Letter to J. Whelen (1 may 1903)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 1 may 1903 from Undershaw, Hindhead, Haslemere, to J. Whelen.
Dear Sir
I think that every literary man would welcome such a scheme as you suggest for there can be no question that the missing link between the author and the public lies in the deficiency in quantity and in quality of the bookseller. I believe that there are many members of that trade who represent those high traditions which made the bookshop a centre of education & of light, but in many cases he has ceased to be a specialist, and sells books as mechanically as he would handle any less spiritual article of commerce. I think that anything which would restore the dignity and influence of the trade would be good, and the scheme which you suggest seems to me to be a powerful means to this end.
- Yours faithfully
- Arthur Conan Doyle.
J. Whelen, Esq.
- May 1. 1903.