Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about Round the Fire Stories

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle ca. 1898 from Undershaw, Hindhead, Haslemere, to Herbert Greenhough Smith, editor of The Strand Magazine, about Round the Fire Stories.
My dear Smith
'Detective Stories' would not fairly characterise them, and I want to give myself a very free hand so that in case any tap runs day I can turn on another. I should therefore not say anything about Detectives or Holmes in the announcement. To say however that they deal in mystery and adventure would be true, also that they are concerned with the weird and the terrible.
I am quite open to reason about the title, but 'Round the Fire Stories' seemed to me to be good. Then comes the subtitle, which in the first (which I send herewith) is 'The Story of the Beetle-Hunter'. The second, which I am engaged upon is 'The Story of the Man with the Watches'.
- Yours.
- A Conan Doyle.