Notecard to Mr Bartlett (28 october 1926)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This notecard was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 28 october 1926 from Bignell Wood, Minstead, Lyndhurst, Hants, to Mr. A. F. Bartlett, Euclid Building, St Petersburg, Florida, USA.


Dear Mr. Bartlett

I cut a line to say how achieved I was to get your letter today and to know that you are now the worse in body, mind or state from this calamity — which I fear is but the precursor of other more severe & more general ones.

Of course I agree with all you say. We must clearly call a halt until things readjust themselves.

I have told the manager to send you 100 copies of Psychic Science. The article & the pictures are excellent. Give our warm regards to Mr. Yargan. He is a tower of strength.

With all best wishes from my wife & myself.

Yours sincerely
A. Conan Doyle

Oct 28 [1926]

Good about Edison!