John Pullman about his body shield

This letter was written by John Pullman, inventor of the Pullman A.l. Shield, on 4 august 1916 from The Knollsea, Lilliput, Dorset (UK), to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The letter was accompanied by an ad for Pullman's shield, sold by "The O.W. Cuirass Syndicate", 33 Fouberts Place (Entrance: 42 Great Marlborough Street), London W.
The Knollsea,
- Lilliput,
- Dorset [1]
Aug 4. 16.
Body Shields
Dear Sir Arthur,
I have read your letters in 'The Times' with great interest & only wish for some one else could evoke a Shield that could stop an "end on" Rifle Bullet. The enclosed is the best I have been able to do so far and it is at least gratifying to be told , as I have been, by the heads of the army & navy shoes. Harrods & Selfridge, that they consider this easily the most efficient shield at present in the market. I will gladly have me rent for your inspection if you will allow me?
Yours faithfully,
John Pullman
P.S. The "locking" of shields vertically I have done, the locking by other means horizontally presents no theoretical difficulty, but if one or two men were "knocked out" things could be complicated & the advance of others impeded, is it not so?
- ↑ Watermark on top of letter.