Letter about German Firms (23 august 1914)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 23 august 1914 from Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex.
Dear Sir
I think Wells' idea of the German commercial firms is excellent. They may very well contribute as firms not as individuals. I have written to two of them, Albert E. Stern of Stern Brothers, 6 Angel Court, EC, and Sir Adolph Tuck of Moorfields. I have given each of them your name and address so you may hear. When the slip is printed you might send specimens to them.
I don't like the 'rauberisch' [1]. An understatement is always better than an overstatement. Also I think for the same reason that 'Gegen dieses Unrecht' [2] is more impressive than the 'Raubritter th... and Tyrannei' [3]. I should leave out from 'Gegen' to 'Kommen' in that sentence. I am sure it is more effective.
You have been very generous in the matter.
Yours sincerely
A. Conan Doyle