Letter to Peter F. Collier (3 april 1903)
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 3 april 1903 from Undershaw, Hindhead, Haslemere, to the book publisher Peter F.Collier (Collier's).
April, 3 1903[?]
My dear Collier
It is good to hear from you again after all these centuries. I had no idea it was you who was doing business in so spirited a fashion at the other end of the cable.
I've actually resuscitated Sherlock, and run to over 9000 words doing as — so I hope you won't regret your bargain. I delivered the story to Watt.
I fear me there is no America for me this year — but all thanks for your most kindly suggestion.
I send the photos with all remembrances from my wife and myself.
- Yours very truly
- A. Conan Doyle