Letter about a reading for an Indian Famine Fund (24 february 1897)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 24 february 1897 to an editor, about his reading for an Indian Famine Fund.
Feb. 24 /97
Dear Sir
I am giving a reading for the Indian Famine Fund next monday at 3 in the Queens Hall Langham Place. Sir Walter Besant takes the Chair. If you could give me a line to say so you might helps a most needful charity. I have advertised for a week in your columns, but it is liable to be overlooked or forgotten.
I shall read from my own tales, some extracts from the Sherlock Holmes methods of reasoning, "The Drive from Brighton" in "Rodney Stone", a scene from "Brigadier Gerard", another from "The Refugees" and a tale which has not appeared in book form.
I certainly should not trouble you if it were not for a charity.
Yours faithfully
A. Conan Doyle.