Letter to Sir Frederick Pollock about the Anglo-American dinner

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle to Sir Frederick [Pollock] ca. may 1898.
It was Pollock who delivered the closing address at the grand Anglo-American dinner held at the Hotel Cecil on 3 June 1898, where 'Dr Conan Doyle' is listed among those representing literature and journalism. The dinner was given to lend support to the United States in the Spanish-American War. Those present at the dinner expressed their delight for being, this time round, on America's side in her first major war since the Revolution. In his closing address, Pollock predicted there would in future be 'one fleet under two flags to keep the peace of the world' (report in the New York Times, 4 June 1898).
Dear Sir Frederick
I should very much like to be at the C but don't know how to get a ticket. Can you tell me?
Yours very truly
A. Conan Doyle.