Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about Sherlock Holmes (28 september 1916)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle, on 28 september [1916], from 48 Grand Parade, Eastbourne (UK), to Herbert Greenhough Smith, editor of The Strand Magazine.


48 Grand Parade,
Sept 28.

My dear Smith

I think I could sustain my copyright in the words "Sherlock Holmes" and I don't think they have been used as an advertisement up to now.

I look on the proposal as a purely business one without any sentiments and have asked Watt to chat it over with you. At first sight it looks to me like a matter which should concern the Black Cat & me, whereas you sincerely handle your own advertisement. But no doubt you will express your views to Watt.

The picture would never do. Holmes must preserve his dignity. He looks about five feet high, badly dressed, and with no brains or character, an actor out of a job.

Yours very sincerely
A Conan Doyle.