Notecard about Pheneas Speaks (march 1927)

This notecard was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in march 1927 (two weeks before his book Pheneas Speaks was published).
It is written in the third person, though his handwriting is typical from his hand.
With Sir Arthur Arthur Conan Doyle's Compliments
A book which in some ways is unique is due to appear next week. It is called "Pheneas Speaks" and is a report by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle of the spiritual messages received through the mediumship of his wife in their domestic circle. Sir Arthur publishes it as a challenge to those who declare that no lofty thought or new teaching comes from such sources. It is understood that these messages are extracts from a mass of matter which has come through during five years, and that it represents not more than one third of the whole, for much that is too intimate has had to be excluded. It will be a non copyright book in order to receive extensive publicity, and is published at so low a price that piracy will not be very remunerative. Sir Arthur is himself the publisher at his Victoria Street Shop.
N.B. : This note is different from any other sent out.