
Here is a list of handwritten letters by Arthur Conan Doyle wrote to relatives or published in the press. He wrote thousands of letters during his life... The following list is not exhaustive.
For other handwritten pieces, see Dedicaces, Manuscripts, drawings and paintings and other writings.
The letters are ordered chronologically, based on locations where Conan Doyle wrote his letters.
See also How to authenticate his signature?
From (Sir) Arthur Conan Doyle
From Clifton House, Aston Road, Birmingham (1879-1882)
- Gelseminum as a Poison (20 september 1879)
- Notes on a Case of Leucocythaemia (25 march 1882)
From Bush Villa, Southsea, Portsmouth (1882-1890)
Letter to Blackwood's Magazine about The Actor's Duel (january~march 1882)
- The Contagious Diseases Acts (~16 june 1883)
- The Portsmouth Young Men's Christian Association and their Rev. Critic (~27 march 1884)
- American Medical Diplomas (~23 september 1884)
- The Remote Effects of Gout (24 november 1884)
- Carlyle: His Character and Philosophy (26 january 1886)
- The Proposed Recreation Ground at North End (~7 may 1886)
- The Unionist Platform (~6 july 1886)
- Copyright assignment for A Study in Scarlet (20 november 1886)
- Working Men's Loyal Jubilee Memorial (~26 march 1887)
- A Test Message (~2 july 1887)
- Compulsory Vaccination (14 july 1887)
- Compulsory Vaccination (~27 july 1887)
- The Liberal Unionists (21 april 1888)
- Hampshire Worthies (~2 august 1888)
- Hampshire Celebrities (~17 august 1888)
Letter to Lottie Doyle
(1888) -
Letter to Portsmouth Library
about The Mystery of Cloomber
(19 january 1889)
- Mr. Shutte's Critic (20 november 1889)
Letter to Mr. Hemingsley
(14 march 1890) -
Letter about the Melbourne Paper
(5 june 1890) -
Letter to Innes Doyle
about hard work
(autumn 1890)
- Income Tax Assessment (~1 november 1890)
Letter to Mr Chapman
(26 november 1890)
- Notes and News (~8 december 1890)
- Letter to Mrs Boismaison (1882~1890)
From Central Hotel, Berlin, Germany (1890)
- The Consumption Cure (17 november 1890)
From 12 Tennison Road, South Norwood (1891-1894)
Letter to Mr Langbridge about Tauchnitz Edition
(4 august 1891) -
Letter to Mr Stoddart about an American historical novel
(21 september 1891)
- The Death of Mr. Wolcott Balestier (7 december 1891)
- Letter to Mrs Charrington (1891~1893)
Letter to Mr Bell
about Sherlock Holmes
(4 may 1892) -
Letter to an editor
about The Los Amigos Fiasco
(7 may 1892) -
Letter about a Sunday lunch
(27 june 1892) -
Letter about Federationism
(25 september 1892)
- For Nelson's Sake (~22 september 1892)
- Letter to Mrs D'Oyly Carte about Jane Annie (17 december 1892)
- The Chicago Exhibition and British Regimental Bands (29 december 1892)
- Letter to Mrs Chaundler Moulton (15 september 1893)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith (17 october 1893)
Letter about trains
(5 november 1893) -
Letter about a lecture at Springburn, Glasgow (10 november 1893)
Letter to Mr. Reid
(ca. november 1893)
- A Vanishing Opportunity (16 march 1893)
Letter to Ruby Paulson
(august 1893)
- Some Interesting Letters (2 may 1894)
Letter to John Reid
about Holmes drama
(3 june 1894) -
Letter to Algernon Methuen
about Round the Red Lamp
(4 june 1894) -
Letter to Major Pond
about a lecture tour in America
(26 june 1894) -
Letter to Mr. Smith
(11 july 1894) -
Letter about Micah Clarke
(6 august 1894) -
Letter about Napkin Press
(ca. 1894)
- An Explanation from Mr. Conan Doyle (10 august 1894)
From The Russel House, Detroit, USA (1894)
Letter to Major James B. Pond
(22 october 1894)
From The Aldine Club, New York, USA (1894)
Letter to Addison Irving Bacheller
(6 december 1894)
From Reform Club, Pall Mall, London (1892-1902)
- Britain and the Chicago Exhibition (22 december 1892)
Letter to David Thomson
(4 january 1893)
- Literature at the Booksellers' Dinner (17 april 1893)
- A Protest from Dr. Conan Doyle (13 november 1893)
- Esther Waters and the Libraries (30 april 1894)
- Dr. Conan Doyle's Latest Case (~2 january 1897)
- Nelson Day (22 october 1897)
- The Ethics of Criticism (~15 may 1899)
- The Ethics of Criticism (~16 may 1899)
- The War Office and Inventors (19 february 1900)
- Mr. Conan Doyle and High Angle Fire (~26 february 1900)
- Dr. Doyle and the Reform Club (27 september 1900) sending location not mentioned
- Dr. Conan Doyle (13 october 1900)
- The Lessons of the South African War (1 november 1900)
- The Lessons of the South African War (6 november 1900)
Letter to Arthur Quiller-Couch (15 may 1902)
From Davos, Caux & Maloja, Switzerland (1893-1895)
Letter to Mr. Reid
(23 december 1893) -
Letter to H. Verner Dobson
(13 january 1894)
- Another Letter from Dr. Doyle (27 january 1894)
- Letter to Oliver McEwan (2 february 1894)
- Mr. Conan Doyle and America (27 december 1894)
Letter about a walking tour
(2 april 1894) -
Letter about golf with photo
(18 february 1895, Davos)
- Lecturing in America (july 1895)
Letter to James Payn about Rodney Stone
(1 august 1895)
- A Letter from Dr. Doyle (2 september 1895)
Letter to The Critic
(30 september 1895)
- Letter about the Paris Book (30 october 1895)
Letter about cheque and Egypt
(4 november 1895)
From 23 Oakley Street, Chelsea (1895)
- Letter to Mr Harrison, his printer (10 october 1895)
Letter to Mr. Marrillier (ca. 14 october 1895)
From Egypt (1895-1896)
- England and America (30 december 1895)
Greeting card to Major Pond (january 1896)
Letter to Colonel Conbrough
(february 1896) -
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about a play (2 march 1896)
From 4 Southsea Terrace, Southsea (1896)
Letter to Douglas Ainslie
(12 june 1896)
From Greyswood Beeches, Haslemere (1896-1899)
- The Case of Mrs. Castle (7 november 1896)
Letter to the Byron Society
(25 september 1896) -
Letter to Herbert S. Stone
(january 1897) -
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about Colin Maclean
(15 january 1897)
- Dr. Conan Doyle's Latest Case (4 january 1897)
- Letter to Mr Palmer for New Year 1898 (Christmas 1897)
- Letter to Grant Richards (1 october 1899)
From Authors' Club, 1 Whitehall Place, London (1897)
- Literary Etiquette (6 august 1897)
From Morley's Hotel, London (1897-1902)
- Nelson Day (~20 october 1897)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about MCC (ca. august 1902)
- The Swiss and Anglophobia (~28 july 1902)
- Undated
Letter to Sir George about making a speech (ca. 1897-1902)
From Moorlands, Hindhead (1897)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith
(8 february 1897) -
Letter about a reading for an Indian Famine Fund (24 february 1897)
Letter to Mr. Moschelles (undated)
From Claremont, Eastbourne (1897)
Letter to Mr. Bryden
(may 1897) -
Letter to Bram Stoker
(20 august 1897) -
Letter to Sir Walter Besant (undated)
From Undershaw, Hindhead, Haslemere (1897-1907)
Letter to Sidney Paget about framed picture (ca. 1897)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about the steward (21 january 1897)
Letter about Bimbashi Joyce (ca. 1897-1900)
Letter to Bram Stoker (20 june 1898)
Letter to Mr. Sharman (ca. july 1898)
Letter to Major Pond (6 october 1898)
Letter to Grant Richards (dec 1898~jan 1899)
- The Ethics of Criticism (~18 may 1899)
- Volunteers and the War (~18 december 1899)
Letter to Ma'am about volunteering for War (ca. 25 december 1899)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith (31 december 1899)
Letter to G. B. Burgin (ca. 1900)
Letter to the Irvine Burns Club (3 february 1900)
Letter to F. J. Lawson (20 august 1900)
Letter to John Cecil Russell about The Great Boer War (ca. sept-oct 1900)
Letter to John Cecil Russell about The Great Boer War (ca. sept-oct 1900)
Letter about interesting papers (16 october 1900)
- South County Dublin. Dr. Conan Doyle's Views (~3 october 1900)
- The South Dublin Election (17 october 1900)
- Dr. Conan Doyle on Early Closing (november 1900) sending location not mentioned
- Mr. Conan Doyle and Army Reform (~12 november 1900)
- Burghers of the Queen (~19 december 1900)
- Civilian Riflemen (~27 december 1900)
- Civilian Riflemen (~5 january 1901)
- The Undershaw Rifle Club (~5 january 1901)
- Civilian Riflemen (~9 january 1901)
- The Lindley Action (10 january 1901)
- South African Cricketers (~20 april 1901)
- The Boers and our Wounded (12 july 1901)
- The Derailing of Trains (~5 september 1901)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about a French Translation (ca. 22 january 1902)
Letter to Bertram Fletcher Robinson (26 january 1902)
Letter about The War in South Africa (28 january 1902)
Letter to Baron E. Leijonhufvud (13 february 1902)
- The Van Zyl Photograph (~31 january 1902)
- The Lizzie Van Zyl Photograph (31 january 1902)
- Dr. Conan Doyle (~4 february 1902)
- The Cause and Conduct of the War (~4 february 1902)
- The War and Continental Opinion. Conan Doyle's Book. An Appeal by he Author (20 february 1902)
- Cause and Conduct (~3 march 1902)
Letter to Reginald J. Smith (10 march 1902)
Letter to Lord Midleton (11 june 1902)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith (25 july 1902)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about some pricing (3 august 1902)
Letter about refusing any lectures (26 august 1902)
- General De Wet's Account of the War (~13 december 1902)
Letter to Dr. Ernst about The War in South Africa (undated [1902])
Letter about Professor Herrlich (undated [1902])
Letter to G. B. Burgin about a seating request (undated [> 1902])
Letter about the cause of truth (17 january 1903)
Letter to Grant Richards (25 march 1903)
Letter to Peter F. Collier (3 april 1903)
Letter to J. Whelen (1 may 1903)
Letter to Grant Richards about American rights (undated [1903])
Letter to Grant Richards to thank him (undated [1903])
Letter to the press about Rifle Competition (undated [1903])
- The New Protection (~4 july 1903)
- The New Protection (~18 july 1903)
- Sir Conan Doyle and the Motor-Car (~1 august 1903)
- Completion of Twenty-Five Years of the "B.O.P." (5 september 1903)
Letter about refusing an invitation (19 november 1903)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the Tweed Acts (14 december 1903)
- Mr. Balfour and the City of Bradford (28 december 1903)
- A Further Plea for Protection (6 february 1904)
Letter to Mr. Stapleton (21 march 1904)
Letter about engagements (23 may 1904)
Letter to Mr. Robson (1 june 1904)
Postcard to Mr Robson about a hall in town (5 september 1904)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about The Second Stain (14 september 1904)
Letter to Mr Robson about a dinner to Balfour (16 september 1904)
- The Case of the Caroline (25 november 1904)
Letter to Mr Robson about Mr. Selkirk (19 december 1904)
Letter to an editor about a besieged debtor (17 january 1905)
Letter to Robson about photographic cards (29 april 1905)
- Rifle Shooting as a National Pursuit (~14 june 1905)
Letter to Mr. Stapleton (9 july 1905)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Platform (2 september 1905)
- More Motorphobia (~21 september 1905)
- Fiscal Policy (28 october 1905)
- Fiscal Policy (2 november 1905)
- To the Electors of the Border Burghs (27 december 1905)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about Sir Nigel (29 november 1905)
Letter to Arthur Schütz (14 february 1906)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on Tariff Reform (~9 march 1906)
Letter about Academy banquet invitations (10 april 1906)
- Motor-Cars and Coast Defence (~12 april 1906)
- Sunday Rifle Shooting (~28 april 1906)
Telegram (3 july 1906)
Letter to Charles Frohman (4 july 1906)
Letter to decline invitation (15 september 1906)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Perris (22 november 1906)
- The Case of Mr. George Edalji (11 & 12 january 1907)
- The Question of Eyesight (14 january 1907)
- The Case of George Edalji: A Question for Ophtalmologists (19 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case. Letter from the Home Secretary (29 january 1907)
- Autolycus in Germany (23 april 1907)
- The Edalji Case (30 may 1907)
- The Edalji Letters (10 june 1907)
Letter about a contribution to the Edalji Fund (24 may 1907)
- Undated
Letter to Mrs. Williams about Hindhead Hockey Club (27 february)
Letter about the Caledonian Society (26 november)
Letter to Bram Stoker about a melodrama (undated)
Letter to Robson about Craig opinion (undated)
Letter about exclusive rights (undated)
Letter about a kind note (undated)
Letter to Lacey about cricket (undated)
Letter to Mrs. Whitaker about tennis (undated)
Letter to Private Martin Hanlon (undated)
Letter to Lawson Tait (undated)
From 14 Rossetti Mansions, Chelsea (< 1898)
Letter to James Payn (< 1898).
From Blandford, UK (1898)
Letter about Fenian and Orangeman (1 september 1898).
From The Langman Hospital, South Africa (1900)
- Mr. Burdett-Coutts's Charges (5 june 1900)
- Dr. Conan Doyle's Evidence (5 june 1900)
Greeting photo sent for Christmas 1900 (december 1900).
Greeting photo sent for Christmas 1900 (december 1900).
From 27 Rue des Batignolles, Paris, France (1900)
Letter about The Great Boer War
(ca. 1900) -
Letter about his wish to enter the parliament
(21 september 1900)
From Dunard, Grange Loan, Edinburgh (1900)
- To the Electors of Central Edinburgh (24 september 1900)
From Old Waverley Hotel, Edinburgh (1900)
- Dr. Conan Doyle and his South African Services (~3 october 1900)
From Golden Cross Hotel, London (1901)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about The War in South Africa
(12 december 1901)
From Ashdown Forest Hotel (1901-1906)
Letter to Mr. Hamilton (16~17 march 1901)
Letter to Mr. Hamilton (16~17 march 1901)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith (17 january 1902)
- Are We Becoming Less Religious? (3 august 1906)
- Are We Becoming Less Religious? (~11 august 1906)
- Are We Becoming Less Religious? (~31 august 1906)
From The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, London (1901-1924)
- South African Cricketers (~4 may 1901)
- Train-Wrecking (~14 september 1901)
- Dr. Conan Doyle on his Defence (30 january 1902)
- The Cause and Conduct of the War (6 february 1902)
- The Cause and Conduct of the War (10 february 1902)
- The Cause and Conduct of the War (11 april 1902)
- The Cause and Conduct of the War (~5 june 1902)
- A Plea for Protection by Sir A. Conan Doyle (3 february 1904)
- Mr. A. L. Brown and Sir A. Conan Doyle (12 march 1904)
- A Channel Tunnel (10 march 1913)
- Lord Wolseley (3 april 1913)
- Wembley on Sundays (21 may 1924)
Letter about French copies
From The Esplanade Hotel, Seaford (1902)
From the R.M.S Austral (1902)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith (17 april 1902)
From The Limes, Wallingford, Oxfordshire (1903)
Letter to Grant Richards (18 march 1903)
From Hill House Hotel, Happisburgh (1903)
From Grand Hotel, Trafalgar Square, London (1903-1920)
Letter about Commercial Travellers Motor Cycle (26 may 1903)
Letter to H. P. Rose (19 may 1903)
Letter to Robson (17 september 1904)
Letter to Mr Martin Harvey (28 july 1905)
Letter to Captain Anson (29 august 1907)
- Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Burns (26 january 1906)
- The Edalji Case. Home Office Deliberating (19 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case. Summing Up by Sir A. Conan Doyle (25 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case. Home Office Decision (9 february 1907)
- Edalji Case. Statement in the House (28 may 1907)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Bishop Phelan (4 november 1920)
From North British Station Hotel, Edinburgh (1904)
- The Tweed Trade (~4 february 1904)
From Sheringham, Norfolk (1904)
Prescription to Hay Doyle (2 march 1904)
From Tower Hotel, Hawick (1905)
Letter about his LLD degree (27 march 1905)
From Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh (1905)
- Mr. A. L. Brown and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (8 april 1905)
From Union Bank Chambers, London (1905)
Letter A. E. Williams about Jones pursuit (10 november 1905)
From Kensington (1906)
Postcard to the Terry's Theatre Box Office (10 march 1906)
From Cavendish Hotel, Eastbourne (<1907)
Letter about Mr. Robinson
From Monkstown, Crowborough (1907)
- The Case of Mr. George Edalji. Special Investigation by Sir A. Conan Doyle (7 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case. Judgment by Default (23 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case (4 march 1907)
- The Edalji Case (14 august 1907)
From Ely-place, Holborn, London (1907)
- The Edalji Debate (24 june 1907)
From Regent Hotel, Royal Leamington Spa (1907)
- Case of George Edalji (15 july 1907)
- Case of George Edalji (~20 july 1907)
Letter about concentrating books into one (ca. 1907)
From Hotel Regina, Paris, France (1907-1925)
Letter to thank Herbert Greenhough Smith (22 september 1907)
- Letter to Harry Price (7 september 1925)
From Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex (1907-1930)
Letter about the origin of the Hound of the Baskervilles (2 feb [> 1907])
Letter to Professor Fuchs (ca. september 1907)
Letter to Mr. Daldy about his sound advice (25 january 1908)
Letter about his attack of illness (18 february 1908)
Notecard to Mrs Tooley (14 july 1908)
Letter about Grete Beyer's trial (25 august 1908)
- Yeoman Stock (~21 november 1908)
Letter to Mr. Collier (december 1908)
Letter about changes to the play The Fires of Fate (undated, before 15 june 1909)
- The Critic on our Hearth (~8 january 1909)
- The Label in Future (~13 january 1909)
- The Traffic in Old Horses (~23 july 1909)
- England and the Congo (~18 august 1909)
- England and the Congo (25 august 1909)
Letter to Edith Wattson (ca. august 1909)
Letter to Mayor of Colchester about the Oyster Feast (23 september 1909)
- The Congo Question (2 october 1909)
Letter to Mary Jakeman about her wages (undated, ca. 1909)
Letter to Mr Carnegie (4 october 1909)
Letter about "The Crime of the Congo" (13 october 1909)
- Belgian Denials (~8 october 1909)
- Archbishop Bourne and the Congo Question (3 november 1909)
- The Congo Question (7 november 1909)
- The Congo Question (15 november 1909)
- The Congo (12 november 1909)
- The Congo Reforms (29 november 1909)
- Germany and the Congo (~8 december 1909)
- The Imperial Maritime League (10 december 1909)
Letter about joining a Local Committee (30 january 1910)
- Yeomanry of the Future (~8 february 1910)
- The Katanga (14 february 1910)
Letter to Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress (29 march 1910)
- The Congo Reforms (13 april 1910)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Cavalry Training (13 april 1910)
- The King's Declaration (10 may 1910)
Letter to Dudley Ward (1 july 1910)
Letter to J. C. S. King (10 july 1910)
- Mr. Morel and the Congo (~16 july 1910)
- Guinea Pig or Man? (~1 november 1910)
Letter about a swindler (30 december 1910)
Letter to uncourteous man about Edalji (11 january 1911)
Letter about Churton Collins (16 january 1911)
- Belgium and the Congo (15 february 1911)
- Great Britain and Belgium (~13 march 1911)
Letter to Pierre Mille
(3 june 1911) -
Letter about a reservation
(12 june 1911) -
Letter about Mr Schwensen
(24 july 1911)
- Sir Conan Doyle A Home Ruler (19 september 1911)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Home Rule (27 september 1911)
- The Amateur Soldier Again (~4 november 1911)
- The Amateur Soldier Again (~2 december 1911)
- Khartoum Cathedral (~5 december 1911)
- Marriage Problems (~16 january 1912)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on Divorce (~23 january 1912)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle on Divorce (~25 january 1912)
- Peaceful Ireland (~26 march 1912)
- Peaceful Ireland (~28 march 1912)
- Home Rule (2 april 1912)
- The Labour Unrest (~20 june 1912)
- The Empire and the Games (15 july 1912)
Letter to Douglas Sladen (16 july 1912)
- The Olympic Games (29 july 1912)
- Britain and the Olympic Games (5 august 1912)
- The Case of Oscar Slater (2 september 1912)
- The Slater Case (~12 october 1912)
- The Slater Case (26 october 1912)
Letter about The Speckled Band and Fires of Fate (1 december 1912)
Postcard to William Waudby (4 december 1912)
- Olympic Committee (22 march 1913)
- The Channel Tunnel (~19 april 1913)
- Political Prisoners in Portugal (5 may 1913)
- The Portuguese Prisoners (15 may 1913)
- Olympic Games Lethargy (~24 may 1913)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and the B.O.C. (~5 july 1913)
Letter to Innes Doyle (summer 1913)
- The Channel Tunnel (12 august 1913)
- The Olympic Games Fund (11 september 1913)
- The Wyrley Maimings (~12 september 1913)
- The Olympic Games Fund (10 october 1913)
- Some Views on the Olympic Talent Fund (27 november 1913)
- Divorce Law Reform (8 december 1913)
- The Channel Tunnel (23 december 1913)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and the Olympic Failure (8 january 1914)
Notecard to Constable & Co. about Pan Germanism (1913-1914)
Letter to Marshall B. Gardner (31 january 1914)
- Nationalists and Exclusion (~25 march 1914)
- Lord Hugh Cecil and Divorce Law Reform (3 april 1914)
- The Poison Belt (2 may 1914)
Letter to Sir Alfred Turner (11 may 1914)
- Irish Compromise. Sir A. Conan Doyle's Suggestion (14 july 1914)
- Irish Compromise. Concession as the Alternative to Force (~20 july 1914)
- On Ireland and the Empire (1 august 1914)
- Civilian National Reserve (~6 august 1914)
- Our Latent Forces (6 august 1914)
- Civilian Reserve (~13 august 1914)
- Civilian National Reserve (~13 august 1914)
Letter to Dr. Ernst (~17 august 1914)
Letter about German Firms (23 august 1914)
- Submarine Mines (6 september 1914)
- Lifebelts in Men-of-War (~29 september 1914)
- Lifebelts for the Navy (~7 october 1914)
- German Waiters (~23 october 1914)
- German Aliens (~28 october 1914)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about Danger! (~29 october 1914)
- In Case of Invasion (~4 november 1914)
- Recruiting and Publicity (16 november 1914)
Letter to Mrs Gribble (22 november 1914)
- Volunteer Training Corps (24 november 1914)
- Sir Roger Casement (~30 november 1914)
- Volunteer Training Corps (1 december 1914)
- Life-Saving in Men-of-War (~5 january 1915)
- Saving our Seamen (~22 january 1915)
- Germany's Policy of Murder (2 february 1915)
- Volunteer Uniforms (~13 february 1915)
Letter about Great Britain and the Next War (24 april 1915)
- The Use of Armour (26 july 1915)
- Modern Armour (2 august 1915)
- The Policy of Air Raid Reprisals (16 october 1915)
- The Use of the Volunteers (~13 november 1915)
Letter about German ships (6 january 1916)
- A Preventive of Air Raids (15 january 1916)
- Mr. Wells's Prophecy (~21 january 1916)
- Air Raids Reprisals (~22 january 1916)
- Murder Deliberate (5 february 1916)
- Reprisals (21 february 1916)
- Where is the Soul during Unconsciousness? (28 february 1916)
- An Opportunity Missed (18 march 1916)
- Where is the Soul during Unconsciousness? (30 april 1916)
- Justice in Ireland (6 may 1916)
Letter about Roger Casement's sentence (29 june 1916)
Letter to F. E. Smith about Roger Casement (9 july 1916)
- Body Armour or Shields (25 july 1916)
- Volunteers and their Uniform (22 july 1916)
- Body Shields (31 july 1916)
- Body Shields (13 august 1916)
- The Somme Films (1 september 1916)
- General Von Arnim's Report (11 october 1916)
- Ireland and the War (29 october 1916)
- Soldiers in London (~6 february 1917)
- Soldiers in London (8 february 1917)
- Soldiers in London (15 february 1917)
- Spookery (~7 february 1917)
- From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (~2 march 1917)
Letter to Richard Guy Ash (14 april 1917)
- Supremacy of the British Soldier (18 april 1917)
- The Submarine Menace (29 april 1917)
- Father Vaughan and Spiritualism (~11 june 1917)
- The British Campaign of 1915 (~26 july 1917)
- British Wives of Germans (21 august 1917)
- British Wives of Germans (25 august 1917)
- Divorce and Separation (6 september 1917)
- Divorce and Separation (10 september 1917)
- Divorce and Separation (~20 october 1917)
- Spooks Who Wear Clothes (~30 october 1917)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle Declines (30 october 1917)
- Why Spooks Wear Clothes (31 october 1917)
- Photographs of Spirits (~6 november 1917)
- Divorce Law Reform (~10 december 1917)
- The Divorce Law (8 december 1917)
- The Uses of Hatred. Let England Remember (~26 december 1917)
- The Uses of Hatred. Sir A. Conan Doyle's Proposal (~31 december 1917)
- Records of German Crime (14 january 1918)
- The Maintenance of Light (16 january 1918)
- The Synod and Divorce (6 february 1918)
- The Cheriton Dug-Out (8 february 1918)
- Questions to be Answered (~16 march 1918)
- Ireland & Conscription (16 april 1918)
- The Case of General Gough (2 may 1918)
- The Outrage on the Hospitals (24 may 1918)
- The Case of Our Prisoners (25 june 1918)
- Thyssen's Revelations. Let the Indian Peoples Know (12 july 1918)
- Our Prisoners (6 october 1918)
- The Prisoners (11 october 1918)
Letter to Mr. Denny (22 october 1918)
Letter to F. W. Bennett (1918)
- The German Criminals (9 november 1918)
- Divorce and the Bishops (~15 november 1918)
- Correspondence (november 1918)
- The New Spiritualism (~8 february 1919)
- Spirit Messages (~25 february 1919)
- Conjurers and Spirits (~1 march 1919)
- Conjurers and the Spirits (~10 march 1919)
Letter to Frederic Whyte (19 april 1919)
Postcard to Stephen Paget (24 june 1919)
- The Epsom Incident (~23 june 1919)
Letter to Reverend G. Bainton (3 july 1919)
- Modern Miracles (4 july 1919)
- Profiteering. Where the Guilt Lies (~9 july 1919)
- Profiteering. Growers, Sellers, and the State (15 july 1919)
- Mr. Jerome and Spirits (11 august 1919)
- Insanity and Spiritualism (~22 september 1919)
- A Voice from the Grave (~10 october 1919)
- Is Spiritism Anti-Christian? (~24 november 1919)
- Necromancy (~28 november 1919)
- Evil Spirit Influences (~3 december 1919)
- A Letter by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (9 december 1919)
- Woman Spirit Painter (13 december 1919)
- A Disclaimer (29 december 1919)
- Spiritualism (1 january 1920)
Letter to Mr Fiennes about a preface (14 january [1917-1920])
Notecard to R. Pascoe (ca. 1920)
Postcard to H. S. Hodges (11 january 1920)
Letter to Ernest Percy (18 january 1920)
- The German Criminals (5 february 1920)
- Spiritualism and Insanity (10 february 1920)
- Spiritualism and Insanity (~2 march 1920)
- Divorce Law (29 march 1920)
- Divorce Law Reform (~8 may 1920)
- The Fighting Spirit. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Boxing (~15 june 1920)
- The Garb of Spirits (~19 july 1920)
- In Touch with the Dead (~12 august 1920)
- Plea for Divorce Reform (~1 november 1920)
- The Unrepentant Northcliffe (december 1920)
Postcard to James Thin (23 april 1921)
- Divorce for Desertion (4 may 1921)
- A Spiritual Lead (11 may 1921)
- Fairy Photographs (~18 june 1921)
- A Voice from the Grave (26 june 1921)
- The King's Speech (~29 june 1921)
Letter to Mr. Gerald Carlton Jr. (17 august 1921)
- Too Much for the Spirits (~30 august 1921)
- Irish Separatism (8 september 1921)
Letter to Arthur Edward Stilwell (24 september 1922)
- Darkey of Christchurch (~29 september 1921)
- Psychic Photographs. Sir A. Conan Doyle and the Negatives (30 september 1921)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle's Balance Sheet (13 october 1921)
- Financial Statement of American Tour (28 july 1922)
- Psychic Photography: The Hope Case (27 september 1922)
- The Green Ray (october 1922)
- Letter to Harry Price (13 october 1922)
- Spiritualism and the General Election (13 november 1922)
- Letter to Houdini (19 november 1922)
- The Channel Tunnel (~9 december 1922)
- The Kluski Molds (19 december 1922)
- Letter to Harry Price (21 december 1922)
- Letter to Houdini (1 january 1923)
- The Late Lord Kitchener (1 january 1923)
- The Hydesville Memorial (~12 january 1923)
- The Hydesville Memorial (13 january 1923)
Postcard to Morris Hudson (5 february 1923)
- A Recompense for the Dardanelles (25 october 1923)
- The Trick Seance (10 november 1923)
- Outward Bound (4 november 1923)
- A Warning (13 january 1924)
- Telepathy and Ectoplasm (~26 january 1924)
- The Queen's Hall Meetings (5 march 1924)
- The Future of the Rev. G. Vale Owen (20 may 1924)
- The Future of the Rev. G. Vale Owen (june 1924)
- The Mystery Ship (~15 september 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (22 september 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (30 september 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (1 october 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (12 october 1924)
- Merits of Baseball (25 october 1924)
- The Daily Sketch and Mrs. Deane (25 november 1924)
Letter to Ernst Brundenberger (23 january 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (26 march 1925)
- Spiritualists and the Hidden Hand (~4 may 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (1 september 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (5 september 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (17 september 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (20 september 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (23 september 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (7 october 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (9 october 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (13 october 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (25 october 1925)
- Man's Survival After Death (~31 october 1925)
Letter about prohibition (20 november 1925)
Letter about a rendezvous in town (10 december 1925)
Notecard about a rendezvous at 15 Buckingham Palace Mansions (ca. 17 december 1925)
Letter about Spirit Messages (22 december 1925)
Letter to R. G. Monier-Williams (1925-1930)
Letter to Mr Carleson about invitation to Stockholm (1 february 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (2 february 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (12 february 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (2 may 1926)
Letter to Mr Carleson declining invitation to Stockholm (9 june 1926)
- Spirits and Fairies (3 july 1926)
- Black-List the Tax Shirkers (~7 december 1926)
Letter to Mrs. Houdini (7 december 1926)
Letter about a procedure (24 january 1927)
- Kitchener's Army (14 february 1927)
- Kitchener's Army (14 february 1927)
- The Mediumship of Ben Jonson (16 march 1927)
Notecard about Cambridge and a procedure (18 april 1927)
- No Time for Re-Reading (~9 august 1927)
- Letter to Julian B. Arnold (6 october 1927)
- The Hydesville Memorial (26 november 1927)
Letter to Dr. Johanna W. de Stoppelaar (17 november 1927)
Letter refusing invitation because of doctor's orders (19 january 1928)
Letter about Mr. Branger (9 february 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (5 february 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (16 february 1928)
- Sir Conan Doyle Gives Reply To Edison On Future (18 february 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (24 february 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (26 february 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (18 february 1929)
- Conan Doyle on Spiritualism (13 april 1928)
- The Fortune-Telling Act (6 august 1928)
- The Case of Sir R. Ross (~6 october 1928)
- Hardened Offenders (13 july 1929)
Notecard to Charles Kinross (7 october 1929)
Letter about his health (7 january [1930])
- A Pessimistic View (~20 november 1929)
- Propaganda in India (14 january 1930)
Letter to Geo Doran (23 march 1930)
- Lord Balfour (29 march 1930)
- Letter to Harry Price (9 may 1930)
- Letter to Harry Price (23 may 1930)
- Letter to Harry Price (24 may 1930)
- A Psychic Experiment (3 june 1930)
Letter to Mrs. Dawson Scott (7 june 1930)
- Partial date or undated
Letter with all remembrance (undated)
Letter about faith and position in the other world (2 february)
Letter to Albert Kinross (28 february)
Letter to Mr Gollancz about Hewitt KC (6 april)
Letter to Stefansson about his work (16 april)
Letter about Judge Chitty (23 march)
Letter about Oscar Slater (18 april)
Letter about spiritualism (2 june)
Letter to Lady Cynthia Asquith (2 september)
Letter to Arthur Smith Woodward (5 october)
Letter to William Birdwood (14 november)
Letter to Mrs Marindin about miscarried papers (18 november)
Letter about being too busy (undated)
Letter about Oscar Slater and Mr Ure (undated)
Letter about World War I and war loan (undated, ca. 1915)
Notecard about a charming article (undated)
Notecard about Pan Germania (undated)
Notecard about agreement (undated)
From Hotel Metropole, London (1908-1915)
Letter with congratulations on victory (19 july 1908)
Letter to O. P. Heggie (1910~1911)
Letter to O. P. Heggie (1910~1911)
- Great Britain and Belgium (~9 march 1911)
Letter to Mr Smith about Sherlock Holmes (23 august 1912)
- Advertisements Against Drink (3 may 1915)
- Reprisal (14 october 1915)
From Queen's Hotel, Birmingham (1909)
Letter to Miss Floyd (2 september 1909)
From Piccadilly Hotel, London (1909-1910)
- Congo Reform (~24 december 1909)
Letter about the House of Temperley
(18 january 1910)
From The Poldhu Hotel, Mullion, South Cornwall (1910)
Postcard to Bram Stoker (17 march 1910)
From Old Ship Hotel, Brighton (1911)
Letter to O. P. Heggie (undated, 1911)
From Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, Germany (1911)
- The Prince Henry Tour (7 july 1911)
From Grand Hotel, Lyndhurst, New Forest (1912)
Letter about a scar (1 march 1912)
From Princes Hotel, Brighton (1912)
- Letter From Sir A. Conan Doyle (~22 july 1912)
From Grand Hotel & Kurhaus, Mürren, Switzerland (1913)
Views on the Bible (june 1913)
From Tudor Lodge, Frinton, Essex (1913)
Letter to Mrs. Holmes (24 august 1913)
- The Olympic Games (26 august 1913)
From 48 Grand Parade, Eastbourne (1914-1916)
Notecard to Herbert Greenhough Smith (6 october 1914)
- Recruiting in Eastbourne (14 october 1914)
- The Wearing of the Green (~18 august 1915)
Letter to Colonel Green (24 september 1916)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about Sherlock Holmes (28 september 1916)
From Queen's Hotel, Montreal, Canada (1914)
Letter about photos of Sherlock Holmes (10 july 1914)
From Winnipeg, Canada (1914)
Postcard to Colonel Doyle (24 june 1914)
From Royal Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone (1915)
- The Treatment of Prisoners (11 april 1915)
From Portman Lodge, Bournemouth (1916)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about a German teeth (12 april 1916)
- The Surrender of Kut (29 april 1916)
From Paris, France (1916)
- Conan Doyle sur notre front (15 june 1916) Conan Doyle at our front
From Burlington Hotel, Eastbourne (ca. 1916)
From Hotel Majestic, Harrogate (1917)
From The Dickens Fellowship, London (1918)
- Dickens and our Blinded Heroes (1 july 1918)
From Queen's Hotel, Eastbourne (ca. 1919)
From Grosvenor Hotel, London SW1 (1919-1922)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle on Spirit Photography (~20 december 1919)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle on Divorce (~12 april 1920)
- Propaganda in India (~29 july 1920)
- Streatham Tragedy (~4 november 1921)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle on Borstal (~5 january 1922)
Letter to Mr Hirsch (27 january)
From Hotel Metropole, Blackpool (1920)
- Spiritualism and the Church (22 january 1920)
- Spirit Humorists (23 january 1920)
From Grand Hotel, Melbourne, Australia (1920)
- Letter to Edward L. Gardner about Fairies (21 october 1920)
- Wake Up, Australia! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on his Australian Tour (3 november 1920)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Bishop Phelan (4 november 1920)
From New Zealand (1920)
- To Test Spiritualism (17 november 1920)
From Petty's Hotel, Sydney, Australia (1920)
- Spiritualism and Christian Evidence (19 november 1920)
From Pacific Hotel, Manly, Australia (1920)
- Spiritualism and Christianity (26 november 1920)
From Grand Hôtel du Louvre, Paris, France (1921)
Letter to Louis Labat (29 march 1921)
From 4 Mostyn Terrace, Eastbourne (1921-1925)
- Spirit Photography (september 1921)
- Spirit Photography (20 february 1925)
From Atlantic City, USA (1922)
- Conan Doyle Replies (16 june 1922)
From The Ambassador, New York (1922)
Letter to an editor requesting copies (15 april 1922)
Letter to Mrs. Harman (18 april 1922)
Notecard to Arthur Edward Stilwell (30 may 1922)
- Letter to Houdini (20 june 1922)
From the R.M.S. Adriatic (1922)
Notecard to Arthur Edward Stilwell (29 june 1922)
From The Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colorado (1923)
- Letter to Sydney B. Whipple (9 may 1923)
From The Ambassador, Los Angeles (1923)
- Letter to Houdini (23 may 1923)
From 15 Buckingham Palace Mansions (1923-1930)
- Letter to Houdini (8 march 1923)
- A Recent Hope Result (7 april 1923)
- Recent Psychic Evidence (15 august 1923)
- Psychic Frauds (~1 november 1923)
- Mrs. Stewart's Mediumship (2 february 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (19 july 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (23 july 1924)
- Towards the Stars and the Masked Medium (28 june 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (10 december 1924)
- Thought Transference (16 december 1924)
Letter to Jessie Drummond (4 july 1925)
Letter to Lady Tankerville (24 september 1925)
- Police Traps for Mediums (~17 october 1925)
- Spirit Photographs (~11 november 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (15 december 1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (7 january 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (22 january 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (26 january 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (6 february 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (19 february 1926)
- Two Notable American Novels (~13 november 1926)
Letter to General Enesy about the success of spiritualism (8 march 1926)
- Light at Seances (~16 december 1926)
Notecard about Pheneas Speaks (march 1927)
Notecard to Mr Gollancz (30 march 1927)
Letter about The Fabricius Deep (24 april 1927)
- Letter to Harry Price (24 february 1928)
- The Prosecution of Spiritualists (25 july 1928)
- The Future of Spiritualism (~1 august 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (10 september 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (12 september 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (14 september 1928)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Harry Price (15 september 1928)
- The Oscar Slater Case (17 september 1928)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Harry Price (29 september 1928)
- Letter to Harry Price (4 october 1928)
Notecard about a rendezvous with R. Goodwin Smith (12 april 1929)
- Hardened Offenders (18 june 1929)
Letter to Florizel Von Reuter (Fuzzy) (30 april 1929)
Notecard about lecture tour in north Europe (20 june 1929)
- Letter to Harry Price (29 november 1929)
- Sir A. Conan_Doyle. Rudi Schneider Defender (~2 december 1929)
- Tests of Rudi Schneider (~4 december 1929)
Letter to Mr. Carleson about health state (ca. april 1930)
Letter to Mr. Carleson about Mr. Hannen Swaffer (april 1930)
- An Explanation by Conan Doyle (24 april 1930)
Notecard about The Edge of the Unknown (20 june 1930)
Letter to his secretary Tiny (undated)
Letter to Albert Kinross about Mr. Nicholson (20 february)
Notecard about a cup competition (29 june)
Notecard about Oscar Slater (19 july [1927~1930])
Notecard to his secretary Tiny (1929 undated)
From Jasper, Alberta, Canada (1923)
- The Alleged Message from the Late Lord Northcliffe (7 july 1923)
From "The Oke Field", Lyndhurst, Hant (1924)
Letter about a goblin photo (27 august 1924)
From Villa Berna, Grindelwald, Switzerland (1924-1925)
- Letter to Harry Price (20 december 1924)
- Letter to Harry Price (28 december 1924)
- Germany and the World Markets (5 january 1925)
From Pulborough (1925)
- Telegram to Harry Price (15 october 1925)
From Bignell Wood, Lyndhurst, Hants (1925-1930)
Letter to Albert Kinross about Tony Hewitt (17 july [1925])
Letter to Mrs. Thom (13 september 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (14 september 1926)
Letter about writing his views on spiritualism (30 september [1926])
Notecard to Mr Bartlett (28 october 1926)
Notecard about James Payn (12 november 1926)
Letter to Mr Gollancz (5 april 1927)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and a Motor Case (~1 june 1927)
- Letter to Harry Price (7 june 1927)
- The Irish Oath (~25 august 1927)
Letter to J. Cumming Walters
(6 september 1927)
- Police Evidence and Mediums (~6 october 1927)
- Letter to Harry Price (5 september 1928)
- Spiritualism and the Law (19 september 1928)
- The Eternal March (~22 september 1928)
Letter to General Enesy about Budapest (30 january 19[30])
Letter to relative (13 june)
Letter to Mrs Finlay (16 june)
Letter to Lord Gorell about Miss Puxley (10 july)
Letter to Florizel Von Reuter (Fuzzy) (5 september)
Letter to Oscar Slater (9 august)
Letter about an Indian book (undated)
Letter to Mrs Everett (undated)
From The Psychic Bookshop, London (1925-1930)
Letter to Mr. Clarke
(11 october 1926) -
Letter about Das Nebelland
(14 december 1926)
- Freak Flints (~23 october 1926)
- Letter to Harry Price (22 february 1928)
Letter to Mr Clifford
(1925~1930) -
Letter about Godfrey Foster
(october 1928)
- Undated
Postcard about Psychic Inquisitions
(undated) -
Letter to Mrs Thom
From Abbey House, 2 Victoria Street, London (1926)
- Letter to Dr. Carl Murchison (11 december 1926)
From Imperial Hotel, Exmouth (1927)
Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about NAVA and SECO (14 april 1927)
From Crowborough Post Office (1927)
Telegram to Benn Brothers Ltd. (20 april 1927)
From Hotel des Indes, La Hague (1929)
Letter to Mr Carleson (12 october 1929)
Letter to his secretary Tiny (1929)
From Hotel D'Angleterre, Copenhagen (1929)
Letter to his secretary Tiny (24 october 1929)
Letter to Mr Gillette (25 october 1929)
Letter to his secretary Tiny (28 october 1929)
From Grand Hotel, Oslo (1929)
Letter to Mr Carleson about The Land of Mist (1-4 november 1929)
From Meikles Hotel, Salisbury, Rhodesia [1] (1929)
Letter to Charles Ashton Jonson (29 january 1929)
Unknown locations (1901-1930)
- Happy New Century to All our Readers. Dr. Conan Doyle Supports our Cause (january 1901)
- Mr. A. L. Brown and Sir A. Conan Doyle (15 march 1904)
- Sir A. C. Doyle and Mr. A. L. Brown (15 march 1904)
- Mr. A. L. Brown and Sir A.C. Doyle (25 april 1905)
- The Free Trade Debate (2 december 1905)
- The Fiscal Controversy (30 december 1905)
Letter to McClure about buying shares (10 february 1906)
- The Book War (20 november 1906)
- The Edalji Case. Sir A. Conan Doyle at the Home Office (15 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case. Letter from the Mother (18 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case. Letter from the Father (19 january 1907)
- The Edalji Case (21 january 1907)
- Edalji Case. Letter from Sir Conan Doyle (20 may 1907)
- To Honour Dorando (25 july 1908)
Letter to Theodore Cook about Olympic Games (ca. 1908)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle's Ending (4 february 1909)
- The Crime of the Congo (23 november 1909)
- The Congo Loan (27 november 1909)
- Congo Reform. Sir A. Conan Doyle and Plymouth Critics (29 november 1909)
- Germany and the Congo (8 december 1909)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle's Scheme for a Cycling Army (16 february 1910)
- Cavalry Training (56 april 1910)
- The Congo Missionaries (8 april 1910)
- Mr. Housman and the Censor (3 october 1910)
- The Censorship of Stage Plays (17 october 1910)
- A Warning (march 1911)
- Why he is Now in Favour of Home Rule (26 september 1911)
- Mr. Shaw and the Titanic. Protest by Sir A. Conan Doyle (20 may 1912)
- Mr. Shaw and Sir A. Conan Doyle (25 may 1912)
- Britain and the Olympic Games (2 august 1912)
- The Home Rule Bill (23 october 1912)
- The Olympic Games (22 march 1913)
- In Quest of Truth - Being a Correspondence between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Captain Stansbury, R.N. (january 1914)
- In Quest of Truth (march 1914)
- Petition: The Panama-Pacific Exposition (21 february 1914)
- The Importation of Plumage Prohibition Bill (28 february 1914)
- Prophecy and Finance (3 march 1914)
- Kent Coal. Another Letter from Sir Conan Doyle (5 march 1914)
- Our Divorce Laws. Reforms Urgently Needed (27 april 1914)
- La Force Mystérieuse (1 may 1914)
- The Oscar Slater Case (25 july 1914)
- Life-saving in Men-of-War (5 january 1915)
- Home Guards (29 may 1915)
- The following messages have been received from Distinguished Members and Graduates of the University (8 july 1915)
- On the Battle of Gheluvelt (22 july 1915)
- A Year of War (2 august 1915)
- Compulsory National Service (21 august 1915)
- Compulsory National Service (25 august 1915)
- Silesia (8 december 1915)
- Message from Sir Conan Doyle (10 january 1916)
- The New British Divisions (18 february 1916)
- The Channel Tunnel Scheme (26 june 1916)
- Cycle of Insanity. Record of Sinn Feinism. Sir A. Conan Doyle's Indictment (17 july 1917)
- Living Death. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on Marriage Cruelties (16 september 1917)
- Dr. Charles Mercier and Spiritualism (30 september 1917)
- The Synod & the Divorce Laws (26 february 1918)
- Telepathy, Its Nature and Future Possibilities (22 june 1918)
- A Confession of Faith (24 june 1918)
- Life After Death (5 november 1918)
- Divorce Law Reform. Sir A. Conan Doyle's Warning (29 november 1918)
- An Imperial Memorial Scheme (30 november 1918)
- Life After Death (8 december 1918)
- The Need for Energy (1 january 1919)
- Science and Spiritualism (18 january 1919)
- Spirit Messages (25 february 1919)
- Sir Conan Doyle and Mr. Nathan. The Phenomena of Spiritualism (28 february 1919)
- Conjurers and Spirits (1 march 1919)
- Conjurers and the Spirits (10 march 1919)
- Links with the Dead (11 march 1919)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the Immediate Need (10 may 1919)
- The Christian and Spiritualism (15 may 1919)
- Spiritualism (12 june 1919)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle's Lecture (18 june 1919)
- The Vegetable Market (9 july 1919)
- The Evidence of Spiritualism (10 july 1919)
- Mysterious Spirit Photograph (13 july 1919)
- Jesus Christ and Spiritualism (2 august 1919)
- The Magic Circle (2 august 1919)
- Is Spirit Communion a Sin? (9 august 1919)
- Spiritualism and Fraud (13 august 1919)
- A Central Institute for Spiritualism (16 august 1919)
- Vindication of Mrs. A. Brittain (7 september 1919)
- Spiritualism's Peril (6 november 1919)
- Beyond the Grave (12 november 1919)
- Is Spiritualism Anti-Christian? (24 november 1919)
- Evil Spirit Influences (3 december 1919)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Reply (6 december 1919)
- I Have Spoken with Spirits (13 december 1919)
- Conan Doyle's Passionate Defence of Spiritualism (27 december 1919)
- My Best Wish for 1920 (28 december 1919)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle. My Argument Not Affected (31 december 1919)
- Spirits and the Spirit World. Sir A. Conan Doyle Replies to Questions (9 january 1920)
- Prof. Zollner and Slade (8 february 1920)
- Conjurers and Spirits. Conan Doyle on the most Futile of all Absurd Arguments (9 february 1920)
- Spiritualism (15 february 1920)
- The Conan Doyle-McCabe Debate (20 march 1920)
- Mrs. Piper's Credibility (27 march 1920)
- Some Answers to Objections (21 march 1920)
- Birthday Cards From Famous People (10 april 1920)
- Examining Spiritualism. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's View (30 april 1920)
- The Law of Divorce (10 june 1920)
- Spiritualism: Replies to Mr. Clodd (28 june 1920)
- Speech with the Dead (6 august 1920)
- In Touch with the Dead (~6 august 1920)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Tour (1 september 1920)
- Messages (5 september 1920)
- Religious Discussions on Shipboard (11 september 1920)
- The Character of D. D. Home (16 november 1920)
- Spiritualism (20 november 1920)
- Spiritism (27 november 1920)
- Spiritualism (15 december 1920)
- Psychic Photographs. Conan Doyle to Mr. Blow (2 december 1920)
- The Sideric Pendulum (21 december 1920)
- Reply to Rev. James Cosh (14 january 1921)
- Conan Doyle Replies to his Critics (15 january 1921)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Greets the Readers of Light (9 april 1921)
- Rev. J. C. Carlile & Spiritualism (3 may 1921)
- Sir Conan Doyle's Book (14 september 1921)
- Communication (24 september 1921)
- Are the Dead Alive? (16 october 1921)
- The Crushing of a British Industry (9 december 1921)
- Seance That Ended a Friendship (14 december 1921)
- The New Heaven (8 january 1922)
- Grappling with the Unknown (8 january 1922)
- Hymns & Humbug. Doings at a Seance (21 january 1922)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Quex. The Mediumship of Mrs. Johnson (23 january 1922)
- Ancestor Worship (27 january 1922)
- Trumpet Voices at a Seance (27 january 1922)
- Ectoplasm or Delusion? Two Points of View (28 january 1922)
- The First Matter (february 1922)
- Open Letter to Sir A. Conan Doyle (5 february 1922)
- Spirit Life and Personality (16 february 1922)
- Letter from Sir A. Conan Doyle (20 february 1922)
- On Spiritualism (10 may 1922)
- The Birthplace of Spiritualism (july 1922)
- Test in Dark Room. Sir Conan Doyle and Spirit Photography (19 july 1922)
- Psychic Failures (12 august 1922)
- Conjurers and the Psychic. Houdin's Testimony as to Certain Inexplicable Phenomena (20 august 1922)
- Frau Silbert and Ectoplasm (29 july 1922)
- Taking of Spirit Photographs (9 august 1922)
- Correspondence (13 september 1922)
- Spiritualist Exposures (september 1922)
- Conan Doyle Assists Our Psychic Competition (january 1923)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's New Year Greeting to our Readers (5 january 1923)
- The Blue Island (6 january 1923)
- The Washington Memorial (3 february 1923)
- The Society for Psychical Research and Mr. Hope (17 february 1923)
- Conan Doyle's Proof. He Presents More Evidence on the Subject of Ectoplasm (3 march 1923)
- The Washington Memorial (10 march 1923)
- The Evening Standard and Psychic Progress (17 march 1923)
- What Lies Beyond (23 march 1923)
- A Letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (may 1923)
- Pulse-Rate in Trance (july 1923)
- Spiritualism: Reply to Mr. Pollock (26 october 1923)
- Psychics Frauds (1 november 1923)
- What Are Spirits? (2 november 1923)
- Conan Doyle's Sensational Challenge (3 november 1923)
- Our Great Seance Test (10 november 1923)
- Religion of the Future (7 december 1923)
- The Late Mr. J.A. France (15 december 1923)
- Some Journalistic Inquiries (22 december 1923)
- Special New Year Message to the Readers of Two Worlds (4 january 1924)
- Sir Adolph Tuck's 70th Birthday (11 february 1924)
- Conan Doyle and the Spirit Messages (16 february 1924)
- Spirit Message (1 march 1924)
- Letter about a Universe Report from USA (7 march 1924)
- Mediums & Trickery. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Replies to Jen (12 march 1924)
- Mediums & Trickery. Sir A. Conan Doyle and Dreams (25 march 1924)
- Oscar Wilde (april 1924)
- Mr. Piddington and Spiritualism (6 september 1924)
- Mr. Maskelyne and the Slade Case. Question of Psychic Power (26 september 1924)
- Criticism of the Daily Sketch Exposure (19 november 1924)
- The Spirit Faces (1 december 1924)
- Spiritualism and Religion (5 december 1924)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Psychic Bookshop and Library (24 january 1925)
- A Psychic Bookshop (24 january 1925)
- Spirit Test Duel. Sir A. Conan Doyle & Profits of Lecture Tours (16 february 1925)
- College Foundation Trust Fund (april 1925)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and the Fairy Photographs (12 may 1925)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Belfast (19 may 1925)
- Sir William Barrett: Tributes and Appreciations (13 june 1925)
- Spiritualism. The Ectoplasmic Moulds (22 june 1925)
- A Proposed Psychic Museum (4 july 1925)
- Spiritualism. Sir A. Conan Doyle on the Paraffin Gloves (4 july 1925)
- Spiritualism. Sir A. Conan Doyle on the Paraffin Gloves (7 july 1925)
- The Morning Post and Spirit Gloves (24 july 1925)
- Psychic Photographs (12 september 1925)
- The Edinburgh Psychic Photographs (october 1925)
- Spiritualists Answer Hall Caine (14 october 1925)
- Spiritualism and Religion (december 1925)
- Soldiers Who Have Come back. Spiritualism Proved by the Return of Dead Sons (11 november 1925)
- Sir Conan Doyle on Dr. Schofield's Fallacies (21 november 1925)
- "Spirit" Photographs (24 november 1925)
- The Psychic Gloves (9 december 1925)
- The Spirit Gloves. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Replies (15 december 1925)
- Are Spirits Faked? (18 december 1925)
- A Cup for "Margery" (19 december 1925)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle (28 december 1925)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's New Year Message to the Readers of Light (2 january 1926)
- Forgetful Spirit? Conan Doyle and Gilbert Case (15 january 1926)
- Séance Room Phenomena. Conan Doyle and Earl Russell (23 january 1926)
- Spirit Photographs Again (february 1926)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on Mrs. Deane's Mediumship (20 february 1926)
- Spiritualism and Christianity (26 february 1926)
- The Mediumship of Mrs. Deane (27 february 1926)
- Psychic Photographs (april 1926)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Foul Fighters (3 march 1926)
- The Mediumship of Mr. F. T. Munnings (3 march 1926)
- The Munnings Case (27 march 1926)
- Echoes of The Moss Case (april 1926)
- The Photograph of Lord Combermere (12 april 1926)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Combermere Photo (19 april 1926)
- Turning Point in Human Thought (23 april 1926)
- Poor Societies: An Appeal for Books (1 may 1926)
- Does Conan Doyle Believe the Bible? (2 june 1926)
- Butler or Ghost? Sir A. Conan Doyle replies to Mr. Campbell Swinton (2 june 1926)
- Reincarnation (7 june 1926)
- Conjurers and Spiritualism (14 june 1926)
- The Cause of the Shadow (july 1926)
- The Cases of Moss and Munnings (july 1926)
- The S.N.U. Attack (14 july 1926)
- The Script of Cleophas (24 july 1926)
- The Script of Cleophas (10 august 1926)
- The Gospel of Philip (14 august 1926)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Alarmist Prophecies (21 august 1926)
- The History of Spiritualism (29 august 1926)
- Message to Canada (september 1926)
- Science and Psychical Research (11 september 1926)
- The History of Spiritualism (19 september 1926)
- Prophecies of the Future (october 1926)
- Spiritualism. Sir A. Conan Doyle and Dr. Headlam (8 october 1926)
- The Combermere Photograph (10 october 1926)
- Science and Psychical Research (18 october 1926)
- Science and Psychical Research (6 november 1926)
- Science and Psychical Research (8 november 1926)
- The Albert Hall Meeting (13 november 1926)
- Houdini and the Spirits (22 november 1926)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and The Sunday Chronicle (3 december 1926)
- The Sunday Chronicle Commission (4 december 1926)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle and Christie Case. Psychometry and Detective Work (20 december 1926)
- The Place of Spiritualism (31 december 1926)
- The Return of Leslie Curnow (22 january 1927)
- Spiritualism and Theosophy (april 1927)
- Conan Doyle Backs Crandons (5 march 1927)
- Spiritualism and Theosophy (july 1927)
- The Mediumship of Ben Jonson (june 1927)
- The Affairs of Hulham House (11 june 1927)
- Pheneas Speaks (11 june 1927)
- Spiritualism and Christianity (25 june 1927)
- Spiritualism and Christianity (july 1927)
- A Note from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (22 july 1927)
- The Cleophas Controversy (august 1927)
- Spiritualism and Religion (20 august 1927)
- The Spiritualistic View (28 september 1927)
- The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1 october 1927)
- The Hydesville Memorial (29 october 1927)
- Man is a Spirit (november 1927)
- Oscar Slater. Release from Prison this Week. The Farce of 1914 (14 november 1927)
- The Mediumship of Phoenix (19 november 1927)
- The Pre-Natal State (19 november 1927)
- Habitual Criminals. Segregate them for Life (26 november 1927)
- The Baylis Case (17 december 1927)
- Dr. Crandon in London (24 december 1927)
- Alleged Changes in Ocean Depths (january 1928)
- Cottage Mystery. Sir A. Conan Doyle's Explanation (18 february 1928)
- Spirit Talk. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Suggests Points that Dr. Cadman Might Reconsider (29 april 1928)
- Correspondence (13 june 1928)
- Disclaimer from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (16 june 1928)
- On Dr. Cadman's Remarks (july 1928)
- Dean Inge and Spiritualism (20 july 1928)
- Congratulations to Daily News (21 july 1928)
- Spiritualism (17 september 1928)
- Spiritualism and the Law (21 september 1928)
- Spiritualism. The Myers Experiment (22 september 1928)
- Psychic Fraud. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Resents a Test of His Credulity (22 september 1928)
- Alloquia (27 september 1928)
- The Remarkable Image of Mr. Longstaff (30 september 1928)
- Does Spiritualism Really Matter? (17 november 1928)
- The Bible and Spiritualism. Dr. Conan Doyle's Rejoinder (19 november 1928)
- Spiritualism is a Very Happy Creed (21 november 1928)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Reply. The Philosophy of Spiritualism (24 november 1928)
- Rev. Robert Whyte and Spiritualism. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Reply (26 november 1928)
- A Correction (27 november 1928)
- Spiritualism and Suggestion (27 november 1928)
- Mediums and Prophets. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Rejoinder (3 december 1928)
- Spiritualism Exposed (3 december 1928)
- Conan Doyle and Boer Monument (5 december 1928)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Reply to Certain Criticisms (10 december 1928)
- The Death of Donald M. (19 december 1928)
- Rustenburg Spirit Photograph (21 december 1928)
- The After-Death People. Sir A. Conan Doyle and the Hereafter (24 december 1928)
- Science & Spiritualism. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Replies (27 december 1928)
- Spiritualism. Conan Doyle Replies to Some Objections (28 december 1928)
- Time to Leave Texts Alone. Sir A. Conan Doyle and his Critics (31 december 1928)
- Reinforcing the Churches. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Bishop (2 january 1929)
- Ectoplasm and Photographs. Mr. Dennehy's Difficulties. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Replies to Critics (3 january 1929)
- Not Second-Hand. Best Mediums All Tested (10 january 1929)
- Sir Conan Doyle's Views. A Reply to Father Kendal on Transubstantation (january 1929)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle (28 february 1929)
- Spiritualism (2 march 1929)
- Spiritualism (16 march 1929)
- Spiritualism (23 march 1929)
- Spiritualists and the General Election (12 april 1929)
- Oscar Slater's Costs (19 april 1929)
- Bitter Dispute Over Appeal (5 may 1929)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Ghost (5 may 1929)
- Spiritualists and the General Election (11 may 1929)
- An Open Letter to those of my Generation (22 may 1929)
- The Nairobi Photograph (26 may 1929)
- The Witch of Endor (12 june 1929)
- The Witch of Endor (17 june 1929)
- The Nairobi Photograph (22 june 1929)
- Life's Answer to the Riddle of Eternity (23 june 1929)
- Justice at Mark Cross (20 july 1929)
- Clairvoyance & Crime (16 august 1929)
- The Bignell Wood Fire (19 august 1929)
- The Power of Zancig. Private Test Made by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (28 august 1929)
- The Reflectograph (21 september 1929)
- Conan Doyle and Courier Criticism (18 october 1929)
- After Death (9 november 1929)
- The Case of Rudi Schneider. Views of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (27 november 1929)
- Letter to Harry Price (december 1929)
- Sir A. Conan Doyle Replies. Tests of Rudi Schneider (4 december 1929)
- Conan Doyle Defends a Medium (22 december 1929)
- Judas Always Turns Up (1930)
- Convent Scandals (january 1930)
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Resignation (march 1930)
- Spirit Visitor of the Night (6 march 1930)
- Current Topics. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (26 march 1930)
- Florizel Von Reuter (24 may 1930)
- The Psychic Bookshop (5 july 1930)
- Constantinople (7 july 1930)
To (Sir) Arthur Conan Doyle
Rudyard Kipling about the Red Lamp (11 november 1894)
Goldwin Smith invitation at The Grange, Toronto (20 november 1894)
Jerome K. Jerome about The Time Machine (19 november 1906)
Theodore Roosevelt about The Crime of the Congo (8 june 1910)
Richard Haldane about Special Reserve (5 february 1912)
Lord Roberts about National Service to the front (8 january 1913)
B. B. Culitt about forming local corps (15 august 1914)
H. J. Tennant about Passes to France (21 september 1914)
Ernest W. Moir about armors for the troops (27 november 1915)
Lloyd George about shields (31 july 1916)
Samuel J. Joel about Dayfield Patent Body Shield (3 august 1916)
George Seaborne about body shields (4 august 1916)
John Pullman about his body shield (4 august 1916)
Lloyd George about body shields (2 september 1916)
Winston Churchill invitation to dine (9 may 1917)
Hugh C. Thornton about volunteers at Lydd (13 august 1918)
James Ramsay MacDonald about Conan Doyle deputation (20 may 1930)
To (Lady) Jean Conan Doyle
W. Hennessy Cook about refugees (3 september 1914)
By James Edmund Doyle
- Letter to John Doyle (12 november 1943)
- Letter to John Doyle (ca. 1943)
By Mary Conan Doyle
Letter about Miracles & Modern Life (20 october 1928)
By Denis Conan Doyle
Letter to Mr. Jordan about O.W.I. (12 june 1943)
By Adrian Conan Doyle
By Lena Jean Conan Doyle
Letter to Mrs. Scott Allen Nollen about Sherlock Holmes adaptations (12 october 1989)
- ↑ Rhodesia = Zimbabwe since 1980.