Letter to Herbert Greenhough Smith about a French Translation (ca. 22 january 1902)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle ca. 22 january 1902, from [Undershaw,] Hindhead, to Herbert Greenhough Smith, editor of The Strand Magazine.


12 copies sent

Read 22 Jan 1902

My dear Smith

So glad!

London B and Charing X were cleaned out yesterday & clamouring for more. I thought — but dared not say — that Smiths order was a complete underestimate.

He should pay up for the fund.

I have a friend to whom I should wish to commit the French translation — if you have not finally settled. You might wire me at Hindhead about this.

Please send me a dozen copies at Hindhead.

I had another £13 last night.

With all thanks

A C D.