Gallery of Sherlock Holmes performers
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Here is a gallery of many actors who played Sherlock Holmes on Cinema (ci), TV (tv), Radio (ra), Theatre (th) or Video Games (vg), sorted alphabetically. Click on names for more information on each actors.
This gallery only shows performers where we have a photo as Sherlock Holmes. For a complete list of performers, check here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Wolf Ackva (1955) tv
Hans Albers (1937) ci
Dominic Allen (2014-2015) th
Rob Arbogast (2013-2017) th
David Arquette (2015) th
John Astin (1965) tv
Jasmine Atkins-Smart (2015-2017) th
Vincent Aubert (2010) ci
Vladas Bagdonas (2016) th
Tom Baker (1982) tv
Chairman Barnes (2017) th
Larry Barrott (2017) th
John Barrymore (1922) ci
Ben Bater (2015) th
José Baviera (1947) ci
William Beaudoin (2015) th
Alain Beaufort (2013-2014) th
Rolf Becker (1974) tv
Brian Bedford (1989) tv
Harry Benham (1913) ci
Philip Benjamin (2014) th
Venkatesh Bharadwaj (2017) th
Owen Biggs (2018) th
Jeffrey Binder (2017) th
Carlyle Blackwell Sr. (1929) ci
Michael Blagdon (1976) th
Malcolm Boniface (2018) th
Ferdinand Bonn (1918) ci
Chris Boydell (2017) th
James Braginton (1914) ci
Hubertus Brandt (2018) th
Jonathan Brandt (2016) th
Dan Bray (2017) th
Kurt Brenkendorf (1919) ci
Jeremy Brett (1984-1994) tv th
Zachary Bridgett (2016) th
Nicholas Briggs (2012-2013) th
Clive Brook (1929-1932) ci ra
Christopher Brown (2017) th
Don Brown (2014) th
Nigel Bruce (1945) ra
Alasdair Buchan (2017) th
Eugen Burg (1915) ci
Chris Butel (2018) th
Michael Caine (1988) ci
Andrew Cameron (2018) th
Nasty Canasta (2017) th
Peter Capaldi (1994) tv
Ben Caplan (2022-2025) th
Tony Carpenter (2018) th
Henry Cavill (2020) ci
Youen Chene (2017) th
Daniel Clarkson (2014) th
John Cleese (1973-1977) tv
Jean Clément (1989) tv
Michael Coale (2017) th
Griffin Cole (2017) th
Rufus Collins (2018) th
Mark Colson (2018) th
Tom Conway (1946-1947) ra
Peter Cook (1978) ci
Rory Curnock Cook (2022) th
Michel Crémadès (2016-2018) th
Benedict Cumberbatch (2010-2014) tv
Peter Cushing (1959-1984) ci tv
David Danzig (2017) th
Michael Daviot (2019) th
James d'Arcy (2002) tv
Joaquim de Almeida (1999) ci
Ashley Deleona (2018) th
John DiDonna (2016-2017) th
Reece Dinsdale (1992) tv
Vernon Dobtcheff (2018) ci
Jean-Jacques Dorier (2014-2015) th
Floyd Dörr (2017) th
Kirk Douglas (1979) tv
Robert Downey Jr. (2009-2010) ci
Philippe Drecq (2016-2020) th
Geoffrey Edwards (1953) th
Chris Emmett (1979) tv
Rupert Everett (2004) tv
Alex Faber (2017) th
Douglas Fairbanks (1916) ci
Peter Farley (1991) vg
Julian Farrance (2017) th
Hugo Flink (1917-1918) ci
Gérard Foissotte (2014) th
Kristie Fontaine (2017) th
Francis Ford (1914) ci
Jacques François (1967) tv
Stephen Frankenfield (2017) th
Matt Frewer (2000-2002) tv
Joe Fria (2016) th
Martin Fric (1932) ci
Jonathan Frost (2017) th
Nando Gazzolo (1968) tv
Firmin Gémier (1907) th
Raymond Gérôme (1974) tv th
John Gielgud (1954-1955) ra
William Gillette (1916) th ci ra
John Goodrum (2014) th
Richard Gordon (1930-1933) ra
Andrew Gower (2013) tv
Stewart Granger (1972) tv
Richard E. Grant (1992) tv
Mark Greenstreet (1993) th
Tyler Grezaffi (2018) th
Braden Griffiths (2018) th
Vyacheslav Grishechkin (1994) tv
Niels Grønne (2017) th
Anders Gustavsson (2018) th
Bruno Güttner (1937) ci
Larry Hagman (1975) tv
E. T. Hall (1911) th
Kris Hambrick (2017) th
Gerald Harper (1979-1980) th
Julian Harries (1990-2017) th
Peter Harrold (2019) th
Louis Hector (1934-1937) tv ra
John Heffernan (2023) tv
Mike Henderson (2017) th
Guy Henry (1982) tv
Jeffery Hensel (2017) th
Charlton Heston (1991) tv th
Klaus Heydenbluth (2017) th
Anthony Higgins (1993) tv
William J. Hill (2016) th
Patrick Horgan (1975-1990) th tv
Ronald Howard (1954-1955) tv
Jeremy Irons (1991) tv
Sam Irving (2015-2018) th
Frank Jagodnik (2018) th
Victor Jeandidier (2017) th
Andrew Jenks (2017) th
Will Jessop (2016) th
Peter Jones as Sir Arthur Doyle (1968) tv
Charles Judels as Philo Holmes (1934) ci
Mariusz Kamiński (2015) ci
McKenna Kelly-Eiding (2018) th
Colm Kenny-Vaughan (2016) th
Asad Raza Khan (2018) th
Igor Khristenko (2009) th tv
Aleksei Kolgan (2005-1012) tv
Sylwester Kuper (2018) th
Otto Lagoni (1910) ci
Denis Lambert (2017) th
Peter Land (2014) th
Frank Langella (1981) tv th
Richard Large (2017) th
Viggo Larsen (1908-1910) ci
Stan Laurel (1944) ci
Peter Lawford (1982) tv
Jean-Marie Lecoq (2015-2018) th
Christopher Lee (1970-1992) ci tv
David Leonard (2016) th
David Leyshon (2018) th
H. Lawrence Leyton (1906) th
Harry Lister Smith (2018) short
Vasily Livanov (1979-1986) tv
Roger Llewellyn (1999-2014) th
Christopher Lloyd (1990) th
Jerry Lloyd (2018) th
Henry Lloyd-Hughes (2021) tv
Brad Loffswold (2016-2018) th ra
John Longden (1951) tv
A. P. Los (1913) th
John Patrick Lowrie (2005-2014) ra
Radovan Lukavský (1971) ci
Patrick Macnee (1991-1993) tv
Jason Maddy (2016) th
Robert Madge (2016) th
Holger Madsen (1908) ci
Meghan Magner (2017) th
Andreas Malits (2013-2014) th
Julian Manuel (2018) th
Howard Marion-Crawford (1948) ra
Ben Martineau as Sherlock Bungalow (2017) th
Julien Masdoua (2013-2014) th
Algimantas Masiulis (1979) tv
Raymond Massey (1931) ci
Maksim Matveyev (2020) tv
David Mayer (2018) th
Keith McConnell (1976) ci tv
Glenn McGivern (2017) th
Ian McKellen (2015) ci
Clive Merrison (1989-2010) ra
Keith Michell (1979) th
Jonny Lee Miller (2012-2013) tv
Olivier Minne (2013-2014) th
Vicenç Miralles (2018-2019) th
Michael Monagle (2016) th
Juan Manuel Montesinos (1992) ci
Gordon Moore (2017) th
Roger Moore (1976) tv
Iain Morris (2017) th
Chris Mortimer (2019) th
Euan Morton (2015) th
Alfred Müller (1992) tv
Will Naameh (2015-2017) th
Alan Napier (1949) tv
Alwin Neuss (1908-1915) ci
John Neville (1965) ci th
Jason Newman (2014-2016) th
Olga Nikulina (2019) th
Leonard Nimoy (1975) th tv
Bill Nixon (2017) th
Eille Norwood (1921-1923) ci
Caleb Nott (2018) th
Loren O'Dair (2015) th
Ilya Oleynikov (1995) tv
Roger Ostime (1983) tv
Stéphane Otero (2014-2015) th
Peter O'Toole (1983-1984) th tv
Reginald Owen (1931-1933) ci
Jimmy Pardinas (2017) th
Parker Smith (2016-2017) th
Ian Merrill Peakes (2018) th
Michael Pennington (1987-1993) tv ra
Nicolás Pérez Costa (2017) th
Igor Petrenko (2013) tv
Li Pingqian (1931) ci
Gary Piquer (2012) ci
Christopher Plummer (1977-1979) tv ci
Rostislav Plyatt (1957) ra
Robert Powell (1993 & 2018) th
Viktor Preiss (1992) tv
Jonathan Pryce (2007) tv
Nick Sandys Pullin (2016) th
James Race (2015) th
Chris Ranney (2018) th
Holger Rasmussen (1911) ci
Basil Rathbone (1939-1953) ci ra tv
Roger Rees (1988) ra
Robert Rendel (1936) tv
Ian Richardson (1983) ci
J. Richey Nash (2015 & 2017) th
Alan Rickman (1976) th
Jim Ringel (2017) th
Layne Roate (2018) th
Sam Robinson (1918) ci
Guy Rolfe (1984) ci
Paul Romero (2017) th
Nicholas Rowe (1985) tv
Richard Roxburgh (2002) tv
Ian Rubinstein (2018) th
Rakan Rushaidat (2016) th
Christopher Ryan (2024) th
H. A. Saintsbury (1916) th ci
James Scannell (2019) th
Erich Schellow (1967) tv
Nathan Schmidt (2018) th
Jackie Schram (2016) th
Antoine Sciacco (2015-2016) th
Julian Scordino (1985) th
George C. Scott as Justin Playfair (1972) ci
Patrick Seminor (2017) th
Jay Shaffstall (2017) th
Alan Slipp (2015) th
Michael Slusser (2018) th
Sam Steele (2017) th
Stephen Sparks (2017) th
Hermann Speelmans (1937) ci
Brent Spiner (1988) tv
Jeremy Stallings (2018) th
John Stanley (1947-1949) ra
Robert Stephens (1970) ci th
Landers Stevens (1919) th
Juris Strenga (1972) tv
Maria Sundbom (2019) th
Ben Syder (2010) tv
Kristof Szenasi (2012) ci
Yuko Takeuchi (2018) tv
Gordon Tanner (2015) th
Chris Taylor (2015) th
Jay Taylor (2017) th
Maurice Teynac (1958-1959) ra
Andrew Thacher (2016) th
Hugh Thompson (2017) th
Yannick Trapman-O'Brien (2018) th
Georges Tréville (1912) ci
James Tucker (2018) th
Alan Tudyk (2019) th
Nicolas Turon (2013-2015) th
Justin Tyler Lewis (2017) th
Roy Tyzack (2017) th
Rafael Untalan (2017) th
Alex Vanderpor (1994) ci
Jack Vaughan (2017) th
Gennady Verkhoglyad (2017) th
Stefan Veronca (2002) tv
Julien Vialon (2015) th
Hervé Villechaize (1979) tv
Nikolai Volkov Jr. (1971) tv
Petr Vršek (2017) th
Tim Walton (2013) th
Joshua Waters (2017) th
Edward Weeks (1999) th
David Whalen (2011-2016) th
Alan Wheatley (1951) tv ra
Geoffrey Whitehead (1979-1197) tv
Paxton Whitehead (1978-1997) th
Amy Whitrod Brown (2017) th
Nicol Williamson (1976) ci
Douglas Wilmer (1964-1975) tv ci
Joe Wilson (2019) th
Owen Wilson (2003) ci
Bernie Winters (1983) tv
Arthur Wontner (1930-1936) ci
Gregory Wooddell (2015) th
George Woods (1982) th
Edward Woodward (1990) tv
Einar Zangenberg (1908-1911) ci
Unknown actor
Unknown actor in Sherlock Holmes Baffled (1900) ci