.01.2017 Video available Holmes Marek Gajewski PL
17.01.2017 Chytání Větru
Catching the Wind
Petr Vršek CZ
2017 Sherlock Holmes and The Christmas Goose   Sam McCalla USA
13.12.2016 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Julian Farrance UK
02.12.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol Ross Saturno UK
01.12.2016 Pas d'hortensias pour Miss Grolich
No Hydrangeas for Miss Grolich
Philippe Drecq BE
01.12.2016 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   Troy Friesen USA
19.11.2016 Holmes, Sherlock and The Consulting Detective Andrew Thacher, William J. Hill & Joe Fria USA
18.11.2016 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Jason Newman USA
11.11.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Dennis Tibbits USA
10.11.2016 Sherlock Holmes en busca del Rubí de la Condesa
Sherlock Holmes in search of the Ruby of the Countess
José Félix Londoño CO
08.11.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Joel Lingaur USA
02.11.2016 Baker Street: The Sherlock Holmes Musical   Michael Monagle USA
30.10.2016 Sherlock Holmes & The Hound of the Baskervilles Colm Kenny-Vaughan IE
27.10.2016 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   Hannah Johnson USA
26.10.2016 The Hound of The Baskervilles Will Jessop UK
21.10.2016 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Mark Anderson Phillips USA
15.10.2016 Sherlock Holmes Rakan Rushaidat HR
07.10.2016 Video available Holmes Marek Gajewski PL
07.10.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Colin Ryan USA
22.09.2016 The Improvised Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Ben Piper, Justin Carns USA
16.09.2016 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery     Steve Cannon USA
08.09.2016 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (Gillette's version) Jonathan Brandt USA
29.08.2016 Video available Holmes for Rent Robert Madge UK
29.08.2016 The Accidental Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jasmine Atkins-Smart UK
28.08.2016 Spontaneous Sherlock Sam Irving, Will Naameh UK
27.08.2016 Holmes & Watson, The Farewell Tour Adrian Banks UK
19.08.2016 The Game's Afoot   David Stuart Davies UK
13.08.2016 Sherlock   ? UK
12.08.2016 Arthur Conan Doyle, Man of Mystery Alan Richardson UK
04.08.2016 Adventures of the Improvised Sherlock Holmes Various actors UK
04.08.2016 Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother in the Case of A Study in Blood Matt Boatright-Simon as Tyson Jackson, the half-brother of Sherlock Holmes UK
03.08.2016 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Kyle Brincks as Watson USA
29.07.2016 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles David Leonard UK
21.07.2016 The Hound of the Baskervilles   David Whalen USA
18.07.2016 The Game's Afoot     Anthony Spargo UK
15.07.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Beast of Whitechapel John Johnson USA
12.07.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Werewolf of London Parker Smith USA
30.06.2016 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Levi Kohlmann as Watson USA
23.06.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Benjamin Echelmeier USA
23.06.2016 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Sean M. Dooley USA
17.06.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles Matthew Christmas UK
~16.06.2016 The Murder of Sherlock Holmes ? CN
07.06.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Invisible Thing Alex Mann UK
20.05.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the American Twins Brad Loffswold USA
20.05.2016 Шерлок Холмс (Gillette's version) Vladas Bagdonas RU
05.05.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Crucifer of Blood   Zachary Bridgett USA
14.05.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Haysam Kadri CA
13.05.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Alex Hunter CA
11.05.2016 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery   Matthew Greer USA
20.04.2016 The Hound of the Baskervilles William Elsman USA
12.04.2016 A Delightful Nightmare   Addey Golat USA
07.04.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Ethan Hanson USA
31.03.2016 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Caleb Sample CA
23.03.2016 שרלוק הולמס: התעלומה הראשונה
Sherlock Holmes: The First Mystery
Itamar Sharon IL
04.03.2016 Sherlock Holmes et le Chien des Baskerville Loïc Beauché FR
03.03.2016 My Dear Watson John DiDonna USA
07.02.2016 Sherlock Holmes: An Evening of Mystery John Elnaugh UK
05.02.2016 Baskerville ? FR
20.01.2016 The Man Who Murdered Sherlock Holmes Nick Sandys Pullin USA
20.01.2016 Les Faux British
The Fake Britishs
Jean-Marie Lecoq & Michel Crémadès FR
13.01.2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Great Nome Gold Rush Jason Maddy USA
06.01.2016 A Requiem for Sherlock Holmes Andrew Sellon USA
2016 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? USA
2016 Sherlock Holmes and the Specter ? CZ
11.12.2015 Sherlock Holmes and the 12 Days of Christmas Alan Slipp CA
09.12.2015 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Goose Jeff Meyer USA
07.12.2015 The Hound of the Baskervilles   James Race UK
03.12.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Cosimo Sciortino USA
25.11.2015 Sherlock Holmes et le Chien des Baskerville François-Simon Poirier CA
25.11.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Steve Cooke UK
14.11.2015 The Game Is Afoot: The Return of Sherlock Holmes Patric Magee AU
13.11.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Eric Hesselberg USA
08.11.2015 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Justin Lang as Watson USA
06.11.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Ben Errichetti USA
05.11.2015 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Ryan Watson as Watson USA
01.11.2015 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol Paul Andrew Goldsmith UK
25.10.2015 Sherlock Holmes: The Maple Leaf Murder     Gary McCarver USA
23.10.2015 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes     ? USA
15.10.2015 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Loren O'Dair, Jackie Schram USA
15.10.2015 Sherlock Holmes David Arquette USA
13.10.2015 Watson and Holmes Chris Dunn, Bob Howell UK
07.10.2015 The Hound of the Baskervilles Ben Bater UK
23.09.2015 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Stolen Suspender ? UK
23.09.2015 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Joe Foust as Watson USA
12.09.2015 Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band Neill Hartley UK
16.08.2015 The Accidental Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jasmine Atkins-Smart UK
12.08.2015 The Game's Afoot: An Encounter with Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle David Stuart davies UK
06.08.2015 Adventures of the Improvised Sherlock Holmes Various actors UK
06.08.2015 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays Derek Melon UK
25.07.2015 The Hound of the Baskervilles     William Kircher NZ
24.07.2015 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Euan Morton USA
21.07.2015 Sherlock's Secret Life J. Richey Nash USA
17.07.2015 Sherlock's Last Case   Robert Gibby Brand USA
09.07.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Kirk Jackson USA
09.07.2015 Sherlock's Last Case   David Whalen USA
07.07.2015 Sherlock Holmes & the Ripper Murders Samuel Clemens UK
01.07.2015 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Antoine Sciacco FR
26.06.2015 Holmes, Sherlock and The Consulting Detective J. Anthony McCarthy, Andrew Thacher & Chairman Barnes USA
12.06.2015 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Matthew Christmas UK
11.06.2015 Pes baskervillský   Karel Roden CZ
04.06.2015 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Eva McQuade USA
29.05.2015 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Christopher Holt as Watson USA
27.05.2015 Les Faux British
The Fake Britishs
Jean-Marie Lecoq FR
01.05.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Christopher Levi USA
26.04.2015 Sherlock Holmes y el Club de los Pelirrojos   José Carlos Campos ES
10.04.2015 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Chris Taylor USA
09.04.2015 The Hound of the Baskervilles Gordon Tanner CA
09.04.2015 5 femmes et 1 tueur William Beaudoin CA
27.03.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Fred Vipond USA
24.03.2015 Un Natale Rosso Sherlock  
A Red Christmas Sherlock
Gerolamo Alchieri IT
22.03.2015 La Vallée de la peur Julien Vialon FR
13.03.2015 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   ? CA
07.03.2015 Holmes for the Holidays: An Evening of Sherlock Holmes One Acts Jeffrey T. Heyer USA
19.02.2015 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Garret Storms as Watson USA
13.02.2015 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Miguel E. Rodriguez USA
??.02.2015 Spontaneous Sherlock Sam Irving, Will Naameh UK
16.01.2015 Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery Gregory Wooddell USA
09.01.2015 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca   Chip Thompson CA
2015 Sheerluck Holmes Ian Sharp AU
26.12.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Brent Fidler USA
12.12.2014 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Goose   Graham Emmons USA
12.12.2014 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays Charles Schoenfeld USA
08.12.2014 Potted Sherlock Daniel Clarkson UK
06.12.2014 Sherlock Holmes in Brentwood: The Blue Carbuncle Rob Arbogast USA
05.12.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Steven McLean USA
02.12.2014 Mrs Hudson's Christmas Corker, or Your Goose is Cooked Mr Holmes Toby Park UK
01.12.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles Stéphane Otero FR
20.11.2014 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays   Stephen Frankenfield USA
14.11.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Jason Newman USA
14.11.2014 Video available Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Keegan Doyle USA
05.11.2014 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence Griffin Stanton-Ameisen as Watson USA
31.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Riley Carmichael USA
31.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and the Masters of Crime Brad Rutledge USA
25.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of The Baskervilles Jonathan Bushey USA
24.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes & The Hound of the Baskervilles   Jake Green USA
22.10.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles Don Brown UK
13.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Carlos Venegas USA
17.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Mark Corkins USA
13.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Jay Hindle CA
02.10.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Dana Moss-Peterson USA
18.09.2014 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (Gillette's version)   J. Todd Adams USA
17.09.2014 To Kill a Canary Peter Land UK
15.09.2014 Sherlock Holmes: The Scandal of the Scarlet Woman John Goodrum UK
11.09.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Robert Gemaehlich USA
07.09.2014 Neue Fälle für Sherlock Holmes
New Cases for Sherlock Holmes
Lars Lienen DE
28.08.2014 Holmes on the Range   Stephen Harrisson AU
11.08.2014 Sherlock Holmes: A Working Hypothesis Dominic Allen UK
09.08.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles     Guy Langford NZ
30.07.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Nate Washburn USA
23.07.2014 Der Hund der Baskervilles Andreas Malits AU
16.07.2014 Sherlock Holmes: This is the end? Alain Beaufort BE
11.07.2014 Sherlock Holmes: L'Héritage de Baker Street Gérard Foissotte FR
05.07.2014 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure   John Willis-Richards AU
12.06.2014 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Chris Huntly-Turner UK
12.06.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Seamus Dever USA
16.05.2014 My Dear Watson Kevin Gaj USA
15.05.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Haysam Kadri USA
02.05.2014 Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four     Michael Brewer USA
22.04.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Michael Charrois CA
12.04.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Gregory Cooper NZ
02.04.2014 The Hound of the Baskervilles Ron Campbell USA
21.03.2014 Sherlock Holmes: A Suspense Comedy Jake Deska USA
20.03.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily David McClutchey USA
19.03.2014 A Study in Scarlet Philip Benjamin UK
28.02.2014 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes   Topher Wagner USA
22.02.2014 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Arnold Richie USA
17.01.2014 Le Dog des Baskerville Jean-Jacques Dorier FR
2014 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club Arjun Burman AE
12.12.2013 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Goose       Tyler Rich USA
07.12.2013 Video available Шерлок Холмс
Sherlock Holmes
Julia Yuzhnaya RU
06.12.2013 Le Chien des Baskerville Olivier Minne FR
05.12.2013 Sherlock Holmes and the Crucifer of Blood   David Whalen USA
15.11.2013 The (curious case of the) Watson Intelligence John Ellison Conlee as Watson USA
14.11.2013 Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band Liam Tims,
Stu Freestone
25.10.2013 Sherlock's Last Case Peter J. Hill USA
25.10.2013 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily David Harnois USA
10.10.2013 The Reluctant Resurrection of Sherlock Holmes   Damien Gulde USA
05.10.2013 Sherlock Holmes: The Strange Case of Alice Faulkner Charles Schoenfeld USA
04.10.2013 Sherlock Holmes - Knight's Gambit Nick Plakias USA
02.10.2013 Sherlock Holmes 10 Minute Plays Simeon Oakes UK
19.09.2013 Sherlock Holmes - Knight's Gambit   Dennis Fox USA
24.07.2013 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Andreas Malits AT
18.07.2013 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Stolen Suspender Paul Gilliland UK
23.06.2013 Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles   Benjamin Lawlor UK
21.06.2013 Watson and the Dark Art of Harry Houdini   Joe Fria USA
08.06.2013 The Curious Case of the Clockwork Killer   Ryan Lawrence Flynn USA
30.05.2013 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles     ? UK
25.05.2013 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club   Todd Waite USA
18.05.2013 Sherlock Holmes: The Best Kept Secret Jason Durr UK
08.05.2013 Elementary, my dear Watson Michael Flanagan UK
05.05.2013 Sherlock Holmes Jay Baruchel CA
26.04.2013 The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes Paige Bosler USA
18.04.2013 Le Mystère Sherlock Holmes Nicolas Ossowski BE
13.04.2013 The Singular Exploits of Sherlock Holmes Jonathan Goodwin UK
10.04.2013 The Revenge of Sherlock Holmes! Tim Walton UK
07.04.2013 Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès Fanny Richert FR
23.03.2013 Sherlock Holmes in Brentwood: The Speckled Band Rob Arbogast USA
14.03.2013 Le Cabaret Sherlock Holmes Julien Masdoua FR
22.03.2013 Sherlock Holmes, son dernier coup d'archet Nicolas Turon FR
02.03.2013 Sherlock Holmes und das Geheimnis des Illusionisten Fritz Humer AT
28.02.2013 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Chris Jason CA
22.02.2013 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Evan Harris USA
21.02.2013 Le Diamant de la couronne / La bande mouchetée Alain Beaufort BE
2013 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (Gillette's version) Spencer Tomlin USA
2013 Sherlock's Last Case Kevin Kirtlan USA
2013 Hound of the Baskervilles V. J. Wesley USA
2013 Sherlock's Secret Life   Shanaka Amarasinghe LK
2013 Sherlock's Secret Life   Peter Vultaggio USA
2013 Sherlock's Last Case Christopher Godwin UK
2013 Sherlock's Last Case Harry Gostelow UK
16.12.2012 Мистер Шерлок Холмс  
Mister Sherlock Holmes
Petr Vasiliev, Semen Mendelson RU
11.12.2012 L'Extravagant « mystère » Holmes !   Christian Chevalier FR
27.11.2012 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol   Michael Mendelson USA
26.10.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Terry Minyard USA
12.10.2012 The Hound of the Baskervilles Steve Drowley UK
22.09.2012 Sherlock Holmes and a Case of Revenge David Burfoot USA
11.09.2012 Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Fear! Nicholas Briggs UK
05.09.2012 The Hound of the Baskervilles Tony Stamp USA
04.08.2012 Sherlock Holmes: The Return of the Hound   --- UK
14.07.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Greg Jones USA
15.06.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Ray Brown USA
11.05.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Olivia Kinker USA
03.05.2012 Sheerluck Holmes Clayton McKinnon AU
25.05.2012 The Hound of the Baskervilles Steven Hauck USA
11.05.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Drew Boening USA
19.04.2012 The Hound of the Baskervilles Wynn Harmon USA
22.03.2012 Holy Musical B@man! Nico Ager USA
22.03.2012 Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes Danny Richter DE
12.03.2012 The Hound of the Baskervilles Gwynfor Jones UK
10.02.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Monte Hunter USA
26.01.2012 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily David Eller USA
08.01.2012 The Hound of the Baskervilles Giles Davies USA
31.12.2011 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays Mitch Hall USA
17.12.2011 The Mask of Moriarty   David Whalen USA
30.11.2011 The Game's Afoot, or Holmes for the Holidays   Donald Sage Mackay USA
15.11.2011 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Carol   Michael Mendelson USA
28.10.2011 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Darin Keim USA
29.09.2011 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Steve Haley USA
23.08.2011 Max and Ivan are Holmes and Watson Max Olesker USA
17.09.2011 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Suicide Club   Remi Sandri USA
16.08.2011 Sherlock Holmes Strikes Back! Peter Davis UK
16.08.2011 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily David Blais USA
28.07.2011 Watson: The Last Great Tale of the Legendary Sherlock Holmes     Joe Fria USA
06.05.2011 Murder Under The Big Top Ben Reyhl as Smearlock Homeless USA
11.03.2011 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Walter Thompson USA
08.10.2010 The Hound of the Baskervilles Roger Llewellyn UK
01.10.2010 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Nicholas Piper USA
07.07.2010 The Secret of Sherlock Holmes Peter DeLaurier USA
04.06.2010 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Steve Hendrickson USA
07.05.2010 Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Ron Calzolari USA
09.04.2010 The Hound of the Baskervilles   Sam Mink USA
30.03.2010 Duke Ellington Meets Sherlock Holmes Sean Gallerani USA
01.03.2010 The Secret of Sherlock Holmes Peter Egan UK
11.02.2010 The Hound of the Baskervilles Tony Parkinson UK
20.11.2009 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes   Philip Benjamin FR
13.11.2009 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure Martin Thompson USA
11.09.2009 Video available Шерлок Холмс
Sherlock Holmes
Igor Khristenko RU
2009 The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes Jeffrey T. Heyer USA
2009 Sherlock's Last Case Fred Vipond USA
2009 Son nom est Holmes, Sherlock Holmes Christian Chevalier FR
2009 Sherlock Holmes and the Saline Solution Shelby Bond UK
18.06.2008 Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Jersey Lily Peter DeLaurier USA
23.04.2008 The Revenge of Sherlock Holmes Dave Bennett UK
2008 Sherlock Holmes: The Death & Life Roger Llewellyn UK
2008 The Hound of the Baskervilles   David Crawford USA
2008 Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (Gillette's version) Jeffrey T. Heyer USA
2007-2008 Мушкетёры и Шерлок Холмс
Musketeers and Sherlock Holmes  
? RU
2007 Sherlock Holmes et la Poudre aux Yeux Lucie Morin FR
2007 The Secret of Sherlock Holmes Michael Hammond USA
19.07.2007 The Hound of the Baskervilles Javier Marzan UK
14.08.2006 Sherlock Holmes: The Three Students Nick Salamone UK
14.08.2006 The Curious Case of Conan Doyle Douglas Currie UK
2006 Cits Šerloks Holmss
Another Sherlock Holmes
Peter Liepins LV
2005 Sherlock Holmes (The Early Years) Robbie Hudson UK
2005 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Barnaby Apps FR
2005 The Secret of Sherlock Holmes René Goerlitz DE
2005 221b Christian Chevalier FR
2005 Mon ami Sherlock Louis Soret FR
2005 Sherlock's Legacy Robin Chadwick USA
2005 The Baskerville Beast John Elnaugh UK
2004-2005 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes   Tracy Darin FR
03.11.2004 Sherlock Holmes Faces Death   Brad Rosebrough USA
2004 The Hound of the Baskervilles Rob Kruger USA
2004 Sherlock Holmes: The Delicate Art of Murder Simon Tait UK
2004 Sherlock Holmes: The Delicate Art of Murder Mark Erson UK
2004 Sherlock Holmes: Murder in Edinburgh Dan Bittner UK
2004 Sherlock's Secret Life Michael Muldoon USA
2004 Sherlock Holmes Eric Nyland CA
2003-2008 The True Confessions of Sherlock Holmes Simon Munnery UK
02.07.2003 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Stephen Kunken USA
2003 Chapeau Mister Holmes ! Gérard Rouzier FR
2003 Sherlock Holmes contre Miss M... ? FR
2003 Sherlock Holmes in Trouble Lloyd Hutchinson UK
01.11.2001 Holmes and the Ripper Brian Baxter UK
2001 Sherlock Holmes: Murder in Edinburgh Caleb Moody UK
2000-2001 Sherlock Holmes et le chien des Baskerville Gaël Reyre FR
2000 Duke Ellington Meets Sherlock Holmes Sandi Weinthal USA
1999-2014 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act Roger Llewellyn UK
23.11.1999 Sherlock Holmes Edward Weeks UK
08.09.1999 In League with Sherlock Holmes, being 3 sherlockian plays :
- Where's Frannie?
- The Baker Street Irregulars
- The Copper Beeches
? UK
23.07.1999 The Mask of Moriarty Jeffrey T. Heyer USA
1999 The Murder of Sherlock Holmes Paul Stebbings UK?
1999 Holmes, the Musical Michael Minarik USA
1998 The Secret of Sherlock Holmes Edmund Kente UK
1998 Sherlock Holmes Jean-Pierre Denys FR
1998 Sheerluck Holmes Mitchell Stewart AU
1997-1998 Шерлок Холмс и Королева Богемы
Sherlock Holmes and the Queen of Bohemia
Murad Sultaniyazov RU
14.09.1997 The Mask of Moriarty     Paxton Whitehead USA
17.03.1997 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Michael Cashman UK
16.03.1997 Sherlock's Secret Life Joel Leffert USA
14.11.1996 The Hound of the Baskervilles John Bowring UK
11.09.1996 Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure at Sir Arthur Sullivan's Miles Richardson UK
21.08.1996 Oscar y Sherlock   Francisco J. Basilio ES
13.04.1996 Przygody Sherlocka Holmesa
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  
Duryasz Wojciech,
Siudym Marek
01.11.1995 The Crucifer of Blood     Jim Jansen USA
1995 Sleeping Beauty Catherine Dennis UK
1995 Sherlock Holmes and the Lure of the Reichenbach Ron Thomas UK
1994-1995 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Mummy's Tomb Julian Harries UK
06.07.1994 The Mask of Moriarty   Paxton Whitehead USA
03.02.1994 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Humphrey Skett UK
1994 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jim Mezon USA
1993 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Disappearing Igloo ? UK
1993 Sherlock Holmes: The Musical Robert Powell UK
1993 Sherlock Holmes: The Last Adventure Mark Stoddard USA
30.08.1993 The Mask of Moriarty David Hankins UK
10.02.1993 Sherlock Holmes and the Crucifer of Blood Mark Greenstreet UK
17.12.1992 The Sign of the Four Al McNeely USA
26.06.1992 Goodbye, Mr. Holmes Jerome D. Maryon UK
1992 Elementary, My Dear Watson! Michael Walsh USA
1992 The Hound of the Baskervilles Daryl Shuttleworth CA
1992 Sherlock Holmes and the Tiger of San Pedro John Middleton UK
1992 Holmes, Sweet Holmes Thomas Baird USA
1992 Sherlock Through the Magnifying Glass --- UK
12.12.1991 The Adventure of the Illustrious Client John Wrisley USA
1991 Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Pneumatic Numismatist Simon Willimas UK
1991 Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles Ian Price UK
1991 The Hound of the Baskervilles Charles Cowles USA
1991 Sherlock Holmes: A Little Night Mystery T. J. Mullin USA
1991 The Death and Life of Sherlock Holmes Mitchell Greenberg USA
1991 Elementary, Mr Holmes Peter Sowerbutts UK
1991 Sheer Luck Holmes Peter Lawson UK
1991 Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band Robert Haley USA
1991 A Study in Scarlet James Coombes UK
1991 Sherlock Holmes David Starkey UK
1991 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four George Adams USA
1991 Fixed Point: The Life and Death of Sherlock Holmes David Stuart Davies UK
1990-1991 Sherlock Holmes: The Eclipse Conspiracy Fred Fondren USA
13.12.1990 The Hound of the Baskervilles John Wrisley USA
12.12.1990 Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Missing Carol Julian Harries UK
31.10.1990 Musical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Akira Takarada JP
1990 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Martin LaPlatney USA
1990 Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Artie Olaisen USA
1990 The Curse of the Baskervilles Michael Mears UK
1990 The Death and Life of Sherlock Holmes Ray Gerrell USA
1990 The Death and Life of Sherlock Holmes Mick Alderson USA
1990 Partners in Crime Brian Abbott USA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Scott Wentworth USA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Jim Jorgensen USA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Richard C. Lavin USA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Shaun Johnston CA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Waldo L. Fielding USA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Michael St. Pierre USA
28.06.1990 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Christopher Lloyd USA
1990 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Ian LeValley USA
1990 Sherlock's Last Case Don Hayden USA
1990 Sherlock Holmes and the Wireless Murders Chuck Lowry USA
1990 Sherlock Holmes and The Speckled Band Patrick Horgan USA
1990 On the Darkside Bruce Shaw USA
1989-1990 A Study in Scarlet Mark Tandy UK
1989-1990 Holmes & Watson Jack Cannon,
Lee Eric Shackleford
15.12.1989 The Napoleon of Crime John Wrisley USA
14.12.1989 The Adventure of the Second Stain John Wrisley USA
1989 Worzel Gummidge Down Under: Elementary, My Dear Worty   Jon Pertwee UK
1989 The Death and Life of Sherlock Holmes Kevin Trudeau USA
1989 The Hound of the Baskervilles Lyle Smythers USA
1989 Sherlock Holmes and the Shakespeare Solution Peter Donat USA
1989 Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Stephen D'Ambrose USA
1989 L'irrésistible rencontre de Sherlock Holmes et du Dr. Watson Luc Teyssier d'Orfeuil FR
1989 The Friends of Bogie's at Baker Street. Holmes in Wonderland. At Sea with Sherlock Holmes --- UK
1989 Sherlock's Last Case Stephen D'Ambrose USA
1989 Sherlock's Last Case Kevin Frye USA
1989 The Hound of the Baskervilles Kenne Williams USA
1989 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Judy USA
1989 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Bob McGranahan USA
1989 Sherlock's Last Case Thomas M. Stephan USA
1989 Sherlock's Last Case Noble Shropshire USA
1989 Sherlock's Last Case James A. Zemarel USA
1989 Dastardly Deeds at the Gaiety Jules Newman Turner UK
28.01.1989 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Richard Barrows USA
1988-1989 Teatime in Baker Street --- USA
1988-1989 Sherlock Holmes: A Case of Identity Fred Fondren USA
1988 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bill Boyle CA
1988 Sherlock's Last Case Wayne Astin USA
1988 Sherlock's Last Case Bruce Freestone USA
22.10.1988 Sherlock Holmes: The Musical Ron Moody UK
30.08.1988 The Secret of Sherlock Holmes Jeremy Brett UK
25.07.1988 Holmes and the Ripper Francis Matthews UK
05.07.1988 Sherlock's Last Case Rodney Beddall NL
18.06.1988 The Adventure of the Missing Biographer Paul Kaiserman UK
1988 Sherlock's Last Case Karl Krause USA
1988 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Roger Robinson USA
1988 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Steven Price,
William A. Kilmer
1988 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Speckled Band Shelley Reid USA
1988 The Hound of the Baskervilles Andrew Normington USA
1988 The Speckled Band Michael Fry USA
1988 Sherlock's Last Case Ernest Stifel USA
1988 Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League ? USA
1988 Charlotte Holmes and Dr. Watson Laura Carter USA
1988 The Hound of the Baskervilles Steven Hauck USA
1988 The Hound of the Baskervilles John D. Collins UK
1988 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bob Hook USA
1988 Sherlock's Last Case Shozo Uesugi JP
1988 The Death and Life of Sherlock Holmes Steven Crossley USA
1988 Sherlock's Last Case Timothy Foley USA
1987-1988 Sherlock's Last Case   Frank Langella,
Graeme Malcolm
1987 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Mark Medoff USA
1987 Murder at 221b Dwight Lochhead USA
1987 Flights of Devils J. P. Linton USA
1987 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Peter Moody USA
1987 A Study in Scarlet Paul McCleary UK
1987 The Final Revelation of Sherlock Holmes Tim Norton UK
1987 The Hound of the Baskervilles Simon Kirk USA
1987 Sherlock's Last Case Carl Reggiardo USA
1987 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Damian Didden USA
17.12.1987 The Crucifer of Blood Bob Eccel USA
17.12.1987 The Adventure of the Retired Colourman John Wrisley USA
07.11.1987 The Crucifer of Blood Noel Craig USA
22.09.1987 The Crucifer of Blood Martin LaPlatney USA
16.09.1987 The Hound of London Steve Barrett CA
10.09.1987 The Ebony Ape Eric Johnson USA
1987 A Study in Scarlet Alec Baldwin USA
1987 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Michael Keating USA
1987 The Curse of the Baskervilles Malcolm Sinclair UK
1987 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Tom Hewitt USA
1987 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Stan Garner USA
1987 The Mask of Moriarty Geoffrey Palmer UK
1987 Sherlock Holmes and the Hands of Othello Time Winters USA
1987 The Hound of the Baskervilles Simon Kirk UK
1987 Sherlock Holmes T. J. Mullin USA
1987 An Evening in the Theater of William Gillette Steve Lloyd UK
1987 The Crucifer of Blood Takeshi Kusaka JP
1987 The Hound of the Baskervilles Leonard Charles UK
1987 Sherlock Holmes and the Red-Headed League Brad Little USA
20.03.1987 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes John Wrisley USA
11.12.1986 The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton John Wrisley USA
1986 How the Grouch Stole Christmas, or The Case of the Rollicking Buns J. Geoffrey Colton USA
1986 Holmes Sweet Holmes, or Watson a Name? George Pologeoris USA
1986 Lady Dither's Ghost Roger Scroggs USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra John Firsbey USA
1986 Murder at Maggie's Colin Sibly UK
1986 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Brian Ellis USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes and the Shakespeare Solution John Bayliss CA
1986 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jonathan Dienes USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Bob Burchette USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Albright USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jeffrey Agnitsch USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes in the Deerstalker Russell Colley UK
1986 Sherlock's Last Case Richard C. Lavin USA
11.12.1986 His Last Bow John Wrisley as Mr. Altamont USA
1986 Sheer Luck Holmes Colin Sibly AU
1986 The Friends of Bogie's at Baker Street. A Study in Celluloid --- USA
1986 The Hound of the Baskervilles Peter Renaday USA
1986 The Hound of the Baskervilles Peter Renaday USA
1986 The Sherlock Holmes Solution Malcolm Sim USA
1986 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Alan Keith Smith USA
1986 The Crucifer of Blood Peter Adams AU
05.12.1986 The Crucifer of Blood Miguel Barron USA
02.05.1986 The Crucifer of Blood Brian Ralph UK
06.02.1986 The Crucifer of Blood Jeffrey Olson USA
19.12.1985 The Lauriston Gardens Mystery John Wrisley USA
17.10.1985 The Speckled Band Julian Scordino UK
17.10.1985 Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles Stephen Cracroft USA
1985 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Paul Webster UK
1985 Sherlock's Last Case Syeve Deighan USA
1985 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Todd Johnson USA
1985 Sherlock Saves Santa's Sign Ray Wood USA
1985 The Giant Rat of Sumatra Danny Coyle USA
1985 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Bedworthy Girls Malcolm Thomas UK
1985 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca Blaine Pickett,
Gary Kemp
1985 Sherlock Holmes and the Valley of Fear Brian Hickey UK
1985 The Very Great Grandson of Sherlock Holmes Harry Simmont as Sherwood Holmes USA
1985 The Hound of the Baskervilles Douglas Rynerson USA
1985 The Hound of the Baskervilles Michael Skinner UK
1985 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bill Thomas UK
1985 The Hound of the Baskervilles J. L. Foth USA
1985 The Mask of Moriarty Tom Baker IE
1985 Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Sumatran Devil Mike McCormack UK
20.12.1984 The Tragedy of Birlstone John Wrisley USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Philip Clayton-Gore UK
1984 The Hound of the Baskervilles David Lungren USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles Peter Van Slyke USA
1984 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Oliver Csizmas USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Rajah's Treasure Louis Dula USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Vanishing Author Gary Powell UK
1984 The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes Thomas Link USA
1984 A Study in Scarlet John D. Vincent UK
1984 A Study in Scarlet William Chubb UK
1984 The Valley of Fear John D. Vincent UK
1984 Sherlock Holmes: Another Adventure Zachary Middendorf USA
1984 The Hound of the Baskervilles Brian Girard USA
1984 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bruce Wallace USA
1984 Holmes, Sweet Holmes Roger Preston Smith USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes in the Deerstalker Vivian Leicester UK
1984 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Clive Carlin USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Solitary Insect James McKeel USA
1984 Operetta, My Dear Watson Doug McQueen USA
1984 Sherlock Holmes' Final Solution Clifford Allen USA
21.11.1984 The Crucifer of Blood Alan Brown UK
29.06.1984 Sherlock's Last Case David Fox-Brenton USA
10.01.1984 The Crucifer of Blood John Wrisley USA
1983 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Bob Durrett USA
1983 Sherlock Holmes Patrick Hollordan USA
1983 The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton Bob Durrett USA
1983 Good Night, Mr. Sherlock Holmes Dan Shackleford USA
1983 Murder Dear Watson Keith Baxter UK
1983 221B Nigel Stock as Dr. Watson UK
1983 Sherlock Holmes Returns to Poulton Lane Hull UK
1983 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Rand Bridges USA
1983 Westward Holmes! ? USA
1983 Who Killed F. R.? Tim Stephenson USA
1983 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Chris Barrett USA
1983 The White Glove Anthony Higgins UK
1983 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent James Ahrens USA
1983 Sherlock Holmes Embattles Count Dracula Fred Fondren USA
1983 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bruce Wallace USA
1983 The Hound of the Baskervilles Jack Morris UK
1983 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bill Caldow UK
1983 The Hound of the Baskervilles Mark Kricheff USA
1983 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) George Gitto USA
1983 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Donald Wright USA
1983 Shirley Holmes and the Case of the Spanish Indian Anna Gilbert as Shirley Holmes UK
1983 Sherlock Holmes Scott Griswold USA
1983 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Vanishing Fossils Hugh Young UK
1983 Sherlock Holmes Frank Butcher UK
1983 Sherlock Holmes and the Riddle of the Royal Regalia Philip Bowen UK
1983 Watson J. W. Madison USA
23.11.1983 The Crucifer of Blood Ian Price UK
28.10.1983 The Crucifer of Blood Kerry Calkins USA
30.09.1983 The Crucifer of Blood Daniel Martens USA
05.07.1983 Dramatic License Patrick Horgan USA
06.08.1983 The Red-Headed League John Wrisley USA
13.04.1983 The Crucifer of Blood Louis Tyrrell USA
05.01.1983 Sherlock Holmes and The Valley of Fear David Bowen UK
16.12.1982 The Red-Headed League John Wrisley UK
12.09.1982 An Evening with Sherlock Holmes John Wrisley USA
1982 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Michael Maurice USA
1982 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Dan Barrow,
Darryl Cox
1982 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version)   Paul Guers FR
1982 An Appointment with Sherlock Holmes Tony Griffin USA
1982 Следствие Ведет Шерлок Холмс
Sherlock Holmes Investigates
S. Jelieskin RU
1982 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Joe D. Lauck USA
1982 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Blaine Pickett USA
1982 Murder Dear Watson Shaughan Seymour UK
1982 The Rosetti Connection Lyn Sly USA
1982 Sherlock Meets the Phantom Rob Helms UK
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Craig Wheeler USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Peter Larkham USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles John Kluck USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Alden Flanders USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Ed Yedlik USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Charles Broggi USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bruce Wallace USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Joseph Miloni USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Christopher Linn USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Christopher Linn USA
1982 Operetta, My Dear Watson Scott Wentworth USA
1982 Sherlock Holmes and the Lost Rose of Egypt Richard Glover USA
1982 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Matthew Symonds USA
1982 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) James Garner USA
1982 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Martin Buckley USA
1982 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jon Mullich USA
1982 The Incident of the Chemical Stain Elizabeth Leroy USA
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Roger Mason UK
1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Donald Wight USA
1982 Grit in a Sensitive Instrument Paul Singleton USA
1982 The Singular Adventure of the Overzealous But Caring Physician Who Subsisted on a Half Pension After Experiencing Women on Three Continents Art Tabbert USA
1982 The Crucifer of Blood Dan Weaver USA
21.10.1982 The Crucifer of Blood Gregory Salata USA
05.10.1981 To Kill a King Bernard Horsfall UK
16.07.1982 The Crucifer of Blood Richard Kneeland USA
08.07.1982 The Crucifer of Blood Paul Aspland CA
26.06.1981 The Crucifer of Blood Eric Forsythe USA
20.06.1981 The Monte Carlo Telegram Warwick Jones as Stamford Holmes UK
01.06.1981 The Hound of the Baskervilles Tony Bowers UK
14.05.1982 The Crucifer of Blood Bruce K. Freestone USA
14.05.1982 The Crucifer of Blood George Woods USA
01.04.1982 The Crucifer of Blood Kent Wrampelmeier USA
22.01.1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Rand Earl USA
1981-1982 The Hound of the Baskervilles Geoff Wilner USA
1981 The Very Great Grandson of Sherlock Holmes Geoff Jones as Sherwood Holmes CA
1981 The Hound of the Baskervilles Al Coleman USA
1981 The Hound of the Baskervilles Anthony Motzenbacker USA
1981-1983 The Diamond and the Goose Neil Mackie UK
1981 Sh... Sherlock Holmes Nestor Lorrano USA
1981 Sherlock Holmes and the Crime of the Century, or Elementary, My Dear Watson Jud Burroughs USA
1981 The Adventure of the Speckled Band ? USA
1981 The Speckled Band Will Tacey USA
1981 The Hound of the Baskervilles Nigel Buckler UK
1981 The Hound of the Baskervilles John Ensslin USA
1981 Sherlock James Jana USA
1981 The Adventure of the Devil's Foot Bob Durrett USA
1981 The Speckled Band, Charles Augustus Milverton, The Dying Detective Marshall Benson UK
1981 Sherlock Holmes and the Warburton Conspiracy Fred Fondren USA
1981 Sherlock Holmes and the C.P.R. Murders. C. Holte Davidson CA
1981 Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Geric Poore UK
1981 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Paijl Nieman USA
1981 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Laurence Carter UK
1981 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Christian Mathisen USA
1981 A Study in Scarlet Mick Barwood UK
1981 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Carl H. Bobke USA
1981 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca Randy Moore USA
1981 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Audience Participation Play Adam Kosto USA
1981 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Charles Zeikle USA
1981 Sherlock Holmes and the Brass Bed Murders Peter Colley CA
1981 Between the Buttons Kim Lofrano USA
1981 The Death of Sherlock Holmes Michael Meyers, Ron Parady, Ian White USA
1981 To Stop for Death: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure Richard Wallace USA
1981 The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes Steve Nelson USA
1981 The Hound of the Baskervilles William Joerres USA
1981 Sherlock's Last Case Edward Halstead UK
1981 Sherlock Holmes: The Strange Case of Alice Faulkner Frank Langella USA
18.12.1980 The Adventure of the Dying Detective Jack Turner USA
18.12.1980 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Jack Turner USA
05.12.1980 The Crucifer of Blood Charlton Heston USA
13.11.1980 The Crucifer of Blood Andrew Watts USA
07.11.1980 The Crucifer of Blood Charles Downing USA
03.11.1980 The Case of the Poor Rich Lady ? UK
25.10.1980 Thirty Days to Riches, or Billy the Kidnapped Sheri Gosliner USA
24.10.1980 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Nafe Katter USA
11.10.1980 The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes Al Millikan USA
26.09.1980 The Crucifer of Blood Karl Krause USA
??.08.1980 Grit in a Sensitive Instrument Paul Singleton USA
10.07.1980 Sherlock Holmes and the Riddle of the Royal Regalia Chris Langley UK
??.07.1980 The Hound of the Baskervilles Ian McArdle UK
24.06.1980 The Crucifer of Blood David M. Mead USA
24.06.1980 The Hound of the Baskervilles John Hightower USA
09.05.1980 The Crucifer of Blood Richard Grossheim USA
07.05.1980 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Keith Baxter USA
02.05.1980 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) David Watson USA
24.04.1980 Sheerluck Steve Scherer as Sheerluck Holmes USA
09.04.1980 Sherlock Holmes and the Crime of the Century, or Elementary, My Dear Watson Charlie Hensley USA
27.03.1980 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca   Michael Kevin USA
27.03.1980 Find Sherlock Holmes Joseph W. Klemke USA
07.02.1980 Sherlock Holmes Michelle Ball USA
??.02.1980 Sherlock's Last Case Stephen Woodward UK
01.02.1980 The Adventure of the Speckled Band Michael Rusnock USA
26.01.1980 The Hound of the Baskervilles Lawrence Santoro USA
25.01.1980 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Edwin Tunna UK
19.01.1980 Bad Day at Baker Street ? USA
09.01.1980 The Crucifer of Blood Peter Donat USA
??.??.1980 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Campbell McComas AU
??.??.1980 The Adventure of the Thorned Rose Jason Wells USA
??.??.1980 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Sverre Anker Ousdal NO
??.??.1980 The Death of Sherlock Holmes Michael Kevin USA
??.??.1980 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Bjørn Watt-Boolsen DK
??.??.1980 Sherlock Holmes and the Riddle of the Royal Regalia Philip Bowen UK
1979-1982 Šerloks Holms
Sherlock Holmes
Valentīns Skulme LV
1979-1981 Наследство Баскервилей
The Heritage of the Baskervilles
V. C. Makogonov,
D. V. Pakhmanov
1979 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jan Smith AU
1979 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) C. Linwood Duncan USA
1979 Good Night, Mr. Sherlock Holmes Dan Kremer USA
1979 Sherlock's Last Case Alex Dalmaine UK
1979 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four Kevin Hayes USA
1979 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Bill Becker USA
1979 Sheer Luck Holmes Greg Silverman AU
1979 The Case of the Off-White Snowman Elizabeth Huey USA
1979 Operetta, My Dear Watson Jim Burleson USA
1979 Sherlock Holmes Dean Christopher USA
1979 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Bernard Canepari USA
1979 The Strange Case of Mrs. Astor's Plaster Al Silverstein USA
1979 The Hound of the Baskervilles Ray Blum USA
1979 The Hound of the Baskervilles Mark Hollinger USA
1979 The Hound of the Baskervilles Scott Bond USA
1979 Death of a Nurse ? USA
1979 Собака Баскервилей
(The Hound of the Baskervilles
Aleksei Sysoev RU
1979 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Donald DeTemple USA
1979 The Empty House Art Tabbert USA
1979 Sherlock Holmes: The Riddle of the Royal Regalia Philip Bowen UK
1979 The Very Great Grandson of Sherlock Holmes Bruce Morgan as Sherwood Holmes UK
15.10.1979 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca Wesley Murphy CA
10.09.1979 The Crucifer of Blood Gerald Harper UK
18.06.1979 The Crucifer of Blood Paxton Whitehead USA
28.03.1979 Tańczące
The Dancing Silhouettes  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
15.03.1979 The Crucifer of Blood Keith Michell UK
22.12.1978 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca Jack Hedley CA
25.11.1978 Morderstwo Przy Park Lane
Murder on Park Lane  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
22.11.1978 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca Anthony Bekenn CA
27.10.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Nat Wilson USA
27.10.1978 The Hound of the Baskervilles George Hewitt USA
04.10.1978 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca David Renton CA
28.09.1978 The Crucifer of Blood Paxton Whitehead USA
23.09.1978 Przygoda w Hampshire
The Adventure in Hampshire  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
17.08.1978 The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes Francois de la Giroday USA
12.08.1978 The Adventure of the Death of Shakespeare Stephen Todar USA
10.08.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Lanchester USA
29.07.1978 The Hound of the Baskervilles Robert Morris USA
28.07.1978 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of the Four, or The Mark of Timber Toe Robert Larsen USA
27.07.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Stevan Sylvester USA
23.07.1978 Tragiczny Romans
The Tragic Romance  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
23.06.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Phil Heckman USA
09.06.1978 Find Sherlock Holmes Paul Denckla USA
02.06.1978 Sherlock Meets the Phantom, or Holmes Sweet Holmes R. J. Gossert USA
03.05.1978 The Hound of the Baskervilles Richard Alonzo USA
??.05.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Rand Earl USA
10.04.1978 Sherlock Holmes and the Volcano Horror John Barry USA
06.04.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Christopher Lowry USA
25.03.1978 Psy Sie nie Myla
Dogs are not Wrong  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
03.03.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Ortman USA
02.03.1978 The Houdini Deception Paul DeMeo USA
23.02.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Kirt Kisling USA
23.02.1978 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) William Quiett USA
16.02.1978 Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of the Baskervilles Jim Miller USA
25.01.1978 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of the Four, or The Mark of Timber Toe Phillip Pleasants USA
21.01.1978 Sherlock Holmes Gene Jones USA
19.01.1978 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Gary Montgomery USA
14.01.1978 The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca Jack Medley USA
13.01.1978 The Curse of the Nine Angels, or Holmes, Sweet Holmes John K. White USA
12.01.1978 Baker Street Revisited Tony Griffin USA
12.01.1978 An Evening with Sherlock Holmes Allen Nevins USA
06.01.1978 The Crucifer of Blood Paxton Whitehead USA
26.11.1977 Srebrna Gwiazda
Silver Blaze  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
24.09.1977 Przygoda w hrabstwie Surrey
The Adventure in Surrey  
Piotr Fronczewski PL
1977 Sherlock Holmes: Fashion Victim Peter Wear UK
1977 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Randall Merrifield USA
1977 The Hound of the Baskervilles Christopher Jackson USA
1977 The Hound of the Baskervilles ? UK
1977 Sherlock Holmes: The Riddle of the Royal Regalia David Banks UK
1977 The Case of the Compromised Question-Papers C. D. Brown UK
1977 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Frank Langella USA
1977 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Ira Pierson USA
1977 The Very Great Grandson of Sherlock Holmes Will Disney as Sherwood Holmes USA
1977 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Keith Decker USA
1977 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Michalski USA
1977 The Marvelous Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes Ullyses Campbell USA
1977 The Hound of the Baskervilles Rob Ingraham USA
1977 Holmes is Where the Hark is Frank Bowman USA
1977 Excelsior Robin Walker UK
1977 The Curse of the Nine Angels, or Holmes, Sweet Holmes R. Walker USA
1977 The Marvelous Musical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Charles H. Duggan USA
1977 Sherlock's Last Case Steve Humphreys UK
1977 Шерлок Холмс Против Агента 007, Или Где Собака Зарыта?
Sherlock Holmes vs. 007 or Where is the Hound Buried?
Sh. Foerberg RU
1977 Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Chess Johnny Jennings USA
1977 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Allen Stetson USA
1977 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Kim Christison USA
1977 Собака Баскервилей
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Revaz Tavartkiladze RU
1977 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Bob Schaeffer USA
1976 The Sign of the Four Allen Nevins USA
1976 Enter Sherlock Holmes Michael Burrell UK
1976 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Paul Webster UK
1976 Sherlock Holmes' Sista Fall
Sherlock Holmes Last Case
Johan Rabéus SE
1976 The Hound of the Baskervilles Ray Mitchell USA
1976 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Alan Rickman UK
1976 The Speckled Band Stephanie Smith USA
1976 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Stephens CA
1976 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Stephen Klum USA
1976 Holmes, Sweet Holmes? Peter Howitt USA
1976 The Hat Bob Dister USA
1976 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Leonard Nimoy USA
1976 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Kurt Ingvall FI
1976 Sherlock's Last Case Ivor Danvers UK
1976 Sherlock's Last Case Walter Carr UK
1976 Sheer Look Holmes Keith Winter UK
1976 Sherlock Holmes Bryan Foster USA
1976 Sherlock's Last Case Stephen Earle UK
1976 The Hound of the Baskervilles Jim Pulsifer USA
1976 Sherlock Holmes and the Ladies in Distress Gene Morrow USA
1976 The Hound of the Baskervilles Tom Donaldson USA
1976 The Monte Carlo Telegram Chris Unwin as Stamford Holmes UK
1976 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Dave Sundberg USA
18.11.1976 Sherlock Holmes David Kelsey UK
01.06.1976 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of the Four, or The Mark of Timber Toe Randy Moore USA
31.12.1975 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Patrick Horgan CA
13.11.1975 The Trial of Sherlock Holmes James Donadio USA
1975 Snoop, or The Case of the Yellow Judge Mr. Hansard as Sherlock Snoop UK
1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Mark Kuechle USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Colicos USA
1975 The Hound of the Baskervilles Allen Nevins USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes in Scandal in Bohemia John Wylie USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Michael Maroney USA
1975 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bill Cripps UK
1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Layne Montgomery USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Ferrel Hinds USA
1975 The Hound of the Baskervilles Roger Hatch USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street Brandon Brady USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) George Moran USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure George Moran USA
1975 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Robert Graybill USA
1975 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure Bob Burrichter USA
1975 Sherlock's Last Case Aubrey Woods UK
1975 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Harris Gershman USA
1975 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Stephen D'Ambrose USA
1975 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Ken Starrett USA
1975 Sherlock's Last Case Nicholas Le Prevost UK
1975 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Robert S. Telford USA
1975 The Hound of the Baskervilles Bobby Jack Cox USA
1975 The Case of the Fallen Dickey Allyson Handley as Shirley Holmes USA
1975 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Richard Fowler ? USA
1975 The Murders at the Sherlock Holmes Club Christopher Steele USA
1975 Sherlock of the Sahara Paul Ratledge UK
19.08.1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Stephens USA
13.05.1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Neville USA
22.04.1975 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Patrick Horgan USA
10.04.1975 Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of the Four, or The Mark of Timber Toe Phillip Pleasants USA
07.10.1974 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Wood USA
1974-1975 Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street Richard Franklin UK
1974 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Wylie USA
1974 Sherlock's Last Case Clyde Pollitt UK
1974 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Gus Johnson USA
1974 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Tom Kuhlman,
Donald Gee
1974 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Blair Ziegler USA
1974 The Case of the Danish Prince Wayne B. Swift USA
1974 Sherlock's Last Case Julian Glover UK
1974 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Larry R. Ballard USA
1974 Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street Stuart Munro UK
1974 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Joe Aubuchon USA
1974 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Timothy Crowe USA
1974 Le Chien des Baskerville Raymond Gérôme FR
1973 The Illustrious Client David Payne USA
1973 Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure J. D. Sutton USA
1973 The Adventures of the Paradol Chamber Richard Schwartz USA
1973 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Tom Rezzuto USA
1973 Holmes and Moriarty, or An Extension of Philosophy, or The Rape of Mrs. Hudson Peter Turgeon USA
1973 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Thomas Molyneaux USA
1973 The Last of Sherlock Holmes Michael A. Cooper USA
1973 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jonathan Farwell, Thomas Recca, Richard Fancy, Clay Miller USA
1973 The Hound of the Baskervilles Skit ? USA
1972 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Bob Moise USA
1972 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes John Watson USA
1972 Sherlock Robert Nugent USA
1972 The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes Michael A. Cooper USA
1972 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Richard Ramos USA
1972 Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent Charters H. Anderson USA
1971 The Marvelous Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes Michael Kearns USA
1971 The Hound of the Baskervilles Tim Preece UK
1971 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Alden Crews USA
1971 Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Sherlock Holmes Anthony Griffin USA
1971 Elementary, Dear Watson, eller Hvad Julegåsen Gemie Thomas Skou Olsen DK
1970 The Mystery of the Silent Dog Jessica Pearce USA
1970 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Geoffrey Keller USA
1970 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Alan Moore UK
1969 Sherlock Holmes Michael George USA
1969 The Hound of the Overspills Prince Charles UK
1969 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Cripps CA
1968 Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band Roger Heathcott UK
1968 Его Величество Шерлок Холмс
His Majesty Sherlock Holmes
Valentin Golovko RU
07.08.1966 Narzeczony Panny Mary
The Fiance of Miss Mary  
Bronislaw Pawlik PL
1965 Baskervillský pes ? CZ
1965 The Doomsday Book ? USA
07.03.1965 Czciciel Parasola
The Worshipper's Umbrella  
Mieczyslaw Pawlikowski PL
16.02.1965 Baker Street: A Musical Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Fritz Weaver USA
1964 Sherlock Holmes and the Magic Tree Michael Boyd UK
1963-1964 Неоконченное Дело
The Unfinished Case
Pavel Budyak RU
1963 The Case of the Purloined Train puppet USA
1963 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Richard Pounder USA
1961 They Might Be Giants Harry H. Corbett UK
21.12.1959 Zagadka Brook Street
The Riddle of Brook Street  
Tadeusz Lomnicki PL
1959 The Speckled Band James Horswill USA
26.10.1958 Sprawa Zaginionych Planów
The Case of the Missing Plans  
Henryk Borowski PL
1958 Title? Oki Juin-Ichiro JP
1957 Uczeń Sherlocka Holmesa
A Pupil of Sherlock Holmes
? PL
1956 How Stagnant Stinks the Ditch Jon Pertwee UK
01.07.1956 Przygoda w Foukles Rath
The Adventure of Foulkes Rath, by Adrian Conan Doyle  
Jan Świderski PL
20.05.1956 Studium w Szkarłacie
A Study in Scarlet  
Jan Świderski PL
09.04.1955 Pies Baskervill'ów
The Hound of the Baskervilles  
Jerzy Abratowski (TBV) PL
1954 Mark Twain's A Double Barrelled Detective Story Donald Carek USA
30.10.1953 Sherlock Holmes Basil Rathbone USA
1953 The Great Detective Kenneth MacMillan UK
1953 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Geoffrey Edwards UK
1952 Footprints on the Sands of Time Gerard Webb USA
1952 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Glendinning USA
1952 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Alfred Burke UK
1950 The Speckled Band William Avenel UK
1949 The Yellow Birds Al Russell USA
1949 The Adventures of the Paradol Chamber Clayton Rawson USA
1949 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Walter Covell USA
1948 The Adventure of the Conk-Singleton Papers Clayton Rawson USA
1948 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) David Lewis USA
1946 Jajko Kolumba Igor Śmiałowski, Kazimierz Rudzki, Józef Dwornicki PL
1946 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Leo Brady USA
1943 Baskervilles Hund ? DK
1943 Шерлок Холмс
Sherlock Holmes
Vasily Vronsky RU
1941 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Claborne USA
1940 Тайна д-ра Гольдсмита
The Mystery of Dr. Goldsmith
P. Tumarinson LV
30.06.1939 Trouble Brewing George Formby AU
1939 The Speckled Band Gilbert R. Saltonstall, Kenneth G. Howard UK
1939 Sherlock Holmes Bjarni Björnsson IS
18.02.1937 Big Business Wylie Watson as Sexton Holmes UK
09.12.1936 The Holmeses of Baker Street Cyril Scott USA
1936 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) George Farrington USA
08.04.1935 The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton E. D. Walter UK
1934 The Speckled Band Dickson-Kenwin CA
1933 The Holmeses of Baker Street Felix Aylmer UK
1933 The Holmeses of Baker Street Edmund Kennedy UK
1932 Sherlock Holmes William Gillette CA
1932 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes E. Hamilton Jordan UK
1931 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Ralph Freud UK
09.03.1931 Sherlock Holmes Paul Lorraine UK
1930 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Ivan Agabeg UK
1930 The Speckled Band Ivan Agabeg UK
1930 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Noel Howlett UK
??.03.1930 Sherlock Holmes Val Gurney UK
1929 Sherlock Holmes: Farewell Appearances of William Gillette (Gillette's version) ? USA
1929 Sherlock Holmes James E. Mills UK
1929 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Fraser Scott UK
??.06.1929 The Speckled Band Douglas Rubery UK
1928 The Houseboat on the Styz Charles Gibney USA
1928 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Eric Portman UK
20.02.1928 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Robert Warwick USA
1927 The Speckled Band Harry Lionel UK
1927 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Frederick Victor UK
17.02.1927 El silbido fatal
The Fatal Whistle
Enrique Rambal ES
29.01.1927 Raffles contra Sherlock Holmes
Raffles against Sherlock Holmes
Enrique Rambal ES
1926 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) John Blake UK
1926 Sherlock Holmes Paul Neville UK
??.12.1925 The Speckled Band John Willward UK
1925 The Speckled Band Ben Greet FR
1925 The Speckled Band Stephen C. Venner UK
1925 The Speckled Band Malcolm Tearle UK
1925 The Speckled Band Philip Valentine UK
1924 Sherlock Holmes Thure Alfe SE
1924 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Herman Florents DK
1924 De Terugkeer van Sherlock Holmes Henri de Vries NL
??.09.1924 Sherlock Holmes Val Gurney UK
1923-1924 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Eille Norwood UK
10.05.1923 Шерлок Холмс (in Vologda)
Sherlock Holmes
? RU
1922~1923 Шерлок Холмс (in Kremenchug)
Sherlock Holmes
? RU
1922 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Alex Sinclair UK
1922 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Henry Oscar UK
1922 Преступление Шерлока Холмса
Crime of Sherlock Holmes
B. A. Gorin-Goryainov RU
1922 Pikuś contra Sherlock Holmes Leszek Józef Serafinowicz PL
1921-1922 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes H. A. Saintsbury UK
1921 Find the Lady Harry Ray as Sherlock Pinkerton UK
1921 The Crown Diamond: An Evening with Sherlock Holmes Dennis Neilson-Terry UK
192? Scherlock Holmes: Pies z Bascerville Tadeusz Zelski PL
08.12.1919 The Sign of the Four Landers Stevens USA
23.07.1919 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Landers Stevens USA
19.06.1919 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jacques Robert FR
1919 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Harold Holland UK
1919 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Leonard Tremayne UK
1919 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Leo Trood UK
25.04.1919 Таинственный Сундук Шерлока Холмса
The Mysterious Chest of Sherlock Holmes
? RU
02.04.1919 Шерлок Холмс, Похождение Сыщика
Sherlock Holmes, An Adventure of the Detective
directed by I. S. Agapov RU
1919 The Bank of England Scott Leighton UK
1918-1919 El secreto del submarino
The Secret of the Submarine
Enrique Rambal ES
1918-1919 El silbido fatal
The Fatal Whistle
Enrique Rambal ES
21.03.1918 Watson, Sherlock's, Holmes E. B. Norman UK
1917 The Speckled Band Ashley Wright NL
12.10.1917 El suplicio de Max Vert
The Torture of Max Vert
Enrique Rambal ES
23.04.1917 Шерлокъ Холмсъ и Миссъ Алиса Король Цепей
Miss Alice and Sherlock Holmes the King of Chains
? RU
29.01.1917 Шерлокъ Хольмъ
Sherlock Holm
Krutovsky RU
19?? The Burglar and the Lady John Whiteside USA
20.03.1916 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ (Gillette's version) Shatrov RU
13.12.1915 Little's Dick's First Case
A burlesque of "Sherlock Holmes"
Violet Radcliffe UK
03.05.1915 The Speckled Band Sydney Herbert UK
1915 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes E. J. Davies DE
1915 La Tragedia de Baskerville Sr. Comes ES
1915 The Bank of England Charles H. Lester UK
1915 El vendedor de cadáveres; o, El timo a la Gresham ? ES
1915 You See Too G. E. A. Jackson UK
1915 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Charles Yorke UK
1914 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes H. Cooper Cliffe USA
25.07.1914 Баскервильская Трагедія
Baskerville Tragedy
Rozen-Sanin RU
13.07.1914 The Worst Woman in France Ronald Grahame UK
02.03.1914 A Study in Scarlet Richard La Salle USA
16.01.1914 Cinderella, or The Adventure of the Single Slipper Wilfrid C. Mathews UK
1913 Sherlock Holmes pa Stoke Moran Einar Fröberg SE
1913 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) William Larsson SE
09.11.1913 Scherlock Holmes Camille Bert RU
18.07.1913 Пронабшие Миллиарды
The Missing Millions
Los RU
26.06.1913 The Speckled Band Charles Gibbons UK
ca. 1913 A Rural Sherlock Holmes with Betty Tink USA
1913 The Ham Tree John Lorenz as Sherlock Zaffles USA
1913 The Burglar and the Lady Perry S. Whitham USA
1913 The Ham Tree Lew Bloom as Sherlock Zaffles USA
1913 Padlock Domes, or, Who Stole the Japanese Paper Basket? Charles Leftwich as Padlock Domes UK
1913 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ (Gillette's version) Snezhinsky RU
08.03.1913 The Raffle-ing of Sherlock Holmes N. Thorpe-Mayne UK
1912 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ (Gillette's version) Stronsky RU
1912 Sherlock Holmes Bjarni Björnsson IS
1912 In the Power of Sherlock Holmes J. L. Lawrence AU
10.05.1912 La Aguja Hueca (Lupin y Holmes)
The Hollow Needle
? ES
20.04.1912 El perro fantamsa
The Ghost Hound
Enrique Rambal ES
13.02.1912 Cinderella, or The Adventure of the Single Slipper Wilfrid C. Mathews UK
1912 Жена Шерлока Холмса
The Wife of Sherlock Holmes
Sharap RU
pre-1912 Sherlock Holmes Jens B. Waage IS
1911-1912 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes A. Corney Grain UK
25.12.1911 Cinderella, or The Adventure of the Single Slipper Wilfrid C. Mathews UK
18.12.1911 The Sign of the Four E. T. Hall USA
18.12.1911 The Sign of the Four Albert Phillips USA
10.12.1911 Новый Гамлет
The New Hamlet
Kelkh RU
04.11.1911 Scherlok Holmes: Il Poliziotto Dilettante Alfredo Dini IT
08.10.1911 La Mort de Herlock Sholmès Harry Nelsond FR
01.01.1911 Шерлокъ Холмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
Boris Glagolin RU
1911 The Speckled Band Grendon Beasley UK
1911 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes O. P. Heggie UK
1911 Smearlock Holmes, or Why He's Conan Doyled Himself G. R. Coxon UK
1911 The Queen of the Wicked Roberto Lena UK
1911 The Queen of the Wicked Henry W. Hatchman UK
14.11.1910 Шерлокъ Холмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
? RU
28.10.1910 Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes Henry Houry FR
18.08.1910 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Julian Royce UK
??.07.1910 Hullo! People! Fred Leslie UK
04.06.1910 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes H. A. Saintsbury UK
12.05.1910 L'Ultima Avventura di Sherlock Holmes S. Renzi S. Renzi IT
24.02.1910 Король Воровъ
The King of Thieves, from the Latest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
? RU
1910 Sherlock Holmes Demur FI
03.01.1910 Арсенъ Люпенъ и Шерлокъ Холмсъ
Arsène Lupin and Sherlock Holmes
Nadezhdov RU
1910 Sherlock Holmes ja Musta Käsi
Sherlock Holmes and the Black Hand
? FI
1910 The Speckled Band Julian Price UK
1910 The Speckled Band: An Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Charles Millward USA
??.11.1909 Пропавшіе милліарды
The Lost Billions
Probably Granovsky RU
1909 The Bank of England   Roy Redgrave UK
1909 Nadie más fuerte que Sherlock-Holmes: Segunda parte de La capture de Raffles ? ES
1909 El Detectiu Jeph-Roch Homs Joseph Santpere ES
30.09.1909 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Paul Schultz FR
05.07.1909 Летим
We Fly
Timashev RU
25.04.1909 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Mr. Rochemay FR
29.03.1909 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) J.-L. Teste FR
21.11.1908 El Gos des Baskerville
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Enric Giménez ES
16.11.1908 En lisant Sherlock Holmes M. Liesse FR
16.11.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Victor Perny FR
??.11.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Saint-Germain FR
06.11.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) M. Coursière CH
30.10.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Lombard FR
01.09.1908 Papa, les p'tits bateaux
Dad, little boats
Jean Bataille FR
??.08.1908 Шерлокъ Холмсъ Вь Казани
Sherlock Holmes in Kazan
? RU
31.08.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) H. Hamilton Stewart UK
17.08.1908 Венера въ Петербургіь
Venus in Saint Petersburg
Vavich RU
15.06.1908 La Garra de Holmes
The Claw of Holmes
? ES
15.06.1908 Holmes y Raffles
Holmes and Raffles
? ES
23.05.1908 Sherlock Holmes Eliseo San Juan AR
18.05.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Georges Flateau FR
15.05.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Paul Chevalet FR
11.05.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Henry Krauss FR
22.04.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Enric Giménez ES
20.01.1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Albert Bozenhard CH
1908 Adventuras de Sherlock Holmes Eliseo San Juan AR
1908 The Ham Tree Frank O'Brien
as Sherlock Baffles
1908 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Claude King JP
1908 El Detective Sherlock Holmes ? ES
1908 The Baskerville Mystery ? RU
1908 La captura de Raffles
The Capture of Raffles
Sr. Olivar ES
31.12.1907 Возвращение Щерлока Хольмса
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Vygovsky RU
20.12.1907 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Firmin Gémier FR
09.12.1907 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
S. K. Yeletsky RU
24.11.1907 Мормоны
? PL
1907 Der Hund von Baskerville Ferdinand Bonn DE
1907 Sherlock Holmes Mr. Holden USA
1907 A Hellish Dog: Baskerville Hound ? RU
1907 Sherlock Holmes Kazimierz Kamiński PL
19.09.1907 By London's Mighty River A. Russell UK
29.07.1907 Актриса и Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes and the Actress
Evgeny Alasheyevsky RU
28.07.1907 Миссъ Шерлокъ
Miss Sherlock Holmes
as Mary Sherlock
25.07.1907 Месть Маріани
Mariani's Revenge
Evgeny Alasheyevsky RU
24.07.1907 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ (Gillette's version) Evgeny Alasheyevsky RU
10.06.1907 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
Lersky RU
10.06.1907 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
M. Y. Muratov RU
10.06.1907 Подвиги Сыщика Тайной Полиціи Шерлока Хольмса
The Exploits of the Secret Police Detective Sherlock Holmes
Bersenyev RU
25.02.1907 Миссъ Шерлокъ
Miss Sherlock Holmes
P. M. Arnoldi
as Mary Sherlock
22.02.1907 Сыщик: Шерлокъ Хольмсъ Наизнанку
Detective: Sherlock Holmes Inside Out
? FI
22.02.1907 Смерть Шерлока Хольмса
Death of Sherlock Holmes
? FI
19.02.1907 Месть Маріани
Mariani's Revenge
Sumarokov RU
18.02.1907 Месть Маріани
Mariani's Revenge
Volokhov RU
11.02.1907 Шерлокъ Холмсъ (англiйскiй сыщикъ)
Sherlock Holmes, English Detective
? RU
10.02.1907 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
Rozen-Sanin RU
05.02.1907 На Столичномъ Небосклонѣ
In the Sky of the Capital
Polonsky RU
04.02.1907 Red Riding Hood Lauri Wylie as Baron Sherlock Holmes UK
31.01.1907 Актриса и Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes and the Actress
Doroshevich RU
---.01.1907 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
P. K. Dyakonov RU
1906-1907 A Study in Scarlet Frank H. Daniels USA
30.12.1906 Миссъ Шерлокъ
Miss Sherlock Holmes
as Mary Sherlock
26.12.1906 Новые приключенія Шерлока Холмса в Петербургѣ
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in Saint Petersburg
Gudara, M. D. Dalmatov RU
01.12.1906 Новыя Приключенія Шерлокъ Хольмса
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Boris Glagolin RU
11.12.1906 Жена Шерлока Холмса
The Wife of Sherlock Holmes
В. М. Maysky RU
29.11.1906 Мотофозо VI в Петербурге
Motofozo VI in Saint Petersburg
A. P. Dolin RU
27.11.1906 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ
Sherlock Holmes
Viktor Muravlev-Svirsky RU
26.11.1906 Петербургская Карменъ
Carmen in Saint Petersburg
Borchenko, Karsavin, Sergeiev RU
17.11.1906 Sherlock Holmes Alexander Zelwerowicz PL
11.11.1906 The Sign of the Four Norval MacGregor USA
10.11.1906 Маріани
Mariani) i.e. Moriarty
Blumenthal-Tamarin, Gursky RU
01.11.1906 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ въ Петербургѣ
Sherlock Holmes in Saint Petersburg
N. G. Seversky, Gudara RU
24.09.1906 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ (Gillette's version) Mirsky RU
09.09.1906 Шерлокъ Хольмсъ (Gillette's version) Boris Glagolin RU
1906 The Burglar and the Lady Arthur V. Johnson USA
1906 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Lothar Mayring DE
1906 The Heart of London C. York UK
1906 Sherlock Holmes Ferdinand Bonn DE
1905-1906 The Ham Tree W. C. Fields
as Sherlock Baffles
1905-1906 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) H. Lawrence Leyton UK
1905 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) William Larsson FI
1905 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Kenneth Rivington UK
1905 The Harrowing Predicament of Sherlock Holmes William Gillette USA
1905 The Painful Predicament of Sherlock Holmes William Gillette UK
1905 Sign of the Four, or Sherlock Holmes Campbell Stratton UK
04.06.1905 The Prince of Detectives Thomas H. Clarke USA
18.05.1905 The Bank of England Frank Harding UK
11.05.1905 Sherlock Holmes Hayden Stevenson CA
09.02.1905 Little Red Riding Hood Charles Coleman as Baron Sherlock Holmes UK
1904 Cupid & Co. Junie McCree as Sherlock Quiller Holmes USA
1904 Miss Sherlock Holmes --- UK
1904 The Bank of England George Henry UK
1904 The Bank of England Eugene Moore USA
1904 The Sign of the Four Walter Edwards USA
1904 The Sign of the Four Bert Lytell USA
1903-1913 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Hugo Rönnblad SE
1903-1904 Sherlock Holmes Horace Whitmee UK
1903 Sherlock Holmes Harry Plimmer NZ
1902-1905 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) H. A. Saintsbury UK
1902-1904 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Harry Primmer AU
27.12.1902 Little Bo-Beep; or, The Bounding Hound of the Basherbills Ada Wallis UK
16.12.1902 The Polar Star John Shanley USA
27.11.1902 Bo-Peep; or, The Dreaming Maid, The Scheming Baron and the Terrible Hound of the Baskerbills Amy Liston UK
03.11.1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Herbert Kelcey USA
30.10.1902 The Bank of England Thomas Barry UK
02.10.1902 An Adventure with the Spirit of Sherlock Holmes Thursby & Alexander UK
22.05.1902 An Adventure in the Life of Sherlock Holmes William Felton UK
22.05.1902 The Bank of England Albert Ward UK
08.05.1902 An Adventure in the Life of Sherlock Holmes W. R. Perceval UK
24.04.1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Knut Nyblom SE
20.03.1902 Sherlock Holmes Leonard Rayne ZA
1902 In Dahomey: A Musical Farce Bert A. Williams as Shylock Homestead USA
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Hr. Bergendorff SE
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Ingolf Schanche NO
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Hr. Bergvall SE
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Emil Ljungqvist SE
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Julian Royce UK
1902 The Great Detective Roy Redrave UK
1902 An Adventure in the Life of Sherlock Holmes John Lawson UK
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Vilhelm Birch DK
1902 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Jens F. S. Dorph-Petersen DK
06.03.1902 The Great Detective William L. Dobell UK
1901-1902 Sheerluck Jones, or Why D'Gillette Him Off? Clarence Blakiston as Sheerluck Jones USA
02.11.1901 Lockjaw Bones (parody) George Mozart as Lockjaw Bones UK
1901 Hidenseek (parody) John Le Hay as Peter Pike a burlesque SH USA
1901 The Bank of England Henry George UK
1901 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Fred Sargent UK
1901 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) J. S. Crawley UK
1901 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Ernest Bliss UK
1901 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) T. A. Shannon UK
1901 Sherlock Holmes, Detective, or The Sign of the Four Richard Butler USA
1901 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Cuyler Hastings USA
1900~1906 The Bank of England Hubert S. Chambers UK
1900~1906 The Bank of England St. John Beecher UK
1900~1906 The Bank of England John F. Preston UK
1900 The Bank of England Charles Blake UK
1900s Sherlock Hochmec, the King of Detectives Károly Baumann HU
1899-1900 The Remarkable Pipe Dream of Mr. Shylock Holmes Alexander Clark USA
1899 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) Reuben Fax CA
12.06.1899 Sherlock Holmes (Gillette's version) William Gillette USA
24.04.1899 The Man in the Moon Ferris Hartman USA
06.01.1896 Hendrick Hudson, Jr. John Page as 'Sherlock',
Neil McNeil as 'Holmes'
23.02.1895 Shylock and Co. up to Date Frank Goldman UK
1894-1895 The Widow of Sherlock Holmes (song) Daisy de Roy (singer) UK
24.12.1894 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp Fred Carlos
as Sherlock Holmes Potter
23.07.1894 Claude Duval H. O. Clarey, James Welch,
W. T. Thompson
as Sherlock Holmes-Spotter
15.12.1893 Sherlock Holmes John Webb UK
25.11.1893 Under the Clock Charles Brookfield UK