Letter to Houdini (20 june 1922)
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle to Houdini on 20 june 1922 from The Ambassador hotel in New York.
The letter was published by Houdini in his book A Magician Among the Spirits (1924).
The Ambassador
New York
June 20th, 1922.
... No, the Powell explanation, won't do. Not only is he the one man who would wish to get me, but in the evening, Mrs. M., the lady medium, got, "there is a man here. He wants to say that he is sorry he had to speak so abruptly this afternoon." The message was then broken by your Mother's renewed message and !o we got no name. But it confirms me in the belief that it was Powell. However, you will no doubt test your powers further.
A. Conan Doyle.