W. Hennessy Cook about refugees

This letter was written by W. Hennessy Cook, Secretary of the War Refugees Committee, on 3 september 1914 from the War Refugees Committee General Building, Aldwych, W.C. (UK), to Lady Conan Doyle.
September 3rd, 1914.
My Lady
The War Refugees Committee confirm their telephonic conversation of yesterday and endeavoured to speak to Lady Conan Doyle in town, but were unable to find her Office address. They, however, were able to telephone to her home and have fully explained the situation.
The Committee regret that through some misadventure the letter written by her Ladyship has not reached them, and although they have made a careful search through all their files no record can be found. The amount of correspondence arriving here is enormous, but the Committee do their best to cope with it, and they trust there is no omission on their part in acknowledging her Ladyship's letter.
The Committee had yesterday morning a visit from Miss Rawlinson who has given them full particulars of the offer to accommodate five women and 7 children, and they appreciate and thank Lady Conan Doyle for the generosity of this offer.
Unfortunately owing to the difficulty in making arrangements only a few Refugees have so far arrived here and the bulk are not expected this week. The Committee have no definite information yet from the Belgian Government when to expect them here, and no doubt there will be a little delay in the arrival. The Committee will, however, communicate with her Ladyship and give her due notice of their intention to accept her kind offer.
W. Hennessy Cook
- Secretary
Lady Conan Doyle
- Crowborough.....Sussex