Notecard about a pamphlet and an interview

This notecard was written by Arthur Conan Doyle from 15 Buckingham Palace Mansions (S.W.1), about a pamphlet and an interview.
Dear Sir,
I am despicably busy but I do what I can for you. You will get a pamphlet sent you with my views and I enclose a former interview (which I want back). Between them you can get what you want or throw it into conversational form.
You might care to point out that apart from Sherlock Holmes I have written the Brigadier Gerard stories, the Professor Challenger books, a long line of historical novels including The White Company and Rodney Stone, the histories of the Boer War and of the Great War, the standard History of Spiritualism, a book of poems, several successful dramas "The Speckled Band" and much else. Who rescued two men falsely condemned Oscar Slater and George Edalji. I get a little restive at being for ever coupled with Holmes.
Yours sincerely
A. Conan Doyle
- Photos courtesy © Evan Holzwasser collection.