Letter to Sydney B. Whipple (9 may 1923)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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Letter in A Magician Among the Spirits p. 279-280 (1924)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle to Sydney B. Whipple (managing editor of the Denver Express) on 9 may 1923 from The Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, Colorado, USA.

The letter was published by Houdini in his book A Magician Among the Spirits (1924).


The Brown Palace Hotel
Denver, Colo.
May 9, 1923.


The report in the Denver Express that I offered to bring back the spirit of my mother for five thousand dollars, in order to confute Mr. Houdini, is a monstrous fabrication, and I cannot imagine how you dare to print such a thing, which is on the face of it so blasphemous and absurd.

What actually occurred was that your reporter said that my friend Mr. Houdini had wagered $5,000 that he could do anything any medium could do, to which I answered "To do that he would have to show me my mother." This is surely very different.

Yours faithfully,

(Signed) A. Conan Doyle.