Peaceful Ireland (26 march 1912)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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Peaceful Ireland is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in the Daily Express on 26 march 1912.

See also his second letter on the same topic: Peaceful Ireland (28 march 1912).

Peaceful Ireland

Daily Express (26 march 1912, p. 4)

To the Editor of the "Express."

Sir, — I observe that you use the above heading in an ironical sense whenever you have to chronicle any disorder in Ireland. But if the two islands be compared, is it not true in its most literal sense?

When, in Ireland is there evidence of that syndicalism among men or sex perversion among women which, has convulsed this country?

If disorder be an argument against fitness for self-government, then Ireland is surely the fitter of the two.

Crowborough, Sussex.


Daily Express (27 march 1912, p. 4)