Letter to F. E. Smith about Roger Casement (9 july 1916)
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 9 july 1916 from Windlesham, Crowborough, to F. E. Smith about the Roger Casement case.
Kingsley is doing very well.
Dear Smith
Many thanks for your kind note. I loathe Casement's crime, and in the form I drew up I begin it by the statement that his guilt was great and his punishment just. I add however some reflections to show that it is not in Imperial interests that he should be made a martyr, as some fools will consider him. That is what he very earnestly desires. We will see what response we get. It's a good rule never to do what the enemy desires — five years hence we shall be glad.
Yours very truly
A Conan Doyle.
July 9.