Jerome K. Jerome about The Time Machine
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927), English writer and humorist, on 19 november 1906 from Bateman's Burwash, Etchingham, Sussex (UK) to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle .
Nov. 19. 1906.
Dear Doyle:
I imagine Wells will deal faithfully with the "Time-Machine" but I'm afraid that attack and argument is just what they want just now to keep the pot boiling. What they most dislike is the Silent boycott. What they would feel more than anything else would be an abandonment of the Times by people as a medium for public discussion of important public matters. I spent all yesterday evening — having captured the book from Mr. Kipling — reading Sir Nigel at no gulps.
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