Letter to Mr Smith about a lady manuscript

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle to Herbert Greenhough Smith (the editor of The Strand Magazine) about a lady manuscript. Undated.
I put a cross on the cover so that you may know the story.
My dear Smith
I nibble away but I can't quite get my teeth into this story. I shall have 10 cricketers in the house for the next 9 days. 'Which imparts but small ease to the style' to quote Bret Harte.
There is an unfortunate lady who sends her ms to me, most of them just under market form. This one looks more sensational and promising. Would you cast your eye on it and say if it could be of any use to the Strand. The title is good. I have never seen the lady but her letters are piteous and she has talent.
With all thanks
Yours most truly
A Conan Doyle.