Letter to Sir Walter Besant

This undated letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle from Claremont, Eastbourne, to Sir Walter Besant. Written on two pages of a bifolium.
My dear Besant
I could not refrain from writing the enclosed letter to the Chronicle about Cane's tactics which amount, I think, to a scandal. I share your dislike to public squabbles between men of letters but on the other hand we must find some way of preserving the honour of our profession. Things have come to a nice pass when "The Westminster Gazette" commenting on my letter says "Why should an author not advertise his own books in this way. Editorials and Interviews are cheaper than paid advertisements and an author would be a ninny if he did not take advantage of it." When things come to this it is about time for a rally if we are to preserve any discipline or etiquette atall. I hope that you share my feeling and that you do not disapprove of my letter.
- Yours very truly
- A Conan Doyle.