Spirit Photography
Spirit Photography is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Occult Review in september 1921.
Spirit Photography

To the Editor of the Occult Review.
Dear Sir, — I am surprised that an Occult paper should contain a review praising up the brochure upon "Spirit Photography" by Mr. Whately Smith and Patrick. If the reviewer desires to see the long series of errors and mis-statements in this article, he should apply to Mr. Frank Barlow, Bryntirion, Springfield Road, Moseley, who is among the best authorities in England upon the subject. This gentleman's crushing answer was refused admission to the Review in which the original attack appeared, on the ground that it was about to alter its character.
To anyone, like myself, who knows Mr. Hope, and knows also the character and care of the researchers who have worked with him, this attack from two young and inexperienced men (in which Hope is represented as a fraud, and people of the calibre of Sir W. Crook. or Dr. Taylor, Editor of the British Journal of Photography, are classed as dupes and fools) is as impertinent a performance as I have ever read.
- Yours sincerely,