Letter to H. P. Rose (19 may 1903)
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle from the Grand Hotel (London) to H. P. Rose on 19 may 1903.
Arthur Conan Doyle Letter
May 19, 1903
Dear Sir
I have a young friend, Mr. Stewart Leckie (son of Mr. Leckie who came with me to the Cam Rim), in whose future I take an interest. I am inclined to put him as my nominee as a Director on the board. He is a quiet amiable fellow & would not be an obstructionist in any way. Would there be any objections to urge against such a step?
- Yours faithfully
- A. Conan Doyle
I may say that his people are well to do & might take an interest.