Letter to Stefansson about his work

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle probably on 16 april [year not mentioned] from Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex, to Mr. Stefansson.
My dear Stefansson
Your letters seem to catch your taste for travel. The last one came to me here viâ Australia. I am only just back and crave for rest. I had a good busy time and really did, I think, bring knowledge & comfort to a lot of people. How strange our tastes! You are working on reindeer and I on disembodied spirits & both are equally past of the great whole. I quite see the Imperial aspect of your work.
Goodbye & good luck, my dear friend. I have heaps of work all round me but could not do less than send you a line first.
- Yours always
- A. Conan Doyle.
No definite views yet about America. The Press & the hot pipes repel me.