Letter to Houdini (8 march 1923)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle to Houdini on 8 march 1923 from 15 Buckingham Palace Mansion.
The letter was published by Houdini in his book A Magician Among the Spirits (1924).
Conan Doyle mentioned "The Human Fly" : On March 5, 1993, Harry F. Young, known as "The Human Fly," fell ten stories from a window ledge of the Hotel Martinique, New York City. He succumbed before he reached the hospital. "A Human Fly" is an acrobat who makes a specialty of scaling tall buildings, simply clinging to the apertures or crevices of the outward architecture of such building for the edification of an assembled throng, for which he receives a plate collection, a salary or is engaged especially for publicity purposes. It Is not a very lucrative profession and its dangers are many.
15 Buckingham Palace Mansion,
S. W. 1
March 8, 1923.
My dear Houdini:—
For goodness' sake take care of those dangerous stunts of yours. You have done enough of them. I speak because I have just read of the death of the "Human Fly." Is it worth it?
Yours very sincerely,